  • Sophora japonica;Chinese scholar tree
  • 落叶乔木。木材可供建筑和制家具。花蕾可做黄色染料:~火(用槐木取火)。~序。~楝(a.中国周代朝廷种三槐九棘,公卿大夫分坐其下,后因以“槐棘”指三公或三公之位;b.指听讼的处所。均亦称“棘槐”)。~鼎(喻三公)。

  • 姓。


(槐树) Sophora japonica; Chinese scholar tree:

  • 刺槐

    locust (tree)


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 槐公俭

    Huai Gongjian

  1. 黄土高原中槐生长调查分析

    Growth Analysis of Sophora Japonica on Loess Plateau

  2. 槐果皮中的脂溶性成分

    Liposoluble constituents from the pericarps of Sophora japonica

  3. 同土层不同年份紫穗槐灌丛土壤pH值基本随种植年限延长而降低。

    The pH values of the same soil reduced with the increased planting years .

  4. 小鼠ip槐定碱20mg/kg,对其被动运动未见明显影响。

    Sophoridine ip administrated ( 20 mg / kg ) showed no effects on their passive movement .

  5. 其中,N-氧化苦参碱和槐定碱表现出较强的抑食作用,槐定碱和苦豆碱对松毛虫表现出较高的毒性。

    Among them , N-oxymatrine and sophoridine showed stronger effects of feeding inhibition , sophoridine and aloperine showed higher toxicity to caterpillars .

  6. RP-HPLC法测定怀槐中染料木素和芒柄花黄素含量

    RP-HPLC determination of genistein and formononetin in various parts of Maackia amurensis

  7. 水溶性生物碱、苦参碱、N-氧化苦参碱、槐定碱,野靛碱、苦豆碱均对松毛虫有不同程度的抑食作用和毒性。

    The water solvable alkaloids , matrine , N-oxymatrine , sophoridine , cytisine , aloperine showed feeding inhibition and toxicity to caterpillars at different levels .

  8. 苯胺能够明显影响水体的pH值和电导率,但对槐叶萍的生长没有明显影响,槐叶萍对苯胺的耐受性比淡水藻要高。

    Aniline could significantly affected the pH value and conductivity of water body , but the growth of S. natans was not significantly affected .

  9. 槐定碱的中枢兴奋作用及其对Glu、GABA表达的调节

    Research on central pharmacological effects and Glu and GABA expression of sophoridine

  10. 槐定碱对急性心肌缺血大鼠血清MDA、SOD、GSH-PX及NO的影响

    Effects of Sophoridine on Serum MDA , SOD , GSH-PX and NO in Rats with Acute Myocardial Ischemia

  11. 大槐合剂对实验性高胆固醇血症大鼠LDL清除途径的影响

    The effects of Da Huai Mixture on LDL catabolic pathways of the experimental hypercholesterolemic rats

  12. 目的:建立槐定碱原料及注射液有关物质和含量测定的RP-HPLC方法。

    Objective : To develop a RP-HPLC method for determination of raw sophoridine and sophoridine for injections .

  13. LC-MS法测定槐果碱及其在Caco-2细胞上的摄取特性

    Uptake determination of sophocarpine in Caco-2 cells by LC-MS

  14. 槐果碱对感染CVB3小鼠NK细胞活性和IL-2水平的影响

    Effects of Sophocarpine on Activities of NK and IL-2 in Murine Model With Coxsackie Virus B_3-induced Viral Myocarditis

  15. 结果提示:大槐合剂可同时促进受体和非受体途径清除LDL的作用。

    These results showed that Da Huai Mixture could promote LDL catabolisms by both receptor dependent and independent pathways .

  16. 苦参碱(Mat)是豆科槐属植物苦豆子的主要生物碱,是一种新型的抗肿瘤药物。

    Matrine ( Mat ) is the main alkaloid of foxtail-like sophora herb and seed and one of newfashioned antitumor drugs .

  17. 槐定碱对内毒素肺损伤小鼠LPS识别受体及P38MAPK/AP-1信号通路的影响

    Effects of Sophoridine on Recognition Receptors of LPS and P38 MAPK / AP-1 Signaling Pathways in Acute Lung Injury Mice Induced by LPS

  18. 方法:利用脑立体定位手段将电极置入大鼠额叶皮层,采用单极引导法及计算机辅助FFT技术记录槐定碱对大鼠额叶皮层脑生物电变化的影响。

    Unipolar lead and computerized FFT technique were employed to record the effect of sophoridine on the bioelectricity change of frontal cerebral cortex in rats .

  19. 搜集整理互联网上中文图书馆学专业blog,并以老槐也博客为例,介绍了图书馆学专业博客内容。

    This article gathers the blog of Chinese library science department in the Internet and introduces the blog content with the example of " old huai " blog .

  20. 槐定碱致痫大鼠海马细胞ERK信号转导通路的研究

    Roles of Extracellular Signal Regulated Protein Kinase Signal Transduction Pathway in Hippocampal Cells following Sophoridine-induced Epileptic Seizures in Rats

  21. 方法应用HPLC测定槐苷在大鼠肝匀浆中主要代谢产物的含量,并测定其动力学参数。

    Methods We studied the main metabolite of sophoricoside and quantified it in homogenized liver of rats by HPLC . Furthermore , we determined the enzymatic parameters of sophoricoside metabolism in vitro .

  22. 本研究表明,槐胺碱(Sop)能增强电驱动的大鼠左心室肌条的收缩反应。

    The present study confirmed that Sophoramine could increase the contractile responses to the electrically driven rat left ventricle strip .

  23. 以高等数学的有关理论,通过Logistic方程对加拿大杨、紫穗槐、刺槐、沙棘等4种苗木的生长规律进行了模拟研究,并对速生期进行重点分析。

    The growth regulation of nursery stocks of four tree species , Canadian poplar , Amorpha , Black locust , Sar-buckthorn , were simulated with logistic equation and their quick-growing period were analyzed .

  24. 目的:建立槐果碱的LC-MS测定法,研究其在Caco-2细胞上的摄取特性。

    Objective : To establish LC-MS assay to determine the uptake status of sophocarpine ( SC ) in Caco-2 cells .

  25. 槐果碱对肝组织中细胞因子表达的影响:免疫组化显示槐果碱干预组肝组织中IL-6、TNF-α、TGF-β1蛋白表达较模型组明显降低(P0.05)。

    Immunohistochemistry showed that IL-6 , TNF - α and TGF - β 1 protein expression of liver tissues in SP intervention group was significantly lower than that in model group ( P0.05 ) .

  26. 结果槐苷在大鼠肝匀浆中孵育4h后总回收率大于78%(槐苷+苷元),主要代谢产物为其苷元。

    Results After incubated 4 h , the total recovery of sophoricoside is more than 78 % , and the main metabolite of sophoricoside was genistein .

  27. 方法:22例腰椎(L1,L2,L3,L4)骨密度低于一个标准差以下的绝经后患者入选,每日口服槐甙胶囊60mg,连续3个月。治疗前后检查腰椎和前臂骨密度;

    METHODS : Twenty two postmenopausal osteoporosis patients with low density of L1-4 were administered Sophoricoside Capsules , 60 mg per day for 3 months .

  28. 用GC-MS检测并确定了山槐提取物中26个化合物及其化学结构。

    The GC-MS have been used detecting the chemical constituent and the structure of the extracts of two raw materials , there are 26 entries compound have been confirmed in Wild Siris extract .

  29. 本研究中槐定碱药物对照组与正常对照组之间所有检测数据均无显著性差异,证实槐定碱(12mg/kg)本身对正常小鼠LPS识别受体及NF-κB通路无显著影响。

    Between Sophoridine control group and normal control group , all date have no significantly difference , it shows Sophoridine ( 12mg / kg ) is no significant impact to LPS signal transcription way and NF - κ B signal pathway .

  30. 采用坩埚法,借助自行设计的高温X射线透射影槐设备,通过X射线照像及电视观察,研究了烧结MgO材料在炉渣(SiO2-FeO-CaO)与冰铜(FeS-Cu2S)界面区局部优先侵蚀过程。

    The local priority corrosion of sintered MgO at the interface of molten slag ( SiO_2-FeO - CaO ) and matte ( FeS-Cu_2S ) was studied by the crucible method and high temperature X-ray video and radiographic technique .