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  • 网络Lemon Essential Oil;lemon oil;Limonene
  1. 使用柠檬精油时须小心谨慎。

    Lemon essential oil should be applied and used with care .

  2. 杜松、雪松、葡萄柚、薰衣草,胡萝卜子、茴香、迷迭香和柠檬精油会减轻宿醉带给你的不适感觉。

    Essential oils of Juniper , Cedarwood , Grapefruit , Lavender , Carrot , Fennel , Rosemary and Lemon help soften the effects of a hangover .

  3. GC/MS法鉴定食用柠檬精油的化学成分

    Study on Chemical Constituents of Limon Oil by GC / MS

  4. 佛柑精油气味核更像香柠檬精油。

    Aromatherapy and Essential Oil Centre products with Bergamot Essential Oil .

  5. CO2+柠檬精油系统,平均相对误差值为2.71%;

    As for SCCO_2 + limonene , the average relative error is 2.71 % ;

  6. 中试实验主要完成了重现性实验,确定了柠檬精油萃取的最佳工艺条件及放大效应。

    Reproducibility experiments have been finished and the optimism process conditions and amplification effects were established in the pilot scale tests .

  7. 温度对热解油的产率和组分柠檬精油的生成影响较大。对组成一定的混合物,在热解温度500℃时二者均达到最大。

    The temperature could obviously affect the yield of the pyrolytic oil and limonene content in the oil , both of which reached a maximum at 500 ℃ .

  8. 成份:青柠檬精油、香橙精油、松树精油、柠檬香茅油、佛手柑精油、约旦死海盐。

    Ingredients : lime essence oil , orange essence oil , pine tree essence oil , lemon citronella essence oil , bergamot essence oil , Jordan Dead Sea salt .

  9. 散发蜂蜜芳香的润肤膏,蕴含蜂胶多肽、蜂蜜、蜂王浆,有效滋润肌肤;柠檬精油香气宜人,沐浴后神清气爽。

    Dissemination of the emollient cream aromatic honey , propolis contains peptides , honey , royal jelly , effective moist skin ; pleasant aroma of lemon essential oil , bathed and exhilarating activities .

  10. 在一块干净的布上滴2到3滴柠檬精油,用这块布来清洁房间,有助于消毒和除臭。

    Add two to three drops of lemon essential oil onto a cleaning cloth and when you clean around your home with this duster , it will help to disinfect and deodorize your rooms .

  11. 要想消除鞋子的气味,滴几滴天竺葵精油在鞋子里,或把蘸有几滴柠檬精油的棉花球上放在鞋子里。

    Shoes can be freshened by either dropping a few drops of Geranium essential oil directly into the shoes or by placing a cotton ball dabbed with a few drops of Lemon oil into the shoes .

  12. 用于去除瘤,疣,鸡眼时,将2滴柠檬精油加入10滴苹果醋中,只在受感染的点上擦药。

    For the removal of warts , verrucae and corns , mix two drops of lemon essential oil to ten drops of cider vinegar and apply a dab of the mixture onto the affected spot only .

  13. 其中丁香精油和香茅精油处理效果明显,艾叶精油、柠檬精油处理次之,芥末精油处理易产生药害,防腐保鲜作用不理想。

    Clove essential oil and citronella essential oil processing effect is obvious , leaf essential oil of Artemisia argyi and lemon essential oil treated next best . Mustard essential oil processes easily to have the chemical damage , the function of maintains freshness not to be ideal .

  14. 柠檬果皮精油挥发性成分的GC-MS分析

    Analysis of volatile constituents in peel oil of lemon by GC-MS

  15. 感谢收看“如何使用柠檬香草精油”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Use Lemongrass Essential Oil .

  16. 今天,我为大家讲述一下如何使用柠檬香草精油。

    Today , I 'm going to show you how to use Lemongrass oil .

  17. 这就是如何使用柠檬草精油来自己制作驱虫剂。

    And that 's how you use Lemongrass essential oil as a homemade insect repellent ..

  18. 今天,我来为大家展示如何使用柠檬香草精油来制作天然驱虫剂。

    Today , I 'm going to show you how to use Lemongrass oil to make a natural insect repellent .

  19. 柠檬香草精油可以用来制作清新天然的驱虫剂,非常简单,你可以自己制作。

    Lemongrass oil can be used to make a fresh and natural insect repellent that you can easily make on your own !

  20. 向装满蒸馏水的喷瓶中加入15滴柠檬草精油,然后加入5滴香茅精油,盖好盖子,摇匀。

    then we 're going to add 5 drops of Citronella , going to place the top on the bottle and give it a good shake .

  21. 泰国菜中经常用到。泰国酒店和水疗中心也有专门燃烧柠檬香草精油的炉子,帮助驱蚊。

    It 's used quite a lot in Thai cooking and often in Thailand , they have oil burners in hotels and spas and they add essential of Lemongrass to help repel mosquitoes .

  22. 迷迭香和柠檬草的精油以及活体香气的抗抑郁作用的研究

    Antidepressant Effect of the Essential Oil and the Volatile Organic Compounds in Air from Rosemary and Lemongrass

  23. 在过去,她会混合伊兰伊兰、薰衣草、甜橙、柠檬或葡萄柚精油而使用。

    In the past , she would combine Ylang Ylang , lavender , and orange , lemon or grapefruit oils .

  24. 只需要简单将几滴橘汁、柠檬汁或石灰精油滴入含水喷雾瓶中。

    Simply pour a few drops of orange , lemon , or lime essential oil into a spray bottle of water .

  25. 可以选择罗勒,柚子,菠萝,薰衣草,柑橘,天竺葵,甘菊,柠檬香草和橙子精油或沐浴产品。

    Choose from basil , grapefruit , pine , lavender , tangerine , rose geranium , chamomile , lemongrass , and orange in the form of essential oils or scented bath products .