
  • 网络lemon problem
  1. 通常认为,互联网的出现有利于消除消费者的信息劣势,但事实是,电子商务市场的柠檬问题却因为网络的虚拟性实际上被强化了,它可能会降低人们对网络交易的信任感。

    It is considered that the internet can eliminate consumer ′ s disadvantage for information , but the lemons problem is intensified because of the virtuality , which may decrease the trust for the cyber marketing .

  2. 在研究的过程中,结合了前人对柠檬问题的研究理论,分别采用静态博弈和动态博弈的方法,对C2C网上交易中买卖双方在一次交易和重复交易情形下的行为进行了分析。

    Then , the " the lemon problem " theory is applied and the static and dynamic game methods are used to analysis the buyers ' and the sellers ' behavior in the C2C on-line transaction .

  3. 基于动态博弈模型的电子商务柠檬问题研究

    Lemon Problems in the Electronic Commerce Based on Dynamic Game Model

  4. 高校图书馆柠檬问题的对策分析

    The Analysis of the " Lemon " Problems of University Library

  5. 电子商务市场中的柠檬问题与解决途径的策略取向

    ' Lemon ' Problems in E-business Market and Resolving Approaches

  6. 虚拟市场效率与柠檬问题

    The Efficiency of Virtual Market Relevant to the Lemon Phenomena

  7. 电子商务市场的柠檬问题与信任机制

    Adverse Selection and Trust Mechanism in the Internet Market

  8. 基于声誉机制的网上交易柠檬问题解决体系

    Reputation Mechanism Based Online Lemon Problems Solving System

  9. 电子拍卖市场中的柠檬问题研究

    Research on Lemon Problems in Electronic Auction Markets

  10. 换句话说,网络柠檬问题主要是由经验品和信任品引起的。

    In other words , the online lemon problems are caused by experience and credence goods .

  11. 最后,文章阐说了解决柠檬问题对地区旅游业以及区域经济发展的意义。

    At last , the article emphasizes the importance of resolving the " Lemon Problems " .

  12. 网络信息产品交易中的柠檬问题及对策研究

    The " Lemon " Problem and Countermeasure in the Information Products Trade of the Network Are Studied

  13. 因此对网络信息产品交易中柠檬问题的研究十分必要。

    So the study on problem of " lemon " in the information products trade of the network is very essential .

  14. 在解决柠檬问题的多种办法中,建立可信赖的E-国际贸易中介是一种行之有效的方法。

    Among the various ways to settle the ' lemon ' problem , building the reliable intermediary of E - international trade is effective .

  15. 并通过分析专业市场的柠檬问题,提出了解决信息不对称、信用体系不完善等问题;

    And then , by analysing the " lemon " of specialized market , the author gave a solution to information asymmetry and the faultiness of credit .

  16. 本文的主体部分对网络信息产品交易中柠檬问题的解决对策进行了深入剖析,论证了不同的主体应承担起不同的角色。

    This text subject to solve network information products trade problem of " lemon " analyze thoroughly part , agree and take on different roles after proving different subjects .

  17. 文章首先介绍了旅游业的一些基本情况,然后着重分析了在产品信息不对称的情况下,市场上出现柠檬问题的内在机制。

    Firstly , this paper presents some basic content about tourism industry , then analyzes the intrinsic system which causes " Lemon Problems " in the event of dissymmetry on information .

  18. 柠檬问题是信息不对称的具体表现,电子拍卖市场实现了信息流和物流的分离,在具备很多优势的同时也出现了严重的柠檬问题。

    Lemon Problems is due to the information asymmetry . In the electronic auction market , the information stream is separated from logistics , there will be many advantages as well as the serious Lemon Problems .

  19. 质量不确定性所带来的柠檬问题在电子商务时代显得尤为严峻,因为电子商务对国际贸易市场质量不确定性及市场效率和结构都产生了影响。

    The ' lemon ' problem brought by the indefinite quality is very serious in the era of electronic commerce , for the electronic commerce has impacts on indefinite quality , efficiency and structure of international trade market .

  20. 笔者在搜集国内外电子拍卖市场资料的基础上,归纳出电子拍卖市场的特点,分析其市场中柠檬问题的特殊表现,并针对这些问题提出了相应的对策建议。

    On the basis of collecting materials of electronic auction markets of both domestic and overseas , this paper analyses the special behavior of Lemon Problems in the markets , and proposes some countermeasures and suggestions to these problems .

  21. 通过对从契约机制、委托代理机制和博弈机制这三个方面的分析,认为兵团农产品加工业存在柠檬问题、违约问题和信息不对称问题。

    Through the mechanism from the contract , principal-agent mechanisms and mechanisms of these three aspects of game analysis , that the Corps presence of industrial farming , " lemon " and " default " and " information asymmetry " problem .

  22. 论售房养老模式中的柠檬市场问题

    On the Problem of " Lemon Market " in the Mode of Selling House Property for Pension

  23. 然后着重分析了目前我国食物安全信息的共享现状,探讨了与食物安全信息共享有关的柠檬市场问题。

    What is more , it also discusses the " lemonmarket " problem related to food safety information sharing .

  24. 另一方面,在“柠檬”问题和负的外部性上,产业集群具有很高的对不利于集群发展的多种因素的经济规避能力。

    And , on the other hand , on lemon problem and negative externalism , industrial cluster has a high economic ability to shelter from the factors unfavorable to the cluster 's development .

  25. 当前我国绿色食品之所以出现有效需求不足,主要是对绿色食品缺乏正确的认识、绿色农业结构不合理、居民收入差距过大、柠檬市场问题以及不重视出口而引起。

    The main reasons of deficient effective demand of environment friendly health food are a lack of correct understanding of the food , unreasonable structure of environment friendly agriculture , wide gap in citizen income ," Lemon market " problem and inadequate attention to export promotion .

  26. 本文分析了集群中柠檬市场产生的原因以及柠檬市场可能造成的危害,并提出了解决集群中柠檬市场这一问题的对策。

    This paper analyzes the reasons and the harm of " lemons market ", finally presents some measures to solve the problem .