
  • 网络tartan;tartan check
  1. 她从箱子里拿出一件苏格兰格子呢小毛毯。

    She took a tartan rug out of her case .

  2. 如果你喜欢购物,你会发现那里有柔软的羊绒毛衣和厚厚的苏格兰格子裙打折。

    If shopping is your thing , you 'll find great deals on soft cashmere sweaters and thick tartan kilts .

  3. 这件羊毛混纺的苏格兰格子裙我要搭配什麽?

    What should I put with this wool-blend plaid skirt ?

  4. 每个工作日的早晨,人行道上都能看到一片苏格兰格子的海洋,这是身着制服的孩子们正在蹦蹦跳跳地涌向位于这处地区的多所私立学校。

    On weekday mornings , rivers of tartan course along the sidewalks as uniformed children scamper off to the area 's many private schools .

  5. 苏格兰格子呢是苏格兰真正的旗帜。它显著的花格子图案曾经是区分不同宗族的标志。

    The true flag of Scotland , tartan , is recognisable from the brightly coloured plaid patterns which are used to distinguish the various clans .

  6. 有一些商品感觉在文化沟通里出了点儿问题:戴着圣诞帽的绵羊,绣着苏格兰格子花纹的驯鹿,当然了也有很多无法理解的中国产品&吹萨克斯的圣诞老人。

    Some of it seems lost in translation : there are sheep in Santa hats and tartan-embroidered reindeer , and of course lots of that inexplicable Chinese staple , Father Christmas playing the saxophone .

  7. 有一些商品感觉在文化沟通里出了点儿问题:戴着圣诞帽的绵羊,绣着苏格兰格子花纹的驯鹿,当然了也有很多无法理解的中国产品——吹萨克斯的圣诞老人。

    Some of it seems lost in translation : there are sheep in Santa hats and tartan-embroidered reindeer , and of course lots of that inexplicable Chinese staple , Father Christmas playing the saxophone 。

  8. 他们烧混了,从中我认出了自己的苏格兰格子呢帽。那么,通过这个永绝于世的仪式,我在外祖父的死亡中也担任了某个角色&这个发现使我浑身颤抖。

    Among them I recognized my Scotch plaid one , burned by mistake , and I was shaken by the revelation that this ceremony of extermination had conferred upon me a certain role in my grandfather 's death .

  9. 就像让查尔斯王子的西班牙猎犬穿上苏格兰格子上衣、戴上帽子一样——既不自然,也没有变得更好看。

    It 's a bit like when people get their -- put their King Charles spaniels in little tartan sweats and hats . It 's sort of -- it 's not natural , and it doesn 't make the dog any smarter .

  10. 苏格兰格子呢是苏格兰真正的旗帜。它显著的花格子图案曾经是区分不同宗族的标志。在过去几十年里,格子呢在苏格兰再度流行,如今则已在日常生活中不可或缺。

    The true flag of Scotland , tartan , is recognizable from the brightly colored plaid patterns which are used to distinguish the various clans.Over the last few decades this fabric has made a comeback and is part of the daily life of this country .

  11. 去年3月,格拉斯哥时装设计师丽贝卡•托雷斯(RebeccaTorres)在北京进行贸易访问时发现,买家对苏格兰短裙和格子呢长裤真的很感兴趣。

    On a trade visit to Beijing in March last year , Glasgow-based fashion designer Rebecca Torres found that buyers were really into kilts and tartan trousers .

  12. 去年3月,格拉斯哥时装设计师丽贝卡•托雷斯(RebeccaTorres)在北京进行贸易访问时发现,买家“对苏格兰短裙和格子呢长裤真的很感兴趣”。但她也发现几家中国供应商的名称听上去颇具苏格兰特色。

    On a trade visit to Beijing in March last year , Glasgow-based fashion designer Rebecca Torres found that buyers " were really into kilts and tartan trousers . " But she also discovered several Chinese suppliers with names that sounded surprisingly Scottish .

  13. 历史学家考证得知,苏格兰士兵着格子呢短裙参加战斗,并非完全符合史实(《勇敢的心》中也有其他许多对苏格兰民俗的错误演绎)。近几年来,他们为消除人们对苏格兰文化的误解做了很多努力。

    While historians have known for a while that the tartan kilt thing wasn 't very accurate ( along with many other inaccuracies in Braveheart ) , in recent years they have done more to explain the misconception .