
  • 网络Changi;Changyi;Changi Airport
  1. 例如,IMD联手波士顿咨询集团(BCG)为新加坡樟宜机场推出了一项定制高管教育课程。

    IMD teamed up with management consultant BCG to deliver a customised executive education programme to Singapore 's Changi airport , for instance .

  2. 新加坡樟宜机场规划设计小议

    The criticism of the planning and design of Singapore Changi International Airport

  3. 进行耐水测验数分钟后,便在樟宜机场第3航站的C5516发现了漏水问题。

    The leaking problem of the C5516 in the T3 Chnagi Airport were being detected after several minutes of water standing test .

  4. 实际上,航空调研组织Skytrax最近进行了一项密切关注乘客满意度的调查,其中香港机场击败樟宜机场位列榜首。

    In fact , recently it was beaten to the top spot by Hong Kong in the closely watched survey of passenger satisfaction conducted by Skytrax , the aviation research organisation .

  5. 然而,樟宜机场并不是亚洲唯一卓尔不凡的机场。

    Changi , however , is not the only Asian airport to excel .

  6. 通往樟宜机场的大道旁,排列著一行整齐的棕榈。

    6A neat row of palms line the avenue leading to the Changi airport .

  7. 到达樟宜机场本身就是一种体验。

    Arriving is an experience in itself .

  8. 2樟宜机场花店里出售各种胡姬花礼品盒和花束,还有可爱的植物。

    2 take home orchid gift boxes and bouquets , or lovely plants from the Changi Airport florists .

  9. 行李交运系统不一定就跟新加坡樟宜机场的相同;还有地铁、大巴、出租车等服务也未必会一样。

    Baggage arrival is not always like Changi Airport , the MRT may not be the same and so are the buses and taxis .

  10. 在樟宜国际机场,这种行为基本上是违法的。官员们鼓励游客拒绝支付一些高级饭店附加在帐单上的10%的服务费。

    It 's basically outlawed at Changi Airport and officials encourage tourists not to add to the l0 % service charge that many high-end hotels tack on to the bill .

  11. 更多的奖项应很快接踵而至,因为樟宜机场准备于1月份开放第三座高品质航站楼,同时升级原有航站楼。

    More silverware should soon be on the way , as Changi prepares to open in January a third , state-of-the-art terminal , as well as to upgrade the original terminal .

  12. 7月中旬的一天,我从夏日炎炎的北京飞抵樟宜机场,来到心仪已久的岛国,开始了新加坡之旅。

    One hot day in mid-July , the airplane from Beijing having touched down at Changi Airport , I started my tour of Singapore , a land I had longed to visit .

  13. 据新加坡媒体报道,新加坡樟宜村被不少人称为“二奶村”,许多已婚男子都将该地视为理想的“爱巢”,在该村庄租屋藏娇。

    Singapore 's Changi Village is called the " mistress village " by many people as married men see it as a perfect love nest to hide their mistresses in rented houses , local media reported .

  14. 最近,香港在机场附近开设了一个高尔夫球场,而那些在樟宜机场有着5个小时等候时间的乘客可以考虑参加久负盛誉的新加坡免费游(带导游)。

    Hong Kong recently opened a golf course within walking distance of the airport , while anybody facing a five-hour wait in Changi might consider one of the free guided tours of the city-state that have long been on offer .