
  • 网络history of chinese science
  1. 民国时期的科学家们在对这一问题进行讨论的同时,也开始对我国传统科学技术成果进行整理研究,这标志着中国科学史的研究工作伴随着民国时期的科学启蒙正式展开。

    Scientists had began to research the traditional " science and technology " achievements with the discussion of the question at the same time . It is the beginning of the study on history of Chinese science and technology .

  2. 1979&2000年中国科学史研究状况及趋向计量研究

    The Present Situation and Trend of Research on the History of Science in China

  3. 中国科学史研究中的模拟实验方法探析

    An Analysis of Simulation Test Method in the Study of History of Science in China

  4. 中国地震科学史上的一件大事。

    This has been a major event in Chines history of seismic science .

  5. 李约瑟所著《中国科学技术史》在引译中国科技古籍时,有些失误。

    There are some compilation mistakes in Joseph Need 's Science and Civilisation in China .

  6. 对李约瑟《中国科学技术史》若干问题的消解

    Solution to some problems in Joseph needham 's china 's history of science and technology

  7. 中国古代科学史研究要突破以西方和近现代科学为标准的框框

    The Western and modern Science Should not be the Only Criterion of Chinese Ancient Science

  8. 中国科学技术史学会

    Chinese Society of Science and Technology History

  9. 目前,它是作为中国科学技术史下面的一个分支而存在的。

    At Present , it is only regarded as a branch of Chinese science and technology history .

  10. 1950&1960年代中国的科学史研究生培养

    Graduate Student Education for the History of Science in China during the 1950 's and 1960 's

  11. 李约瑟在中国科学技术史研究上的一些观点与成就

    Some of Joseph Needham 's Achievements and Views in the History of Science and Technology in China

  12. 中文摘要:如何进一步发展中国古代科学史的研究?

    Abstract : How can the study of the history of ancient Chinese science be carried on further ?

  13. 李约瑟曾写过一部巨著《中国科学技术史》,我是该书的忠实读者。

    I am a convinced reader of the Opus Magnum of Joseph Needham , Science and Civilizations in China .

  14. 墨家在中国科学文化史上的地位与贡献是多方面的。

    Moism has a high status and makes remarkable contributions to the development of science and culture in Chinese history .

  15. 1948年中研院首届院士选举是中国近代科学史上的重要事件。

    The first election of members of Academia Sinica in1948 is an important event in the history of modern Chinese science .

  16. 对中国古代科学史研究中有关问题的澄清&从逻辑的观点看

    Clear Up Some Problems Concerned with the Study of History of Science in Ancient China & From the Viewpoint of Logic

  17. 论文详细地论述了中国科学史学史与包括中国科学史、中国史学史在内的历史学科,中国哲学与科学哲学,以及科学社会学等学科的关系,突出其研究的学术价值。

    Thesis discusses in detail the relationship between Chinese historiography of science and other disciplines , and highlights the academic value of its research .

  18. 文字会影响科学研究的思维方法吗&谈中国科学技术史中的一个问题

    Influence of Associative Compounds of Chinese Characters on the Scientific Mode of Thinking & An Impediment to the Progress of Science and Technology in China

  19. 他的鸿篇巨著《中国科学技术史》,在东西方两大文明之间架起了一座桥梁。

    With his monumental masterpiece , Science and Civilization in China , he built a bridge between the two great civilizations of East and West .

  20. 从《中国科学技术史·医学卷》看李约瑟与席文医学史观之差异

    The difference of medical historical views between Needham and Sivin as reflected in Science and Civilization in China , vol.6 , Pt . 6 . Medicine

  21. 《中国科学技术史》丛书主要由学科史构成,包括11卷技术史专著。

    The first is " A History of Science and Technology in Ancient China ", a series of books , including 11 volumes of history of technology .

  22. 他留下的《梦溪笔谈》是我国最早的一部科技百科全书,被誉为中国古代科学史上的坐标。

    Dream Brook Sketchbook is which he left the earliest technology encyclopedia , it is regarded as " coordinate that in the history of science " in Ancient China .

  23. 他的建筑实践,发展和丰富了我国城市建筑的独特风格和优秀传统,从而在中国科学技术史上占有重要的地位。

    His architectural practice developed and enriched the unique style and tradition of the urban architecture of our country , holding an important position in Chinese science and technology history .

  24. 中国科学思想史研究要考虑到传统认知模式的特点,揭示历史上思想活动的本来面目。

    The research on The History of Science Thought in China should consider the characteristics of the traditional cognitive pattern , and reveals the original features of the historical thought activities .

  25. 第四部分对国内外的生命科学史研究现状进行了分析,探讨了目前研究的不足和中国生命科学史的内容及研究现状。

    The forth part analyses the research status quo of the history of life science and discuss the shortcoming of the current research and the research progress of the history of Chinese life science .

  26. 中国科学史学史以科学史学为研究对象,其主要任务是探寻中国科学史学的发生、发展及其演变的规律,揭示它的未来发展方向。

    The history of Chinese historiography of science takes scientific historiography as the research object , which main task is to explore the law of development and the evolution with historiography of Chinese science .

  27. 《中国科学技术史·度量衡卷》是迄今为止最权威的中国度量衡史著作。

    The Volume of Weights and Measures in the History of Science and Technology in China is so far the most authoritative book in the field of the history of weights and measures in China .

  28. 李约瑟《中国科学技术史》全译本作者序译文中有诸多谬译,非语文心理因素是造成这些谬译的部分原因。

    In the Chinese translation of " Preface for the Integral Translation of Science and Civilisation in China ", there found so large number of wrong translations , which were caused partly by the non-language factors .

  29. 地质调查所地质矿产陈列馆是中国近代科学史上最具影响力的自然科学博物馆,是近代中国地学界集纳实物地质资料和典藏模式标本的一大宝库。

    In the history of modern science in China , the National Geological Survey of China Museum ( NGSCM ), founded in1916 with its large geological collection , used to be the most prominent science museum .

  30. 李约瑟著的《中国科学技术史》的重要特色就是极为推崇道家和道家思想,这就是李约瑟的道教情结。

    The main characteristic of " Science and Civilization in China " written by Joseph Needham lies in his greatest esteem for Taoism and Taoist thoughts , which is the " Taoist Complex " of Joseph Needham .