
  • 网络Simulated Cost
  1. ERP环境下的模拟成本决策利用沙盘模拟形式进行物流教育

    The Simulated Cost Decision Making Based On ERP Board-based Simulations for Logistics Education

  2. ERP环境下的模拟成本决策

    The Simulated Cost Decision Making Based On ERP

  3. 由于该方法能快速地获取K值,从而大大降低了数模中相平衡的计算量和模拟成本,不失为一种有效的新方法。

    The new model which obtains K-values in a more effective way can cut down the time and the cost in the phase equilibrium calculation and simulation .

  4. 由于网络模拟成本比较低,易于使用等优点,所以网络模拟技术应用广泛。

    Due to lower cost and using easily , so network simulation technology has been used widely .

  5. 其中数值模拟具有成本低、周期短、效率高等优越性,逐渐广泛地被学者采用。

    Numerical simulation has low cost , short cycle and high efficiency advantages so it has become a focus for researchers .

  6. 数值模拟具有成本低、速度快、资料完备、具有改变各种参数、模拟真实条件及理想条件的能力。

    The numerical simulation is of some advantages such as low cost , quick speed , complete data , and being capable to change parameters and simulate both the real and the ideal conditions .

  7. 在此基础上,运用数学模拟和成本法从征地规模和土地出让价格的决策临界点两个方面,以西安市为例作了实证研究,为政府在确定合理征地规模方面的决策提供了参考。

    At the same time , from two critical points-levying scale and selling prices , taking Xi ' an as an example , this paper provides some references for the government on land levying scale based on the use of mathematical simulation and cost of land .

  8. 最后的计算机辅助模拟和成本估算结果表明:应用该工艺,通过降低填埋费用和获取出售的蛋白质产品的利润、制革厂可以赢利。

    Finally , we have shown , by using a computer-assisted process simulation and cost estimation , that a profit could be realized by the tanneries , not only by reducing the need to landfill but also from the return from the sale of the protein products .

  9. 采用CFD软件建立了余热锅炉的物理模型,对流场温度场进行数值模拟,其成本低,并能得到炉内流场和温度场的具体信息,为改造及设计余热锅炉的结构形式提供依据。

    CFD software help to build a physical model of the waste heat boiler , the temperature field of the flow field numerical simulation , its low cost , and can get more information , which provide the basis for the renovation and structure design of the waste heat boiler .

  10. 针对这种情况,本文在驾驶模拟系统开发成本、运行效果以及开发效率上达到平衡。

    According to those situations mentioned above , it is possible to keep balance in the cost , running effect and efficiency of the system exploiture .

  11. 利用分部分项工程返修费率的概念,以线拟合模型模拟最佳质量成本,并将其应用于某施工企业质量成本管理工作。

    This paper presents simulating optimal quality cost by using the ratio of reconstruction cost on divided engineering and curve fitting model , and applies the model in a.

  12. 数值模拟方法具有成本低、周期短、信息量大和便于优化等特点,广泛地应用于柴油机的燃烧过程的研究。

    Due to its low cost , short period , abundant information and convenient optimization three-dimensional numerical simulation has been widely adopted to investigate the combustion process of the diesel engine .

  13. 网络模拟由于其成本低廉、模拟精确度高等特点,越来越受网络研究人员的青睐,成为研究网络行为的必不可少的手段。

    Network simulation with its low cost and high accuracy , is more and more popular between network researchers , it has been a key method to do research on network behavior .

  14. 介绍财务模拟模式、成本模式和资金流动模式.这三种深海采矿经济模式对项目投资决策和评估深海采矿企业的经济效益具有重要的意义。

    This paper describes the financial simulation model , the cost model and the cash flow model . The three kinds of deep sea mining economic models are of importance to the project investment decision and the assessment of the economic benefit of deep sea mining enterprises .

  15. 微电子机械系统(MEMS)的仿真模拟能够节约研制成本、缩短设计周期、对系统参数进行优化从而提高产品的质量和性能。

    The model and simulation of MEMS can reduce the cost , shorten the design period , optimize the parameter of the system so as to improve the quantity and performance of the product .

  16. 建立能够模拟国际市场运行成本的生产基地;

    Building product bases with the capacity of simulating cost operation within international market ;

  17. 将执行各种业务分析和模拟,并评估成本、时间、资源和IT可行性。

    Various business analytics and simulations are performed ; evaluate cost , time , resource , and IT feasibility .

  18. 运算能力更强的计算机能够进行更加精确的模拟,从而降低成本,提高效率。

    Computers that are more powerful make possible simulations that are more accurate and can reduce cost and increase efficiency .

  19. 针对这些原因,人们开始研究雷达模拟装置以缩减成本,简化程序,降低风险。

    For these reasons , people begin to study the radar simulator to cut down costs , simplify procedures , and reduce risk .

  20. 运用敏感性分析对项目的市场风险进行评估,运用蒙特卡罗模拟对项目的成本进行规划;

    Use the sensitive analysis to evaluate market risk of the project and use the simulation of Monte Carlo to plan the cost of the project ;

  21. 目前,混合信号测试中模拟电路的测试成本超过制造成本的30%[1],令人不安的是其成本还在继续升高。

    At present , testing costs for analog circuits in mixed-signal testing exceed 30 % of the manufacturing cost of these circuits . Even more disconcerting is the certainty that these costs will rise in the near future .

  22. 从而使数字传输成为信息传输的主要途径,它既克服了模拟传输带来的成本高、传输线多、可靠性差等缺点,又减轻了飞机和设备的重量,提高了信息传输的精度。

    It makes digital transfer becoming primary approach of information transfer . Not only it overcomes analog transfer bringing high cost , many transmission lines , and bad reliability and so on , but also it lightens weight of airplane and equipment and improves precision of information transfer .

  23. 然后扩展分析银行模拟利润考核的有效性和模拟利润成本之间的权衡以及模拟利润的最优精确水平;

    Secondly , it analyzes the tradeoff between the availability of the simulation profit check system and cost of the simulation profit , and calculates the accuracy level of the simulation profit .

  24. 该文用2年时间,对中南林业科技大学商学院2003、2004级会计学专业会计学原理课程模拟实验的效果进行了跟踪调查分析,并进行了模拟实验的成本效益分析。

    This paper investigates and analyses effect of accounting principle course simulation experiment in Commercial College of Central-South Forestry Technology University for two years , and makes the cost-benefit analysis at the same time .