
  • 网络lenz's law;Lenz’s law;lenz law
  1. 楞次定律投影演示器的制作和使用

    Facture and Application about Projection Demonstrator of Lenz 's Law

  2. 你们又多少人知道楞次定律?

    How many of you know Lenz 's law ?

  3. 漫谈楞次定律及右手定则的运用技巧

    On Lentz Law and Technigues of Application of the Right-hand principles

  4. 用能量守恒定律来理解楞次定律

    Use the energy Constant the laws to comprehend a laws

  5. 楞次定律实验验证&电磁炮

    The test of Lenz law experiments & electromagnetic gun

  6. 楞次定律是电磁学教学中的难点。

    The teaching of the Lenz 's law is a difficult point in electromagnetics teaching .

  7. 抓住本质拓宽楞次定律的表达形式

    Expansion Of Expression Of Lenz 's Law

  8. 针对这一问题讨论了楞次定律的教法。

    The pedagogy inquiry of the Lenz 's law is discussed in connection with this problem .

  9. 关于楞次定律的讨论

    Discussion on lenz 's law

  10. “引导探究”式教学法在“楞次定律”上的教学应用

    Teaching application that " guide and probe into " type teaching method affects in " lengtse law "

  11. 所以楞次定律说它会尽可能地,保持内部没有磁场。

    So Lenz 's law says it 's going to do whatever it can so that it retains no field inside .

  12. 针对传统的楞次定律演示装置的不足,改进了实验装置.引进后的装置利用声、光、电现象较直观地演示了楞次定律。

    The new demonstration instrument is designed to demonstrate Lenz law directly and comprehensively utilizing the phenomena of sound , light and electricity .

  13. 基于以上提出的高中电磁学规律教学行为设计策略,对电磁感应的产生条件和楞次定律的教学作了设计,并进行了教学实践。

    Based on the above strategies , we design the teaching program for Conditions of Electromagnetic Induction and Lenz Law and put them into practice .

  14. 从楞次定律、麦克斯韦方程组、坡印廷定理3个方面论述了能量守恒定律在电磁学中的体现。

    This paper discusses the reflection about the Law of Conservation of Energy in Electromagnetism from the aspects of Lenz 's Law , Maxwell Equations and Poynting Theorem .

  15. 应用新材料和新方法进行物理实验创新设计,为电磁感应和楞次定律的教学,增加一些新的实验内容。

    The application of new material and new method for physical experiment creating , provides some new experiments for the teaching of electromagnetic induction and Lenz 's Law , and increases some new experiments .

  16. 独特地采用分层隔离法,通过测量模拟铸锭内的温度分布,依据焦耳-楞次定律,计算了扁锭电磁铸造中感应电流密度分布、感应加热功率和速率;

    A specific layered isolating method has been used to measure the temperature and its gradient distribution of simulated ingot . Based on the results above , the induced current intensity distribution and the induced heating rate within the EMC slab has been calculated according to the Joul-Lenzs laws .