
  • 网络scientific history;historiography of science
  1. 而当今后现代主义对以科学史学和国家历史为典范的现代职业历史学的巨大挑战,极有可能为又一次重大的史学转折点铺下基石。

    Nowadays , the great challenge put forward by the postmodernism to the modern history profession with the paradigm of scientific history and national history is probably laying a foundation for another major turning point on historiography .

  2. 新史学以进化论为指导思想,强调把历史学与科学结合在一起,提出建立探寻公理、公例的科学史学的观念。

    The theory of evolution being its guiding ideology , the civilian history emphasized the combination of history and science , and proposed the establishment of scientific history study .

  3. 浅说美国的社会科学史学

    A tentative study of American sociological history Aesthetics of Science of History

  4. 科学史学史述略

    A brief history of the history of Science

  5. 科学史学与科学哲学互动的本土化探索&从方以智的科学史治学特点说起

    Localization Investigation between Philosophy of Science and Scientific Historiography & Mention from Academic Pursuits of Fang Yi Zhi

  6. 论文详细地论述了中国科学史学史与包括中国科学史、中国史学史在内的历史学科,中国哲学与科学哲学,以及科学社会学等学科的关系,突出其研究的学术价值。

    Thesis discusses in detail the relationship between Chinese historiography of science and other disciplines , and highlights the academic value of its research .

  7. 中国科学史学史以科学史学为研究对象,其主要任务是探寻中国科学史学的发生、发展及其演变的规律,揭示它的未来发展方向。

    The history of Chinese historiography of science takes scientific historiography as the research object , which main task is to explore the law of development and the evolution with historiography of Chinese science .

  8. 本文把科学史学史分为科学史前史、科学史学科的确立以及当代科学史的发展三个阶段,概述了不同时期科学史研究的特点和状况。

    In this paper , a brief history of the history of science , Which is divided into three periods & that of the prehistory , of the establishment and the present development , is given .

  9. 在对国外科史学发展历程与国外中国科学史学状况进行必要梳理的前提下,探讨它们对中国科学史学发展的价值和意义,并讨论了全球化背景下中国科学史学的发展问题。

    It organizes the course of development of foreign scientific historiography and the situation of Chinese historiography of science overseas , explores its value and significance to domestic research , and discusses its development issues under the background of Globalization .

  10. 拉卡托斯科学编史学研究纲领与认识论解释学

    Lakatos ' Research Programs of the Historiography of Science and Epistemological Hermeneutics

  11. 西方科学化史学流派无不以复杂的具体历史问题作为其科学化的对象。

    European scientific historiography all genres in complex specific historical problems as its scientific object .

  12. 尤其是它提倡把自然科学引入史学的观点促进了史学科学化的进程。

    Especially by introducing natural science into historiography , Chinese positivist historiography promoted the scientific process of historiography .

  13. 科学编史学研究的重要内容之一是对科学史研究方法的探讨。

    One of the important objects of historiography of science is to discuss the methodology of history of science .

  14. 本文的研究领域是科学编史学,既涉及到科学又涉及到历史。

    The subject of this dissertation is the historiography of science , and its terrain relates to both science and history .

  15. 这在研究成果上表现为西方科学化史学诸流派都有研究出一个具体公式就能解决掉一个具体问题的目标。

    In the research results on expression is the genre has scientific history research a specific formula could be rid of a specific target .

  16. 使实证主义史学成为20世纪20年代中国史界较具影响的史学流派之一,促进了中国传统史学向近代科学的史学迈进的历程。

    Thus , Positivist Historiography became one of the influential history schools and this promotes the transform of Chinese traditional historiography to scientific historiography .

  17. 因此,科学编史学就逐步由隐学变为显学,而且其发展势头很强。

    Therefore , the Historiography of Science gradually becomes from invisible subject to visible subject and keeps a strong develop trend at the same time .

  18. 从其早期论文中所表述的科学编史学思想,到他后来日渐成熟的建构主义编史学思想,都有学者从不同侧面给予研究或评价。

    Many scholars have studied and commented his idea of the historiography of science , form the early opinion of anti & Whiggism to the later stage idea of constructivist historiography .

  19. 必须允许其它科学的史学思想存在,使二者互相借鉴、竞相发展;

    We must permit other scientific historical thoughts to exist and make the two use the advantage of each other for reference , so that both of them can develop competitively ;

  20. 文章分析了拉卡托斯科学编史学思想的三大特点,总结了他人对拉卡托斯科学编史学观点的批评与相关修正,并指出拉卡托斯的科学编史学思想对于科学编史学的实践所具有的现实意义。

    The paper analyses the three characteristics of Lakatos ' historiography thought of science , summarizes the related criticisms and modification , and presents its realistic significance on practice of historiography of science .

  21. 把认识论解释学与拉卡托斯科学编史学研究纲领之间的内在关联进行对比分析,有助于进一步加深对这两种理论特别是对后者的理解。

    The paper attempts to contrast and analyze the internal links between epistemological hermeneutics and Lakatos ' Research Programs of the historiography of science in three aspects for a better understanding of the two theories , especially the latter one .

  22. 其次,科学编史学涉及科学哲学、科学社会学、史学理论等众多学科,其复杂性和综合性是我以前未曾面对的。

    Secondly , the historiography of science is related to many courses such as the philosophy of science , the sociology of science , the theory of history and so on , and I have not confronted a realm so complicated and comprehensive in the past .

  23. 在这种情况下,积极借鉴社会学、文化人类学的理论,建立科学的文化史学观,探索有效的比较研究方法是解决该问题的一条有益途径。

    In order to solve this problem , we should use sociology and anthropology for references to find scientific idea of cultural history , and explore effective method of comparision as soon as possible .

  24. 世纪科学和帝国的史学回顾:英国和法国案例。

    Historiographical review of science and Empire in the eighteenth century : the cases of Britain and france .

  25. 对马克思主义唯物史观的先进性、科学性及其在史学发展和社会进步中的重要作用的论述。

    Discussing the advancement and scientificity and the important function in history development and social progress of the Marxism historical materialism .

  26. 中国传统史学是一种具有前科学性质的诗性史学,可以置之于艺术性的视角下进行研究。

    Traditional Chinese study of history is a poetic one that possesses the characteristics of pre-science nature and can be probed from the artistic perspective .

  27. 傅斯年倡导文学革新,主张文化脱弃旧型入于新轨,标举科学学术论与史学即史料学。

    Fu Sinian advocated literary innovation , and held the belief that culture should get rid of the old type and enter a new road .

  28. 《朱元璋传》的写作和修改,给后人留下了深刻的经验与教训:唯物史观是指导历史研究的科学理论;影射史学不能真正起到为现实服务的作用;

    Its writing and revision leaves us profound experience and lessons that material conception of history is a scientific theory for historical research rather than insinuation and carelessness should be avoided .

  29. 摘要科学史、科学编史学研究本身有着重要的意义,也与科学文化研究有着密切的关联。

    Studying the history and historiography of science is of great significance and has close relation with the study of scientific culture .

  30. 中国科学院自然科学史研究所科学编史学教程简介

    The Teaching Framework of the Course on the Historiography of Science in IHNS , CAS