
ɡài niàn shì jiè
  • conceptual world
  1. 语言世界图景和概念世界图景:投射与映现

    Linguistic World Vision and Conceptual World Vision : Projecting and Mapping

  2. 它是一种认知机制,以自己的规则促成人们概念世界的构筑。

    It is a cognitive mechanism and helps to construct a conceptual world with its own principles .

  3. 通过分析多模态统一认知模型中空间数据组织与空间关系的推理转换,揭示从概念世界到GIS世界的认知转变机理。(3)空间认知服务聚合研究。

    By analyzing the multimode cognitive model of uniform spatial data conversion and spatial reasoning relations , the change mechanism from the concept world to the GIS world was revealed . ( 3 ) Polymerization of Spatial Cognition services .

  4. 提出的近海环境地物多模态统一认知模型,实现了空间数据组织与空间关系推理的统一,揭示了概念世界到GIS世界的认知转变机理。

    By proposing multimode surface features of offshore environment unified cognitive model , this research achieved the relationship between spatial data organization and reasoning of the unified space , and revealed the change mechanism from the concept world to the GIS world .

  5. 本文在研究前人对连贯不同定义的基础上,提出它是篇章作者和篇章读者在认知模式、经验世界和概念世界的一致性。

    Based on the previous achievements in defining coherence , coherence in the thesis refers to the correspondence of cognitive model , experiential and conceptual world between text producers and interpreters .

  6. 然而,法律的确定性带给人类生活的安定性之后,人们又把视角移向缤纷多彩的现实世界和高度抽象的概念世界之间的矛盾中去。

    However , in the wake of the stability brought forth by legal certainty , one is to be attracted by the contradiction between the colorful real life and the highly abstract conceptual world .

  7. 俄罗斯仍活在零和关系的概念世界,不仅因为它根据权力等级来看待国际关系,也因为它对国内政治也是如此看待。

    Russia still lives in a conceptual world of zero-sum relations , not only because it views international relations as based on a hierarchy of power , but because it has the same view of domestic politics .

  8. 近几年来,随着物联网概念在世界范围内的提出,射频识别(RFID)技术的发展与应用也成为该领域研发的重点与热门。

    As the concept of the Internet of Things came up around the world in recent years , the development and application of Radio Frequency Identification ( RFID ) technology has become the focus and popular of research and development .

  9. 我们用来概念化世界的知性机能

    the cognitive machinery with which we conceptualize the world ,

  10. 结果及结论:基本药物概念在世界范围内发挥了重要作用,但仍需要进一步推广。

    RESULT & CONCLUSION : Essential drugs concept plays an important role over the world , but further popularization is still needed .

  11. 认知语言学是研究建立在我们对世界的经验以及观察和概念化世界的方式基础之上的人类语言的一门新兴学科,是近年来国外语言学中的热点,其研究范围极其宽广。

    Cognitive linguistics is the study of language that is based on our experience of the world and the way we perceive and conceptualize it .

  12. 自1971年美国圣费南多地震爆发以后,结构延性抗震设计的概念在世界范围内广泛受到重视。

    The concept of anti-seismic design based on structure 's ductility has been worldwide accepted and paid much attention to since the San Femado seism in the United States in1971 .

  13. 其原因终在于一个事实,即是说空间语言可作为探求空间概念深处世界一个切入,而单纯观察人类的其它行为很难达此目的。

    The reason lies in the fact that spatial language can provide researchers with an access to the inner world of spatial concepts , which are difficult to investigate by mere observation of other human behaviors .

  14. 第一部分:导论,介绍了保险服务贸易的概念及世界保险服务贸易的发展概况、背景和趋势,指明了保险服务贸易在全球范围内的自由化将是必然的。

    The first part introduces the definition of insurance trade in services and the development circumstances , background and trends of world insurance trade in services , indicating that the insurance trade in services shall realize inevitable liberalization in the whole world .

  15. 我们如何用概念理解现实世界,如何互相沟通交流。

    how we conceptualize reality , how we relate to one another .

  16. 结果,不同文化环境里的语用者选择不同的概念隐喻对世界进行概念化和范畴化。

    Therefore , people from different cultural environments use different conceptual metaphors to categorize and conceptualize the world .

  17. 怀特海提出机体概念及其生态世界观能够解释这种事实并证明这种预设。

    Whitehead suggests that the concept of organism and its environment can explain these facts and prove the presupposition .

  18. 简要介绍了纳米材料的概念及其在世界各国的发展现状。

    The concept of the nano-materials and the current developments in all over the world were introduced briefly in this paper .

  19. 本文以世界政治为题,从基本概念入手对世界政治的形成、发展进行一种归纳式研究。

    Starting from the basic concepts , this paper makes an inductive research on the formation and development of world politics .

  20. 除了使用的语言概念化的世界中,我们使用它作为一种媒介,相处的社会。

    In addition to using language to conceptualize the world , we use it as a medium to get along in a community .

  21. 问:新的前进道路这一概念是今年世界防治结核病日的宣传重点,是吗?

    Q : This concept of a new way forward is the focus of this year 's World TB Day campaign , is it not ?

  22. 在新技术革命对全球社会经济生活产生全新影响之际,新经济的概念已在世界范围内广泛传播和使用。

    When new technological revolution influences the global social economy , the concept of " new economy " has been spreaded and used all over the world .

  23. 概念在现实世界中是否存在对应物并不构成真假问题,只构成实虚问题。

    Whether a concept in the real world has a corresponding referent does not constitute the question of truth or falsehood , but that of the real or unreal .

  24. 本文尝试提出较为完整的奥国文学概念,在世界文学与现代中国的双重背景下来理解奥国文学的意义。

    This paper tentatively puts forward a comparatively complete concept of Austrian literature to better understand the significance of Austrian literature against the background of both world literature and modern China .

  25. 假若你认为无用,请建议替代概念或思考世界的新方法,能更有助于思考社会变迁。

    If you do not find the term useful , suggest an alternate concept or way of thinking about the world that you find more helpful in thinking about social change .

  26. 为什么进步这个概念在现代世界显得如此突出?无疑是因为有一种特殊的进步实际上正在我们周围发生,而且变得越来越明显。

    Why does the idea of progress loom so large in the modern world Surely progress of a particular kind is actually taking place around us and is becoming more and more manifest .

  27. 晚近又有学者提出了跨国公共政策的概念,或世界公共政策,范围更窄,带国际统一性。

    Recently writers put forward the conception of transnational public policy or world public policy , which is narrower in application than domestic and international public order , is identical in international level .

  28. 自1986年国际原子能机构首次使用安全文化概念以来,世界有核国家均广泛采用,并加以推广。

    The nuclear safety culture is used increasingly and developed by countries that have nu-clear plants all over the world , since the term " safety culture " was first introduced by IAEA in1986 .

  29. 媒体资产管理的概念已在世界范围内广泛提出,广电行业构建节目平台的脚步已经迈开,媒体资产管理系统是节目平台的基础。

    The ideas of Media Asset Management have widely advanced all over the world and the step of constructing program platform roofs have also undrawed . Media Asset Management System is the base of program platform .

  30. 国际文化理论的出现改变了人们过去以国际体系、权力制衡、经济利益等概念来看待世界的习惯,而辅之以文化背景和地理环境的因素。

    People usually regard the word with conceptions as international system , power balance and economic interests . The appearance of international culture theory changes that , and renews the factors with cultural backgrounds and geographic circumstances .