
  • 网络Technology Education;Technology in Education;Educational Technology;Technological Education
  1. 教育软件预展图书馆〔信息科技教育资源中心〕

    Education software preview library [ Information Technology Education Resources Centre ]

  2. 在写作教学中落实科技教育;

    At compose the teaching decline the solid technology education ;

  3. SD医科大学也充分利用了这个机会,努力把自己的科技教育优势转化为现实生产力。

    SD medical university has also fully used this chance to try to transform its scientific and technological educational advantages to realistic productivity .

  4. 不是每个人都支持这个项目,计算机科学教授elliotsoloway在密歇根大学研究科技教育。

    Not everyone supports the project . Computer science professor Elliot soloway at the University of Michigan Studies technology in education .

  5. 以设计为核心的科技教育理念初探

    On the Notion of Scientific and Technological Education Centred in Design

  6. 大学生科技教育培养模式的战略性思考

    On Training Pattern of College Students ' Science and Technology Education

  7. 中国古代科技教育述评

    A Review of Science and Technology Education in Ancient China

  8. 知识经济与科技教育观念的转变

    Knowledge Economy and Changing the Scientific and Technological Education Ideas

  9. 支持科技教育文化卫生事业。

    Supporting scientific and technological , educational , cultural and health undertakings .

  10. 家庭进行科技教育活动的途径&以教师的视角

    The Ways of Conduction Science and Technology Education in Family

  11. 六是加强畜牧业基础设施建设。七是加强科技教育问题。

    The sixth is to strengthen the infrastructure construction of animal husbandry .

  12. 2003年交通科技教育工作要点

    Key Points of Education in Transportation of Science and Technique in 2003

  13. 也谈中国科技教育体制的改革

    Casual taik about reform of China Education System of science and technology

  14. 科技教育统计评估的基础理论研究浅谈职业技术教育与科技教育

    The Basic Theoretical Study on the Statistical Evaluation of Science and Technology Education

  15. 小学科技教育实践研究

    The Practice and Research about Education of Science and Technology for Primary School

  16. 试论新形势下农村农业科技教育培训

    On the New Situation in Rural Agricultural Science and Technology Education and Training

  17. 艺术教育与科技教育有机结合的探讨

    A Discussion on the Integration of Art Education and Science and Technology Education

  18. 全面开展网络教学是符合世界科技教育发展潮流的。

    Comprehensive network teaching is in line with world trends in education development .

  19. 科技教育对道德情感发展的促进作用

    The role of scientific and technical education in promoting moral and emotional development

  20. 在化学教学中加强科技教育的思考与实践

    Consideratios on and a Practice in Promoting Scientific and Technical Education in Chemistry Teaching

  21. 加速科技教育改革,建立城市创新体系

    Accelerating the reform of Science , Technology and Education , Building Urban Innovation System

  22. 中学化学教学中落实科技教育的实践研究

    Practical Research on Carrying Out Scientific and Technical Education in High School Chemistry Teaching

  23. 国家电力公司科技教育局。

    Bureau of Sciences , Technology and Education , State Power Corporation of China .

  24. 科技教育与道德教育冲突原因的理性分析

    A Rational Analysis on the Cause of the Conflict Between Scientific and Moral Education

  25. ⑹保证和提高质量是农业科技教育培训体系发展的生命线。

    Sixthly , ensured and improved the quality was the lifeline of the development .

  26. ⑷制度的完善和自身实力的增加是农业科技教育培训体系发展的基础。

    Fourthly , system improving and strength increasing were the basis for the development .

  27. 宋代科技教育及其空前繁荣之因素探微

    On Scientific and Technical Education in Song Dynasty and the Reasons for Its Prosperity

  28. 知识经济来临,对科学技术,特别是科技教育提出了挑战。

    Knowledge economy being coming , it challenges science-technology , especially the education of science-technology .

  29. 工科院校人文教育与科技教育和谐发展的哲学思考

    Philosophy thinking on harmonious development in humanities , engineering and technological education in engineering college

  30. 山西省科技教育领导小组关于加强山西省地市县科技工作的意见

    The Opinions of the Sci-tech-edu Leading Group of Shanxi Province about Strengthening the Sci-tech Works