
  • 网络simulator;HPS
  1. ECS模拟人在心肺复苏临床教学中的应用

    Application of emergency care simulator in clinical teaching of cardiopulmonary resuscitation

  2. 采用电脑模拟人以促进诊断学教学改革

    Popularize computer human patient simulator , Realize diagnostics teaching reform

  3. 模拟人的思维方式,用模糊控制与PID控制相结合实现在钢包底吹氩系统中流量控制。

    A flow control method which combines fuzzy control and PID control and simulate human intellection is realized in the system of blowing argon from ladle bottom .

  4. 通过体视显微镜加上两路CCD视频信号模拟人的双眼,经过同步控制器的处理后,实现了立体视频的合成。

    The authors apply the stereomicroscope and two CCD to simulate the eyes of human beings . The stereo video frequency signal was composed through the process of synchronous controller .

  5. 广义回归神经网络(GRNN)和遗传算法(GA)都是在模拟人的生理活动进而提出的人工智能技术。

    The generalized regression neural network ( GRNN ) and the genetic algorithm ( GA ) are regarded as the artificial intelligence techniques .

  6. 目前,有关SAS的多种动物实验尝试从不同环节模拟人SAS患者的病理生理状态,设计出研究心血管损害的动物模型,但均属尚未成熟的构架形态。

    Currently , different animal models related to cardiovascular diseases were established with varying pathophysiological state of human beings . However , none of them was supposed to be perfect .

  7. 降膜塔常用于盐酸生产。模拟人的肺脏,使用另外一种新型膜吸收器的方法来脱除Sox。

    Falling film towers are often used for hydrochloric acid production . another method , analogous to the lungs , is a new membrane absorber for SOx removal .

  8. 依据基尔霍夫电流定律(KCL),通过模拟人的思维推理过程,提出了一种状态估计量测创建与回分、坏数据检测和辨识、自动旁母替代的新方案。

    Based on KCL this article puts forward a new solution for measurement processing in state estimate , bad data check and identification and auxiliary bus replacement of electric power systems .

  9. 小脑关节控制模型(CMAC)是模拟人小脑的一种学习结构,提供了一种从输入到输出的多维非线性映射能力。

    The cerebellar model articulation controller ( CMAC ) is a kind of learning structure for simulating cerebellum , it provides a capability that can multidimensional nonlinear map from inputs to outputs .

  10. 主要完成的研究工作如下:(1)提出了采用FPA直接驱动,模拟人手指侧摆运动的侧摆关节。

    The main research work in this paper is as follows : ( 1 ) Side-sway joint driven by FPAs directly is proposed which can simulate swing movement of human hand .

  11. 在分析PID控制器智能性的基础上,运用仿人智能控制(HSIC)原理,对PID控制器的3个控制分量分别通过模拟人的控制行为,在低层次上实现智能控制。

    Based on analyzing the character of PID controller , the human-simulation intelligent control ( HSIC ) theory is applied to the PID controller to improve the intelligence of the three control components and realize the intelligence in low control level .

  12. 本实验模拟人的吸烟状况,测定香烟烟气对草履虫(Parameciumaurelia)的急性致死、急性生理伤害和抑制细胞繁殖率,并比较了带过滤嘴与不带过滤嘴香烟的毒性作用。

    This experiment imitated the state of human smoking and determined the toxi-city of cigarette smoke , including lethal , physiological injury and cell reproduction inhibition to Paramecium aurelia .

  13. 结论:本研究构建了一种新型的突变研究载体,位于该载体上的两个lacⅠ靶基因能模拟人和哺乳动物细胞内表达基因和沉默基因的功能状态。

    Conclusion : A new plasmid as a vector for studying gene mutation , in which 2 lac ⅰ target genes could imitate the functional states of expressed and non expressed genes in human and mammalian cells respectively , is constructed .

  14. 本文以最大限度减少残留噪声和背景噪声为目的,采用Bark子波分析的方法模拟人耳基底膜的频率分析特性来进行语音增强,重点进行模拟人耳听觉掩蔽效应来确定除噪阈值的研究。

    In order to reduce the musical residual noise and the background noise , a speech enhancement method based on masking properties of the human auditory system is described . This method uses BARK wavelet packet transform to simulate the frequency feature of human auditory model to get the threshold .

  15. 方法:采用模糊数学和概率统计评分法模拟人的思维建立年长儿原因不明的长期发热常见疾病鉴别诊断专家系统,用FoxPro语言编程并在微型电子计算机上实现。

    Method : This article report the creation of an expert system for common diseases of fever of unknown origin in elder children with fuzzy mathematics , probability statistics and an assessmet method with simulate thought we made a program with Chinese foxpro Language and completed the work in microcomputer .

  16. 运用神经网络模拟人在决策中的风险判断

    Neural Network Simulation for the Risk Judgment in Human Decision Making

  17. 摔跤训练器主体与模拟人连接机构的分析与改进

    The Improvement of Connection between Wrestling Robot and Simulated Opponent

  18. 人工神经网络就是模拟人思维的第二种方式。

    Simulation of artificial neural network like the second way people think .

  19. 多媒体模拟人系统临床教学效果评价

    Evaluations on clinical teaching effect by application of multi-media human simulating system

  20. 企业中的模拟人与行为人

    The Simulated Man and the Behavioral Man in Enterprises

  21. 提示模拟人组织配型方法选择供受体可以建立猪同种异体肾移植模型。

    Human tissue typing methods could be adopted in developing the porcine model .

  22. 茶叶膳食纤维在冲泡过程中和模拟人胃环境下的溶出动态

    The Dissolution Trend of Tea Dietary Fiber During Infusion and under Artificial Stomach

  23. 多媒体针灸教学训练模拟人的设计

    The design of a multimedia simulating body used for acupuncture teaching and training

  24. 将滤波后的参数映射为响度,由此模拟人的感知过程。

    Mapping the filtered MFCC to loudness the process of human perception is simulated .

  25. 虚拟现实技术与实尺模拟人在创伤急救训练中的应用

    Utilization of virtual reality technique and full-scale human analogue in trauma first aid training

  26. 模拟人的试验装置&假人

    Test Device for Simulating Mankind - - Dummy

  27. 和你的模拟人享受四季!

    Enjoy All Four Seasons with Your Sims !

  28. 模式识别是近30年来迅速发展起来的新兴学科,主要目的是研究如何用机器来模拟人的学习、识别和思维能力。

    The pattern recognition is a new subject that developed rapidly for near 30 year .

  29. 在此基础上模拟人字形屋顶房间复杂房间内的气流分布。

    The algorithm was used to simulate airflow distribution in a room with gable roof .

  30. 目的评价多媒体模拟人系统临床教学中的效果。

    Objective : To evaluate clinical teaching effect by application of multi-media human simulating system .