
  • 网络national cultural heritage;ethnic heritage
  1. 传统节日是一项重大的民族文化遗产,它承载着丰厚的历史文化内涵。

    Traditional festival is a important national cultural heritage , it carries rich historical and cultural connotations .

  2. 传统节日是一宗重大的民族文化遗产,它承载着丰厚的历史文化内涵,是民众精神信仰、审美情趣、伦理关系与消费习惯的集中展示日。

    Traditional festivals , which are different from common holidays , are an important part of the national cultural heritage .

  3. 国外民族文化遗产旅游原真性问题研究述评

    The Review of Naturalism Study of Foreign Ethnic Cultural Heritage Tourism

  4. 其意义在于挽救这一濒临消失的古老民族文化遗产。

    Its significance is to rescue this endangered ancient ethnic cultural heritage .

  5. 新疆少数民族文化遗产的立法保护刍议

    Discussion on Legislation Protecting the Cultural Heritage of Ethnic Minorities in Xinjiang

  6. 传统节日:一宗重大的民族文化遗产

    Traditional Festivals : An Important Heritage of National Culture

  7. 贵州少数民族文化遗产的逆向工程应用研究

    Research on reverse engineering in field of cultural heritage of minority in Guizhou province

  8. 保护少数民族文化遗产

    Preservation of the Cultural Heritage of Ethnic Minorities

  9. 西部大开发与小民族文化遗产的弘扬保护

    Western China Development & Enhancing and protection of cultural Legacy of Small Ethnic Groups

  10. 新疆少数民族文化遗产地方立法基本情况的分析与探讨

    An Analysis of the Basic Situations of the Local Legalization of Xinjiang Ethnic Minority Cultural Heritage

  11. 城市化进程中新疆少数民族文化遗产的法律保护研究

    The Study on the Legal Protection to the Minority Nationality 's Traditional Culture under the Urbanization

  12. 图书馆与民族文化遗产保护

    Library and National Culture Protection

  13. 原真性是民族文化遗产旅游英文文献中的热点与难点问题。

    Naturalism is the focused and difficult problem in the English Literature of ethnic cultural heritage tourism .

  14. 作为民族文化遗产的继承人,我们应该认真学习并进一步研究它们。

    As heirs of ethnic cultural heritage , we should learn them seriously and study them further .

  15. 朝鲜半岛南北分裂后,朝鲜学者一直在按自己的方式收集、整理和研究古典小说,为丰富民族文化遗产做了很多努力。

    North Korean scholars have been working hard at collecting , sifting and studying classical Korean fiction .

  16. 旨在继承民族文化遗产,更好地促进现代民族风格家具的开发。

    The main objectives are to inherit the folk culture heritage and improve modern folk furniture development .

  17. 丰富的民族文化遗产和传统文化资源,是中国文化产业的比较优势所在。

    Chinese rich ethical cultural heritage and traditional cultural resource is the comparative advantage of its cultural industry .

  18. 现在,我们肩负起这历史的使命,让珍贵的民族文化遗产再续辉煌。

    Now , we shoulder the historic mission , so that the precious cultural heritage of repeats similar success .

  19. 民族文化遗产保护传承模式及其社会价值&以长阳土家族自治县为例

    Protection Pattern of Ethnic Cultural Heritage and Its Social Value & A Case Study of Changyang Tujia Nationality Autonomous County

  20. 本文主要针对西北人数较少民族文化遗产在西部大开发中所面临的保护与发展问题阐述了自己的观点。

    This article chiefly demonstrates the protection and development about small ethnic groups'cultural legacy of Northwest China in Western China development .

  21. 武术是中华民族文化遗产中一颗绚丽多彩的明珠,历史悠久的民族传统体育项目。

    Martial arts , which is a traditional Chinese sport , is one of the colorful pearl in Chinese cultural heritage .

  22. 在美国,犹太人面临失去其民族文化遗产和被东道国家的文化所同化的危机。

    In America , the Jews are facing the danger of losing their cultural heritage and assimilating into the host culture .

  23. 重视保护少数民族文化遗产和民族地区生态环境。

    We will give high priority to protecting the cultural heritage of ethnic minorities and the ecosystems in ethnic minority areas .

  24. 因此,民族文化遗产的灵魂不是物体而是其所承载的文化意义和象征价值。

    Therefore , the soul of ethnic cultural heritage is its internal cultural meaning and symbolic value , not the exterior object .

  25. 汤显祖对待《花间集》这一民族文化遗产的态度给后人不无启示。

    Tang Xianzu 's attitude towards " the Collection of Ci about Flowers ", the national cultural heritage , bequeathed an enlightenment for later generations .

  26. 我国的优秀民族文化遗产和当今社会的发展现状也需要更加及时、有效的传递给外部世界。

    The excellent cultural aesthetic heritage of our country and the development of the society also needs to show to the world timely , effectively .

  27. 对黎锦的文化价值的认识研究将有助于我们抢救和开发传承优秀的民族文化遗产。

    Will be helpful to the Lebanon brocade 's cultural value 's understanding research in us rescues with the development inheritance outstanding national culture inheritance .

  28. 摘要家谱是我国珍贵的民族文化遗产,它从一个侧面反映了当时当地社会的政治、经济和文化风貌。

    Genealogy is our valuable cultural heritage , which reflects the local social , political , economic and cultural life and customs from indirect perspectives .

  29. 继承和发展唐代乐舞,对于保护民族文化遗产、发展民族文化有着至关重要的历史和现实意义。

    To inherit and develop Music and Dance in Tang Dynasty is of essential historic and realistic significance in protecting national cultural legacies and developing national culture .

  30. 对蕴藏着丰富的民族文化遗产的西部地区来说,保护好民族民间文化是西部开发中的一项重要课题。

    It is an important problem for the western regions full of national cultural heritage to protect the folklore in the large-scale development of the western regions .