
  • 网络bagpipe;SCOTLAND BAGPIPE;Scottish BagPipe
  1. 我们也都听过苏格兰风笛悠扬的笛声。

    Andrea : And have heard the sound of bagpipes .

  2. 当苏格兰风笛那忧伤的声音响起,不管你喜欢还是讨厌,你的身体都会掠过一丝震颤。

    But the sad sound of the Scottish bagpipes will send a shiver down your body , whether you love the sound , or hate it .

  3. 完整的苏格兰风笛至少是由一根吹管、一个风袋和一根调旋律管组成。

    Most bagpipes have at least one drone . A drone is most commonly a cylindrical tube with a single reed , although drones with double reeds do exist .

  4. 他说现在他可以演奏13种乐器,其中包括曼陀铃琴、四弦琴、口琴、拇指琴和风笛等等——苏格兰风笛和爱尔兰风笛他都会吹。

    He said he can now play as many as 13 instruments , including piano , guitar , mandolin , ukelele , harmonica , karimba and bagpipes - both Scottish and Irish ones . '

  5. 身穿传统苏格兰服装的风笛手们对我们表示热烈欢迎。

    The pipers dressed in traditional Scottish costume gave us a warm welcome .

  6. 英国陆军苏格兰团的风笛手最近被强迫佩戴耳塞上岗,因为军队负责士兵健康和安全的官员担心,风笛演奏时发出的尖锐声会损坏士兵的听力。

    Army bagpipers are to be forced to wear earplugs-because health and safety officers fear the skirl damages hearing .

  7. 对于苏格兰人来说,风笛的声音就如同穿苏格兰方格呢短裙或爬越高山一样亲切而熟悉。

    THE sound of the bagpipes is as familiar to the Scottish as wearing a kilt and climbing mountains .

  8. 对于苏格兰民族来说,风笛已经不仅仅是一件乐器,更是民族的精神图腾。

    For the Scottish Nation , the bagpipe has been more than just an instrument , but also their proud national totem .

  9. 只需支付1050元/小时的酬劳,这位来自澳大利亚的风笛手就能为您演奏苏格兰国粹之一&风笛,让这清澈悠扬的笛音响彻您的房间。

    For1,050 yuan an hour , the Australian bagpiper will fill your home with the serene scream of one of Scotland ` s most treasured instruments .

  10. 他成功的改良了传统风笛音乐,成功的将苏格兰音乐推展至全世界,也因而奠定了苏格兰风笛在世界音乐界的基础。

    He successfully improved the traditional bagpipe music , the success of Scottish music will be extended to the wh caf ole world , thus laying a Scottish bagpipe music in the world .