
  • 网络proof-of-concept;Proof of concept;PoC
  1. 本文中所述的EJB代理方法最适合用于需要轻量级低成本解决方案来满足沙箱、测试或概念验证需求的情况。

    The EJB proxy approach described in this article is best used when you need a lightweight , low-cost solution for sandbox , test , or proof-of-concept situations .

  2. 在进行了涉及各种分布式计算框架的概念验证之后,Terracotta被认为是最有可能满足MRS需求的框架。

    After an initial proof-of-concept involving various distributed computing frameworks , Terracotta was deemed to be the framework most likely to give MRS the grunt it needed .

  3. 概念验证不需要运行当前的数据,也不需要有真实的web地址。

    The proof of concept does not need to run live data or have a real web address .

  4. 如果一开始的概念验证成功了,接下来API就会变成一个业务关系。

    If initial proof-of-concepts work out , an API then becomes a business relationship .

  5. TDDLTE概念验证室内阶段测试方法

    Test Methods for TDD LTE Proof of Concept in Lab

  6. Terracotta的概念验证显示了很多希望,但它真的能交付吗?

    The proof-of-concept of Terracotta showed much promise , but did it actually deliver ?

  7. 本文描述了Blackberry™设备上的WSDM的概念验证(proof-of-concept)的实现。

    This article describes a proof-of-concept implementation of WSDM on a Blackberry ™ device .

  8. 有时候,可以要求服务供应商(如IBMBusinessConsultingServices)进行一个概念验证项目,并让IT人员参与其中,以从中学习所必需的技能。

    On occasion , a services vendor , such as IBM Business Consulting Services , can be engaged to carry out a proof-of-concept project , and IT personnel participate , learning necessary skills along the way .

  9. 本文演示了概念验证:使用RDS安装产品和加速镜像创建过程。

    This article demonstrates a proof of concept : Using RDS to install products and accelerate the image creation process .

  10. 本文其余部分描述了使用IBMOmnifindDiscoveryEdition搜索文档及其元数据集合的分面导航系统的概念验证演示。

    The rest of article describes a proof-of-concept demonstration of a faceted navigation system to search a collection of documents and its metadata , using IBM Omnifind Discovery Edition .

  11. ApacheSOAP是第一代中值得注意的SOAP引擎之一,主要用作“概念验证”,而根本没有考虑性能。

    Apache SOAP was one of the notable SOAP engines in the first generation , and it was mainly meant to be " proof of concept " and not at all concerned about performance .

  12. 为了完成概念验证的目标,必须为最新创建的工件增加Yummy模板。

    In order to achieve the proof-of-concept objectives , a Yummy template must be added to the newly created artifact .

  13. 我很少见到IT团队谈论关于选择业务服务以及进行概念验证(POC)的问题。

    I 've rarely seen IT groups talk about choosing a business service and doing a proof of concept ( POC ) .

  14. 有意思的是,这只有在小型系统、沙箱系统、概念验证(Proof-Of-Concept,POC)系统或开发环境中才是问题。

    Interestingly , this is only an issue in small , sandbox , proof-of-concept ( POC ) systems , or developer environments .

  15. 无论是使用AmazonEC2还是其他提供商的服务,您必须先进行小规模的概念验证,然后再执行全面的灾难恢复工作。

    In either case , whether you use Amazon EC2 or another vendor , you must first create a small proof of concept before committing to a full-blown disaster recovery exercise .

  16. 实际上已经有了一个概念验证实现的Eclipseplugin(由EricMerritt和MarcvanWoerkom所编写),之后沉寂了一段时间。

    There already was a proof-of-concept implementation of an Eclipse plugin ( written by Eric Merritt and Marc van Woerkom ), which at that time had been dormant for a while .

  17. 预计诺华的第二种复方药物(名为KAF156)的概念验证数据将很快出炉。

    Proof-of-concept data are expected soon on a second Novartis compound , known as KAF 156 .

  18. Micro-X概念验证机热防护系统研究进展

    Development of TPS for Micro-X Concept Demonstrator

  19. ASDI的实际情况是将这个概念验证的系统当作真实世界的系统来评估,并且我们对需求的实现上只发现了少数的问题对我们来说是一个巨大的胜利。

    The fact that ASDI was evaluating this proof-of-concept system as a real-world system and finding so few flaws in our implementation of requirements was a strong victory for us .

  20. 戴尔称该手机是“概念验证(poc)原型”,表示正与中国移动共同拟定手机推出计划,但未透露进一步详情和时间安排。

    Dell described the handset as a " proof-of-concept prototype " and said that the company was working with the Chinese mobile operator on launch plans . Dell did not disclose further details or timing .

  21. 这些结果为HYTEN喷管的工程设计、优化和概念验证提供了基本的物理图像。

    All these results have provided physical vision for engineering design , optimization and concept verification of HYTEN nozzle .

  22. FireEye称,公司已经针对iOS7设备创建了一个概念验证型监控应用,可以记录用户在屏幕上触碰的任何东西,其方式类似于一些程序记录电脑按键信息的方式。

    FireEye said it has created a proof-of-concept monitoring app for iOS 7 devices that can record whatever a user touches on the screen , similar to the way some programs log keystrokes on a computer .

  23. 原型只是一个概念验证。

    A prototype is nothing more than a proof of concept .

  24. 对于原型和概念验证开发练习,该场景通常已经足够。

    It is usually sufficient for prototype and proof-of-concept development exercises .

  25. 部署到概念验证实验室机器的开发解决方案完成

    Deploy development solution to proof of concept lab machines complete

  26. 该概念验证的实现说明了您可以在资源受限的设备上实现这些规范。

    This proof-of-concept implementation demonstrates that you can implement these specifications on resource-constrained devices .

  27. 下面详细介绍了建议在概念验证前景范围文档中使用的步骤。

    The following details the suggested steps in a proof of concept vision-scope document .

  28. 仿真的可信度由概念验证决定,文中给出了概念验证的六个步骤。

    Simulation fidelity is determined by conceptual validation and six steps of conceptual validation is provided .

  29. 成功完成概念验证之后,就可以继续实现计划了。

    When you have a successful run of the proof of concept , you are ready to continue with your plan .

  30. 这也是一款带有概念验证性质的产品。沃德相信,英伟达最终会以合适的价格把它卖给一家原始设备生产商。

    It 's a proof-of-concept that Ward believes Nvidia would ultimately sell to an original equipment manufacturer for the right price .