
  1. 基于精益思想的汽车模块化供应链的构建与评价

    Constitution and Appraisement the Modularized Supply Chain Based on Lean Thinking

  2. 构建了基于延迟策略的模块化供应链模型,描述了该模型的运作流程以及实施中应注意的问题。

    A modular model based on postponement strategy is established , meanwhile the operational process of the model is described and some problems in implementation explained .

  3. 信息流通与共享作为供应链中重要的流程,同样对对整个模块化供应链起着至关重要的作用,而信息的共享受到很多因素的影响。

    The flat supply chain model , and the general hierarchical pyramid of the supply chain are very different , and information-sharing as an important supply chain processes , equally to the entire supply chain plays a crucial modular important role , and many factors affect the sharing of information .

  4. 基于客户群、模块化及供应链分析的MC实施模式研究

    Research on Implementing Pattern of Product Mass Customization ( MC ) Based on Customers Group , Modularity and Supply Chain

  5. 模块化的供应链设计

    A Design on the Supply - chain of Modularization

  6. 最后,分析了这种模块化的供应链体系对未来汽车零部件供应商的发展战略的影响以及中小零部件供应商的应对策略。

    At the end , the impact of the modularization on the future strategies of automotive suppliers and their countermeasures are analyzed .

  7. 给出了基于流程模块化技术的供应链集成建模框架以及其构建、运作方式与组织结构模型。

    Supply chain integrated model frame was presented based on procedure modularity technology , including its construction , operation and organization structure models .

  8. 现今PC企业的竞争集中在供应链的竞争,本文认为PC供应链管理是建立在模块化基础上的供应链整合,延迟策略与全球物流模式体现了PC供应链整合的特点。

    Manufactures are focusing on supply chain management while the supply chain in PC industry is a paradigm of integration based on modularity . Postponement strategy and global logistics are two representative modes of supply chain integration in PC industry .