
  • 网络modal mass
  1. 应用表明用有效模态质量进行模态识别,可以有助于找到尾轴架系统的固有频率和振型。

    The practice application expresses that effective modal mass could be helpful to find natural frequency and vibration shape .

  2. 利用频响函数识别复频率模态质量存在着严重的数值计算不稳定性,给物理参数的识别造成困难。

    The severe numerical instability in complex frequency modal mass identification from frequency response function makes it difficult to identify physical parameters .

  3. 基于模态质量的振型叠加方法应用于结构随机振动的响应分析,导出了随机振动载荷等效的一般表达式。

    The mode superposition method is applied to dynamic analysis of structural response to random vibration load .

  4. 仿真算例表明,优化算法识别精度高,抗噪声能力强,可用于实际复频率模态质量的识别。

    Computer simulation examples verified its high identification accuracy , anti-noise ability and feasibility in practical use .

  5. 研究中引入有效模态质量,并计算了尾轴架系统的有效模态质量。

    In the paper , effective modal mass of the propeller shaft bracket system was studied and calculated .

  6. 在此基础上,提出了模态质量比的概念,并分析得出了空间相机模态质量比与各部件厚度之间的关系。

    Based on this , a concept of ratio of mode and mass is given and the relationship between the ratio of the camera and the 3 parameters is got too .

  7. 附连水质量引起的结构模态质量的增加对导弹模型结构低阶弯曲模态频率的影响比较明显,对高阶弯曲振动的模态频率、系统的阻尼比以及纵向振动的模态频率影响较小。

    The modal mass increase due to the added mass of water would greatly reduce the lower bend modal frequency , and have little influences on the damping ratio and the modal frequency in its lengthways .

  8. 探讨了连续梁桥的上部结构(主梁)及桥墩(台)刚度的变化对结构横向振动模态质量与模态周期的影响,给出了多阶模态设计方法的具体设计过程。

    The effects of stiffness variation of main beams and bridge columns or abutments on the modal mass and periods of transverse vibration are discussed , and the detailed design procedure of the proposed method is outlined .

  9. 对于测试自由度完备和非完备两种情况,提出了构建结构比例柔度矩阵的方法,并证明该比例常数近似为结构的第一阶模态质量。

    For the cases of complete and incomplete measured degrees of freedom , algorithms for assembling the PFM are presented , and the scalar multiplier between the PFM and real flexibility is approximately shown to be the first modal mass .

  10. 本文采用了近似模型的方法,分别得到了头部伤害值、模态和质量关于这四个变量的近似模型。

    Approximate models are used in the paper and it obtains four variables on the approximate model of the value of head injury , modal and mass .

  11. 对调节阀进行了模态实验和质量流检测试验,以及调节阀故障诊断系统的设计。

    Modal experiments and mass flow detection experiments were done , and valve fault detection system was designed .

  12. 对某全承载式大客车进行了结构有限元分析,研究了该客车结构强度、振动模态频率、质量等多个性能目标的优化设计问题。

    Structural FE analysis on an integral bus is performed , in which optimal design of multiple performance objectives of structural strength , vibration modal frequency and mass is researched .

  13. 设计并制备了基于高阶模态的微质量传感器。通过设计合适的压电层和弹性层厚度比,设计并制备了一种可以采用高阶谐振频率的偏移实现微质量检测的新型传感器。

    By selecting suitable thickness ratio between the PZT and elastic layers , a sensor based on the high order resonance mode was designed and fabricated to detect mass of target analyte by measuring the resonance frequency shift of high order modes .

  14. 机械振动模态分析的附加质量法

    Method of Additional Mass in Modal Analysis of Mechanical Vibration

  15. 然后进行模态分析,通过有效模态质量来确定提取模态数;

    Then an effective modal mass fraction is obtained by modal analysis and the mode number is determined .

  16. 依据设计原则,利用模态刚度矩阵、模态质量矩阵和模态频率相似进行了扭振模拟机轴系的设计,扭振模拟机轴系前三阶固有特性与实际机组轴系扭振动特性基本一致。

    By modal stiffness matrix , modal mass matrix and modal frequency , shaft units of simulator is designed . The former three steps natural characteristics are identical with the real units ' .

  17. 采用有限元方法对印制电路板进行了模态分析,依据有效模态质量和模态振型分析了振动环境下配制电路板的薄弱环节。

    The modal parameters of the printed circuit board ( PCB ) were calculated using finite element method , and the weaknesses of PCB were found using effective modal masses and mode shapes .

  18. 实验采用了INV303/306虚拟仪器系统和DASP模态分析软件,辩识系统的模态阻尼,模态刚度,模态质量等参数,建立了七自由度的番茄运输中的振动力学模型。

    The experiment has adopted INV303 / 306 fictitious instrument system and DASP mode analysis software , knowing the modal damping , modal rigidity , mode quality of the system . Have set up the vibration mechanics model in the tomato transportation of seven freedom degrees .