
  • 网络conceptual system;conceptions;concept system
  1. Lakoff(1993)在theContemporaryTheoryofMetaphor一文中提出,我们赖以进行思考和行动的日常概念系统,本质上是隐喻性的。

    In the paper The Contemporary Theory of Metaphor , Lakoff ( 1993 ) put forward the idea that the everyday conceptual system we rely on to think and act is metaphorical in nature .

  2. 近年来随着隐喻研究的认知转向,Lakoff和Johnson(1980)等明确提出隐喻是人类用来组织其概念系统不可缺少的工具。

    Recently with the cognitive shift of the research on metaphor , Lakoff and Johnson ( 1980 ) claim that metaphor is an indispensable tool people use to construct their conceptual system .

  3. 全光光孤子WDM到OTDM转换的概念系统

    Conceptual Transmultiplexer of All Optical Soliton WDM to OTDM

  4. Lakoff与Johnson主张隐喻是人类概念系统的固有特性,它使人能够运用来源域里的知识结构来彰显目标域里的知识结构。

    Lakoff and Johnson assert that metaphor is a natural feature of our concept system and makes it possible for us to use the knowledge frame of a source domain to highlight that of the target domain .

  5. 另外,在此基础上,作者还提出了一个二语学习者概念系统框架。

    Then , a working conceptual system framework is put forward .

  6. 中学生物质的量概念系统认知发展研究

    The Research on Middle School Students ' Cognitive Development of Molar System

  7. 第二章:研究的概念系统和理论依掘。

    Chapter II : The concept and theoretical basis .

  8. 其次,是有关隐喻概念系统的普遍性和相对性的问题。

    Secondly , the universality and relativity of metaphorical system should be also discussed .

  9. 模糊概念系统及其语义表示

    Fuzzy concept system and its semantic expression

  10. 所以从这个角度来讲,我们日常生活的许多概念系统本质上都是隐喻的。

    From this perspective , the conceptual system is essentially metaphorical in our daily life .

  11. 该学说认为人的身体的、认知的及社会的体验是形成概念系统及语言系统的基础。

    It claims that human physical , cognitive and social embodiment ground our conceptual and linguistic systems .

  12. 莫兰的元观点认为,任何一个概念系统必然包含一些只能在系统之外给予回答的问题,因此,要认识一个系统就必须参照一个元系统。

    Morin point that every concept system must include some questions what only be answered beyond the system .

  13. 先行具有是指先行具有的文化习惯,先行看见是指先行拥有的概念系统,先行设定是先行具有的假设。

    Fore-having refers to the pre-occupied cultural habits , fore-sight the pre-occupied conceptual system and fore-conception the pre-occupied assumption .

  14. 隐喻是人类概念系统的基础,是人类认识世界的工具。

    Metaphors are the bases of the human conceptual system and the tools for people to learn the world .

  15. 研究者认为,在进行这种复杂的认知活动时,读者常常要转换到母语,运用母语的概念系统进行思维。

    Researchers maintain that readers will often switch to their L1 and utilize its concepts to help their L2 comprehension .

  16. 坚持不可分解性观点的语言学家认为习语独立于人类的概念系统之外,其本质是语言性的。

    Linguists who hold this view say that idioms are independent of human conceptual system and they are linguistic in nature .

  17. 我们的概念系统,也就是我们思维和行动的概念系统从本质上讲是隐喻性的。

    Our ordinary conceptual system , in terms of which we both think and act , is fundamentally metaphorical in nature .

  18. 莱考夫根据隐喻的概念系统,把隐喻分为结构隐喻、方位(空间)隐喻、本体隐喻三类。

    According to their different cognitive patterns , Lakoff classified metaphors into three kinds : structural metaphor , spatial metaphor , ontological metaphor .

  19. 为此,研究并构建城市智能化步行商业街的概念系统,为城市步行商业街的整体系统设计以及商业开发提供参考和新的研究思路。

    And , it can provide a reference and new research idea for the integer system designing of urban ambulation street of commerce .

  20. 但文化语言差异对隐喻概念系统的影响程度还有待进一步的探究。

    However , to what degree language differences affect the conceptual system of metaphors is not known to us , which needs exploring further .

  21. 莱考夫认为,隐喻普遍存在于我们的日常生活中,是我们赖以思维和行动的概念系统。

    Lakoff thinks metaphor , which is pervasive in our daily life , is the conceptual system of thought and action we live by .

  22. 英、汉语中的隐喻概念系统存在着共性吗?现代语言学的一个重要课题就是对语言普遍性的研究。

    Do language universals of conceptual system exist in both English and Chinese ? Language universals is now a major concern in modern linguistics .

  23. 并且人的全部概念系统都是基于人的感知和运动系统。

    Not only spatial grams , but also the whole conceptual system is grounded in and is crucially shaped by our perceptual and motor systems .

  24. 隐喻是构建概念系统的有效工具,为人们理解抽象的经济语篇提供了简洁、形象和生动的思维方式。

    Metaphor is an effective tool of constructing conceptual systems , which provides a vivid concise way for our understanding of the abstract concepts of economy .

  25. 这样,将生态的概念系统地引申到金融领域,恰当定义金融生态、分析金融生态环境,能更好化解金融风险。

    Thus , a systematic introduction of ecological concept to the financial domain and a proper definition and analysis of financial ecology will help avoid financial risks .

  26. 然而,不同的语言、文化究竟在多大程度上表现出隐喻概念系统的异和同,却是亟待通过扎扎实实的对比研究来回答的问题。

    However , the degrees of the differences and the similarities between different languages and cultures are such questions that are urgent to be worth answering by contrastive studies .

  27. 但是两者的数量有限,不足以构建我们赖以生存的概念系统,而结构隐喻解决了这一问题。

    However , their number is limited and not enough to build the conceptual system we depend on for survival . Nevertheless , the structural metaphor can solve the problem .

  28. 由此在人脑里建立起来的概念系统是一个多层次、多支脉的庞大而复杂的金字塔式的结构系统。这个系统应当是人类思维的基础,也应当是逻辑理论的基础。

    The conceptual system reflected into brains is a multi-level and multi-branch profound and complicated pyramid structural system , which is the foundation of human being thinking and logic theory .

  29. 语法隐喻广泛存在于科技语篇中,具有组织概念系统、重构经验、衔接和展开语篇等功能。

    Grammatical metaphor is an indispensable part of language for science and it plays an important part in organizing conceptual systems , reshaping human experience and the framing of discourses .

  30. 隐喻是人类概念系统中源域到目标域的映射;隐喻表达是源域到目标域映射的表层表现。

    Metaphor is defined as cross-domain mapping from the source domain to the target domain in human conceptual system . Metaphorical expressions are the surface realization of such a cross-domain mapping .