
ɡài niàn fǎ xué
  • conceptualist jurisprudence;conceptualist science of law
  1. 在我国法治现代化的进程中概念法学受到了法律学人的质疑和批判。

    Concept law is doubted and criticized by scholars of law during legal modernization .

  2. 自由法学派和法社会学派在批判概念法学过于机械、僵化的基础上引入了社会学解释方法。

    Free law school introduced the sociological explanation . on the basis of criticizing the traditional begriffs jurisprudence .

  3. 面对法律权威、法律信仰尚待确立的中国法治现状,认真对待概念法学是法律学人较为理想的选择。

    Taking concept law seriously is a good way for current lawyers when China still lacks the legal authority .

  4. 由于传统的概念法学适用和解释法律过于机械,逐渐暴露出其弊端。

    Because it was too mechanical in applying and interpreting the law , the traditional begriffs jurisprudence gradually revealed its drawbacks .

  5. 选择主义虽然满足了概念法学的逻辑偏好,却牺牲了法律的正义诉求,从其诞生之初即饱受批判,被称为解除陷阱。

    Although The Creed of Selection satisfies the logical lean on the definition law doctrine , it sacrifices justice of law .

  6. 利益法学和利益衡量理论为克服概念法学的僵化做出了贡献。

    The jurisprudence of interests and interests balancing contribute a lot to get rid of the rigidification of the begriffs jurisprudence .

  7. 概念法学、利益法学对法律方法的价值判断都存在片面性的认识。

    The juridical concept of " marriage " as the subject of marriage law amendment and marriage jurisprudence should be clearly defined .

  8. 法哲学视角下法律因果关系之检讨&从休谟的因果关系怀疑论与概念法学的对立说起

    Analyze the Legal Causation from the Perspective of Philosophy of Law & From the Opposition between Hume 's Skepticism and the Concept Law

  9. 赫克指出,利益法学具有科学性,是重要的法学思维方法,应由利益法学替代概念法学。

    Hock pointed out that the jurisprudence of interest was scientific in that it is an important way of legal thinking , as a substitute for conceptual law .

  10. 从概念法学的角度解构法学上所有者权益的内涵和外延对正确认识物权法草案的立法用意和国企改革大有裨益。

    Constructing the concept of owner rights and interests in law intension has great advantage to know the correct legislative purpose Property Law Draft and state-owned enterprise reform .

  11. 但是,到分析实证主义因果关系观点时,对因果关系的认识深度已经不是概念法学所能及的。

    However , when forming the view of the causation of the analysis of positivism , the depth of knowledge of the causation cannot be reached by the concept of law .

  12. 船舶优先权制度的产生、发展和演变过程,体现出了概念法学与现实主义法学的冲突和整合。

    The origin , development and the historical evolution of the legal system on Maritime Liens , reflects the conflict and the integration between the Conceptual Legal Dogmatics and the Legal Realism .

  13. 而在对概念法学进行辩护时,我们发现,法律概念所拥有的价值储藏及意义演进功能,竟然成为法治框架内合法性与妥当性冲突的根源。

    When we are trying to defend the concept law theory , we have found that the different understandings of legal concepts have been the sources of the conflict be-tween legality and justice .

  14. 而在阐释德意志民族精神的来源上,该学派内部出现了罗马法学派和日耳曼法学派的分歧,并形成了后来的概念法学和目的法学。

    Later in the source of the national spirit , there appears School of Romanist and the School of Germanic . Then they form the Concept of Law and the Object of Law .

  15. 为克服概念法学法概念与其所蕴藏的法律价值法律原则相背离之弊,还法律这个评价性事物的本来面目,需引入以价值导向为基础的类型化思考。

    In order to avoid the contradictions between the legal concepts of conceptualist jurisprudence and legal principles of legal value , reappear original appearance of law , the typological thinking basing on the value orientation should be introduced .

  16. 总体来看,面对立法的真空和匮乏,司法实践中已经出现了冲破概念法学束缚的突破性裁判,并且得到了理论界的积极肯定。

    Overall , in the face of the vacuum and lack of legislation , judicial practice has made a breakthrough referee to break through the shackles of the concept of Law , and has received positive affirmation of the theoretical circles .

  17. 文章第一部分首先从概念法学的角度对公共秩序和善良风俗的概念的进行了区分,实际上也就认同了公序良俗原则包括对国家利益的维护和对社会普世价值观的保护两部分。

    It means that agreeing with the opinion that the public order and good morals principles include the maintenance of national interests and universal values of social protection in two parts . This article is different from the general point of view .

  18. 法经济学方法具有学科的交叉性并使用实证分析,因此能够突破单一的法律视野、打破概念法学的逻辑自足体系,从经济效率角度探讨监管的有效性,更具有科学性。

    The law-economics method means the intersection of different study , and it use the positive ways , therefore it can overcome the limit of single legal view , break thought the logical circle of conceptualist jurisprudence , and make a scientific research .

  19. 对于行政征收的概念行政法学界尚未统一,具体有两种,这两种定义的主要区别在于行政征用与行政征收的关系上。

    There is no unified definition about administration collection in the academic circle .

  20. 交易概念的法学与经济学比较

    Comparison of the Conception of " Transaction " in Law with That in Economics

  21. 会计负债概念之法学完善

    Juristic Improve on the Accounting Liability Concept

  22. 资产概念之法学研究

    Juristic Analysis of the Accounting Assets Concept

  23. 费用概念之法学分析

    Juristic Analysis of the Expenses Concept

  24. 我们已经表明,关于法律的这个概念在法学实践中有多么重要。

    We have suggested how central the concept of the law is to the practice of jurisprudence .

  25. 在分析过程中,还对环境容量这一概念在法学分析中的误解进行了澄清。

    In the process of analysis , this paper clarifies the misunderstanding of environmental capacity in legal analysis .

  26. 习惯法/民间法研究范式的批判性理解&兼论社会控制概念在法学研究中的运用可能

    Critical Cognition of the Research Paradigm of Customary Law / Folk Law : Concurrently on the Possibility of Applying the Social-control Concept in Jurisprudence Research

  27. 尽管权威概念在法学和政治哲学领域备受争议,但是他们均不否认权威与权力之间具有紧密的联系。

    Though the concept of authority are controversial in the field of the logical and political philosophy , they do not deny that the authority and power are closely linked .

  28. 首先,分析了期货交易的经济学概念和法学概念,并简要叙述了期货交易的民事的、行政的、刑事的三大法律规制及其关系。

    The first chapter is an analysis of the economics and legal concept of futures trading and a narrative of civil , administrative and criminal regulation , their inter-relationship as well .

  29. 第一部分,财产权概念的宪法学解读。

    Part one : The constitutional interpretation to the concept of property right .

  30. 援用抗辩权是民法学上的一个概念,票据法学则没有确立这种制度。

    The counterargument right of adduction is a nation of the science of civil law , but this kind of system not established in the science of negotiable instruments law .