
mó shì shí bié
  • pattern recognition
  1. 一个改进的N元自适应模式识别系统开发工具

    An Improved Development Tool for N-tuple Adaptive Pattern Recognition Systems

  2. 基于多Agent的模式识别框

    Frame of pattern recognition based on multi-Agent

  3. 描述了混沌在模式识别中的作用,指出了其相对ART等传统神经网络模型的一些优势。

    We point out some advantages , comparing our model with those traditional neural network models like ART .

  4. Fuzzy模式识别法,有助于沙漠化程度评价。

    A new method of Fuzzy pattern recognition is introduced in this paper . It may be helpful in desertification degree evaluation .

  5. 采用BP模型,以苏云金杆菌固态发酵为模型对象,研究了基于人工神经元网络的模式识别方法在固态发酵工艺条件辨别中的应用。

    Artificial neural network pattern recognition was applied to discriminating the solid state fermentation conditions of Bacillus thuringiensis .

  6. 基于稀疏RAM的逼近型神经网络与统计模式识别的人脸识别

    Face Recognition Based on The Approximate Neural Network with Sparse RAM and Statistical Pattern Recognition

  7. 基于仿生模式识别的DOA估计方法

    A DOA Estimation Method Based on Biomimetic Pattern Recognition

  8. 本课题综合利用了数字图像处理,模式识别与神经网络技术,采用Visualc++6.0实现。

    The system is developed in Visual C + + 6.0 and resulted from the following techniques : Digital Image Processing , Pattern Recognition and ANN .

  9. 基于功率谱的表面EMG信号运动模式识别

    Based on the Power-spectrum to Classify the Pattern of the Surface Electromyography

  10. 隐马尔科夫模型(HiddenMarkovmodel,简记为HMM)作为一种统计模型,在模式识别与随机信号处理中有着广泛的应用。

    As a statistics model , Hidden Markov Model ( HMM ) have been widely used in pattern recognition and stochastic signal processing .

  11. 特别是BP网络近年来广泛应用于模式识别、预测评估等领域,并取得良好的效果。

    Especially BP network applies field of the pattern - recognition and prediction-assessing etc extensively in recent years and make the good result .

  12. 基于ECT传感器和模式识别的气液两相流空隙率测量新方法研究

    Study on New Method for Voidage Measurement of Gas-liquid Two-phase Flow Based on ECT Sensor and Pattern Recognition Theory

  13. 在分析高压加热器常见故障的基础上,介绍了利用BP网络进行第二层故障模式识别的方法。

    After which and based on analysis of generic high pressure heater faults , a method of second deck fault mode identification with BP neural networks is presented .

  14. 用Haar小波联合变换相关器进行模式识别

    Pattern discrimination by using joint haar wavelet transform correlator

  15. 研究了利用X射线图像处理及模式识别方法检测红毛丹内部品质&可食率、可溶性固形物含量。

    The methods of X-lay image processing and pattern recognition were used to test internal quality of rambutan fruit , the edible rate and the content of soluble solids .

  16. Legendre正交矩在模式识别、图像分析等许多领域有成功的应用。

    Legendre moments have been successfully used in pattern recognition and image analysis .

  17. 就模式识别中特征提取和分类决策两个阶段进行了研究.在特征提取方面,提供了一种用于提取图像不同中心频率和方位特征的Gabor滤波器组的设计方法;

    A method for designing Gabor filter banks with various frequencies and orientations was proposed to perform feature extraction .

  18. 得到的特征参数最后通过动态时间规整(DTW)的模式识别方法进行识别。

    The character parameters than be recognized by DTW .

  19. 应用模式识别综合分析血清中Zn、Cu、Cr和Se与口腔肿瘤的关系

    Use of the pattern recognition to analyze the relations of four trace elements Zn , Cu , Cr , Se in serum to tumors of oral cavity

  20. 损伤检测方法的发展,包括:(a)动力指纹分析和模式识别方法,(b)模型修正和系统识别方法,(c)神经网络方法;

    Analytical developments of damage detection methods , including ( a ) signature analysis and pattern recognition approaches , ( b ) model updating and system identification approaches , ( c ) neural networks approaches ;

  21. 应用模式识别的帧内DPCM电视图象编码及它的幅频响应

    Intra - Frame DPCM Picture Coding with Application of Pattern Recognition

  22. GMAW焊接过程干扰信号的模糊模式识别

    Fuzzy Pattern Recognition of Disturbing Information in GMAW

  23. MnO2搭配规律模式识别方法的研究

    Study of the Method of Pattern Recognition of Arrangement in Groups Regularity of MnO_2

  24. OCR(opticalcharacterrecognition,光学文本识别)技术作为基本的模式识别技术,在计算机输入系统、智能交通系统和安防系统等领域都获得了广泛的应用。

    As a basic Patten Recognition technology , OCR ( Optical Character Recognition ) technology is widely used in areas such as Computer Input System , Intelligent Transportation System , Security System etc.

  25. 模糊C均值聚类算法(FCM)在图像处理和模式识别中有着广泛的应用,该算法实质上是一种局部搜索寻优方法,对初始值很敏感,容易陷入局部极小值。

    Fuzzy c ─ means clustering ( FCM ) algorithm is widely applied in variety areas such as image processing and pattern recognition The algorithm is essentially a partially searching optimization .

  26. 本文概括了双模糊系统VagueSystem,对Vague信息分析、Vague推理与控制、Vague综合评判、Vague聚类与模式识别、Vague决策和、Vague匹配分别进行了综述。

    Double-fuzzy system Vague System is generalized with Vague information analysis , Vague ratiocination and control , Vague synthesized adjudicate , Vague gater and mode identify , Vague decision and Vague matching .

  27. 通过采用神经网络中的Clipping方法和MonteCarlo修改学习算法,对用于光学模式识别的纯相位二值化匹配滤波器进行了优化设计。

    An optimized design of binary phase-only matched filters used in optical pattern recognition by means of Clipping and Monte Carlo learning arithmetic in the neural network is introduced .

  28. 首先根据地震动信号在频域和时频域的多种特征,应用BP神经网络模式识别法,将地面车辆目标分为轮式车、轻型履带式车和重型履带式车。

    Based on the features of seismic signal in frequency domain and time frequency domain , the BP neural network is used to classify the target into wheeled vehicle , light tracked vehicle and heavy tracked vehicle .

  29. 利用MEMS工艺制作的电子鼻是一种由具有部分选择性的微传感器阵列和适当的模式识别系统组成、能够识别简单或复杂气味和浓度的仪器。

    Electronic nose manufactured by MEMS is an instrument , which comprises an array of chemical sensors with partial specificity and an appropriate pattern-recognition system , capable of recognizing simple or complex odors .

  30. 于是本文在第六章中再次运用人工神经网络模式识别与模式分类的功能,建立了基于BP网络的单相重合闸的模型,通过验证一条线路模型证实了它的可行性。

    Chapter 6 uses the function of mode identification and mode classification of ANN again and establishes the model of self-phase reclosing based on BP neural network . Through validating a line model , the thesis approves its feasibility .