
ɡài lǜ xiànɡ liànɡ
  • probability vector
  1. 拱坝开裂轨迹的概率向量及其分析的随机有限元法

    Probability vector of cracking trajectories of arch dam and stochastic finite element method

  2. 该算法利用对概率向量的操作实现群体的进化,来提高算法性能。

    It improves the performance through operating on the probability vector which helps the group evolve .

  3. 利用Web日志,通过网页编码和会话抽取计算页面相关度矩阵;通过聚类分析,得到了各类用户访问各网页的概率向量;

    By assigning each webpage a unique number , extracting session from Web log , calculating webpage similarity matrix , and getting user access probability vectors through clustering analysis , the web mining model could then be obtained by using the webpage similarity matrix to modify the probability vectors .

  4. 虽然CGA能够快速、简单的解决一些优化问题,但是由于其概率向量中基因的独立性,使得它在进化计算中会丢失基因之间的关联信息,从而可能无法解决如欺骗函数等复杂、困难问题。

    Though CGA can " quickly and simply " solve some optimal problems , the operation of each gene is independent , which may lose linkage information , thus not being able to solve such difficult and complex problems as deceptive fuction .

  5. 利用网页相关度矩阵修正概率向量,得到了反映网页相关性和用户特征聚类的挖掘模型。

    The mining result was an integration of page similarity and user clustering profiles .

  6. 利用矩阵几何解的方法,导出了系统稳态概率向量的明显表达式。

    By using the matrix geometric solution method , we derive the explicit expressions for steady-state probability vector .

  7. 采用分块矩阵的方法,求出了系统的稳态概率向量的简洁直观的计算公式。

    The method of blocking matrix is used to derive the obvious iterative formula of the steady-state probability vectors .

  8. IPBIL-MPV算法利用多个概率向量来扑捉不同的搜索方向,使得算法的一次执行能够找到多个不同的目标解。

    The key idea is to utilize multiple probability vectors to catch different search directions and thus find more than one solutions .

  9. 通过拟生灭过程的方法求出了系统稳态平衡条件和稳态概率向量的矩阵几何解,并给出了系统的一些性能指标和数值结果。

    Using the quasi-birth-and-death process method , we derive the equilibrium condition of the system and the matrix-geometric solution of the steady-state probability vectors .

  10. 文章采用分块矩阵的方法,给出了系统的稳态概率向量的迭代公式,并得到了系统排队指标和可靠性指标的计算公式,在此基础上,对系统进行了数值分析。

    The method of blocked matrix is used to derive the iterative formula of the steady-state probability . Then some numerical analysis is carried out .

  11. 提出概率向量与概率矩阵的概念,并对概率向量和概率矩阵的性质进行了讨论。

    In this paper , we have brought forward the concept of probability vector and probability matrix , and discussed property of probability vector and probability matrix .

  12. 该方法从地形匹配的物理模型出发,定义了描述局部地形独特性的一个概率向量,在此基础上,给出了地形独特性的熵度量方法。

    The approach , based on the physical model of terrain contour matching , defines a probability vector to describe the local terrain uniqueness and thus provides a way to measure terrain uniqueness via entropy .

  13. 利用拟生灭过程的方法,得到了率阵和边界概率向量的明显表达式,还推导出系统队长和服务员状态的联合分布。

    By using the quasi-birth-and-death process method , we obtain the explicit expression of the rate matrix and the boundary probability vectors , and derive the joint distribution of queue length and the state of servers .

  14. 在机组状态估计模型中,机组状态用状态概率向量表示,通过一步转移概率把相邻状态概率向量联系在一起,并用步伐因子考虑机组所带负荷对转移概率的影响。

    In the model , generator set state is described as state probability vector , and is associated with two abutting state probability by one-step transfer probability . The effect of generator load on transfer probability is considered by step factor .

  15. 第二种方法是在蛋白质特征序列的基础上,构建了特征向量并利用概率向量之间的巴氏距离分析了物种间的进化关系,是对已有进化树构建方法的一种有效补充。

    In the second approach , based on the protein fea-ture sequences , we constructed the characteristic vectors and revealed the evolutionary relation-ship by using the Bhattacharyya distance . Therefore , our method may be used to complement phylogenetic analysis . 4 .

  16. 基于概率支持向量机方法的人脸识别

    Face Recognition Based on the Probability Outputs of Multi-class Support Vector Machines

  17. 基于后验概率的支持向量机在故障诊断中的应用

    Application of SVM Based on Posterior Probability in Fault Diagnosis

  18. 利用概率分析和向量马尔科夫过程方法,求得了系统的可靠性指标并研究了最优诊断策略。

    By using probability analysis and the method of vector Markov process , reliability indexes are obtained , the optimal diagnostic policies are studied .

  19. 同时,应用概率模型和向量空间模型设计了两种过滤器算法,结合这两种算法的优点,构造了一个高性能的网页过滤器。

    At the same time , this thesis proposes two filtering algorithms using Probability Model and Vector Space Model , thus constructing an effective web page filter based on the advantages of these two algorithms .

  20. 通信网络连通概率的一种向量算法

    A Vector Algorithm for the Connected Probability of Communication Network

  21. 文章论述了布尔逻辑检索模型、概率检索模型及向量空间检索模型的原理,比较了三者的优缺点,分析了三种检索模型在理论上的相融之处,进而预测了未来检索模型的发展趋势。

    The paper discusses Boolean retrieval model , probability retrieval model and vector retrieval model , analyses their advantages and disadvantages , points out that the three retrieval model are integrated . In the end , it predicts the retrieval model in the future .

  22. 该方法将概率应用到支持向量机中去,使得支持向量机的分类结果具有概率特性,不仅能得到样本所属的类,而且还能得到属于该类的概率。

    This method applies probability into SVM , make SVM classification results with the probability characteristic , so that we can not only obtain the class that the sample belongs to , but also obtain the probability that the sample belongs to the class .

  23. 结果表明:该算法即使用于非最小相位系统仍然具有全局收敛特性,即以概率1输入输出向量采样均方有界,广义跟踪误差向量条件采样均方极小。

    It is shown that this algorithm has global convergence properties , i.e. , with probability one , the system input vector and output vector are sample mean square bounded and the conditional mean square generalized tracking error vector achieves its global minimum possible value .

  24. 作为应用,给出概率迭代函数系统中当概率向量不是常向量时的一个遍历定理。

    As an application , an ergodic theorem for iterated function systems with probabilities is also derived , where the probability vectors are not constant .

  25. 破坏轨迹的条件概率的集合即为拱坝破坏轨迹的概率向量。

    The assembly of the conditional probability of the cracking trajectory is the probability vector of the cracking trajectory .

  26. 文中用概率链的方法即用概率转移矩阵及概率向量来预测机组未来状况。

    The future case of units ' operation could be predicted with probability transfer matrix and probability vector .

  27. 结合了SVM分类器与概率建模的优点,提出了一种基于概率支持向量机方法的人脸识别方法。

    Face recognition based on the probability outputs of multi-class SVMs is proposed combining the advantages both SVM and probability modeling .

  28. 使用LDA建模,获得文本与隐含类别之间的概率分布矩阵,以此将文本来表示成概率分布的向量空间模型。

    And the probability distribution matrix is used as a vector space to present the texts .

  29. 采用马尔科夫过程理论,建立了在役抗震结构最优维修策略的数学模型,分别确定了在不同维修策略下的状态转移概率矩阵和报酬矩阵,并计算结构的极限状态转移概率向量和期望总花费。

    A mathematical model of optimal maintenance strategy based on Markov process for aseismic structure is built . State transition probability matrix and reward matrix are determined according to the different maintenance strategies , then structure limiting state transition probability vector and expected total cost are calculated .

  30. 提出了一种基于概率模型的遗传算法,它没有采用选择和交叉算子,而是利用对基于统计信息的概率向量的操作来实现选择和交叉算子的功能。

    A genetic algorithm based on the probability model-PGA is proposed . Instead of selection and crossover operators , the probability vector based on statistic information is used to guide evolution .