
  • 网络Concept Expansion;concept extension
  1. 论文在现有的基于Rough集理论的缺省规则挖掘算法的基础上,将单属性信息增益概念扩充为多属性的情况,提出了基于信息增益的缺省规则的搜索策略和挖掘方法。

    In this paper , the concept of multi-attribute information gain is introduced , then algorithms for mining default rules based on Rough set and information gain are proposed and applied to mine the default rule from the decision table .

  2. 基于概念扩充和综合评价的文本综述

    Multi-document Automatic Summarization Based on Concept Expansion and Integration Evaluation

  3. 首先确定焦点类型和答案类型,对于不同类型的焦点实行分级概念扩充;

    It determinates the question focuses and the answer classes , and it makes a different conceptual expansion to a different question focus .

  4. 本文将相关系数的概念扩充到机器人目标识别中,建立了机器人目标识别的相似性系数数学模型。

    This paper extends the conceptions of relevant coefficients into the robots ' target recognition and establishes the similarity coefficient mathematic models of robot target recognition .

  5. 其基本思想是:对于文本特征向量进行概念扩充,减少特征项之间的相关性,增强特征项的表现能力。

    It applies the concept and association expansion to text fea-ture vectors in order to reduce the relevant degree of terms and enhance the ability to represent the text theme .

  6. 同时,针对匹配过程中存在的多义词和同义词现象,引入同义词概念扩充和关联词语扩充。

    At the same time , for the polysemy or synonym phenomenon in the matching process , synonym concept expansion and related terms expansion are introduced in this paper . 5 .

  7. 中国轿车驾驶员P95加速、离合及制动足椭圆及其测量、生成、定位和应用,是汽车和人机工程学新概念,扩充了SAE汽车设计工具图形的概念。

    The measurement , generation , applications and location of the 95 % ile accelerator , clutch and brake foot-ellipses originated with authors for Chinese car drivers , which are new in the fields of ergonomics and automotive engineering .

  8. 子带编码在语音编码中应用的非常普遍,而将它用于图像编码是对子带编码这一概念的扩充。

    The subband coding of image extends from this kind of concept .

  9. 决策权的概念常常扩充为决策机制。

    Often the decision-rights concept is augmented with decision mechanisms .

  10. 这就需要我们从整体和面向市场的角度对这个概念进行扩充。

    It needs to be enlarged by a holistic , more market oriented view .

  11. 最后概括出人体系统的虚位移概念和扩充以及人体系统的理想约束。

    Secondly , the generalized coordinate , generalized speed and generalized acceleration of human body system were introduced .

  12. 基于概念和关联扩充的文本标题分类机制

    Mechanism for Title Classification Based on Conceptual and Associated Expansion

  13. 以后当这些定律在一般情况下加以叙述时,这概念将加以扩充。

    This idea will be enlarged upon later when these laws are stated for the general case .

  14. 在序列模式挖掘过程中,将传统的序列模式挖掘概念进行了扩充,对应到单一用户的序列模式上;

    During mining sequential patterns , the traditional Concept of sequential patterns mining is extended to correspond to sequential patterns of single user ;

  15. 此外,对事件、报道、后续报道等相关概念进行了扩充。

    In addition , we complement some interrelated concepts , such as event , story , sequential story and so on . 2 .

  16. 随着人类社会经济文化的发展,概念会不断扩充与抽象化,于是赋予旧词以新义,继而产生了多义现象。

    With the development of society , economy and culture , the concept may continuously extend , entrusting an old word with new meanings and hence polysemy .

  17. 与此同时在管理思维上,也不断更新,先后融入了如供应商管理、外包合同管理等概念,进一步扩充的其核心内涵。

    At the same time in management thinking , there are also continuously updated , has incorporated such as supplier management , outsourcing contract management concepts , to further expand its core content .

  18. 凭借这种视角上的创新,埃利希将法律的概念进行了扩充,他反对实用主义法律观,认为法律是行为规范而非裁判规范。

    In light of this creation on the perspective , he makes an expansion for law while he opposes over the view of legal pragmatism that he consider the law as the active rules but not the judicial rules .

  19. 在实验中,选择抽水蓄能领域资源简单地实现了该模型,向用户提供基于抽水蓄能本体的概念查询和语义扩充查询、语义缩小查询三种查询途径。

    In our experiment , Pumped Storage Power ( PSP ) domain is chosen to realize the model simply , in which concept query , expanded semantic query and reduced semantic query are provided based on PSP ontology .

  20. 本文基于对波普三个世界理论的理解以及对康德哲学作品的联想,提出并解释了建筑场概念,同时尝试着用该概念来扩充对康德哲学思想的阐释。

    This articles based on the three world theory and the legend of Kant 's philosophy works , then present and explain the concept of architecture field , while using it try to explain Kant 's philosophy .

  21. 无限在概念的形成过程中引起了概念的扩展和概念内涵的扩充。

    Infinite has caused the concept expansion and the concept connotation expansion in the concept forming process .

  22. 结果表明,该方法可以定量地分析概念、特性之间的相似度,并可以指导基于领域知识本体的语义查询中的概念集扩充和查询结果排序。

    The result proves that the proposed method can be used to quantitatively analyze the semantic similarity of concepts and properties , and can also help to extend the query concept sets and rate the query results in domain ontology-based semantic query systems .