
mó nǐ liàng
  • analog quantity
模拟量[mó nǐ liàng]
  1. PLC处理模拟量的方法在机床参数检测中的应用

    The Application of the Way for PLC to Treat Analog Quantity in the Detecting of the Machine Tool Parameter

  2. 对模拟量闭环控制采用PID控制算法,手动程序则采用经验法设计了梯形图。

    The PID Control algorithm is used in the Analog quantity closed loop control , and the PID order method is introduced .

  3. 用EPROM27128组成LED环形模拟量时钟线显示

    The LED Circular Analog Clock Display Com-posed of EPROM 27128

  4. 基于嵌入式PLC的多路模拟量网络节点的开发

    Development of Analogy Network Node on the Base of Embedded PLC

  5. PLC基于开关量实现模拟量输出的方法

    Method of achieving analog value output based on PLC digital output

  6. PLC对输入模拟量的一种处理方法

    Sort of Means for Dealing with Input Analog Signals in PLC

  7. 磺化过程PLC控制系统中模拟量的控制方法

    Control Method of Analogue in PLC Control System for Process of Sulphonation

  8. 介绍了具有以太网通信能力的模拟量采集智能控制模块的开发及其DynamicC驱动程序的框架。

    The development of such intelligent analog acquisition module and the frame of its Dynamic C drive program are introduced .

  9. PLC模拟量输入模块对电压和电流信号处理方式比较

    Comparision Between Voltage and Current Signal Dealing Methods in PLC Analog Input Modular

  10. PID算法在PLC模拟量闭环控制中的实现

    Realization of PID Arithmetic in PLC Analogue Cosed-loop Control

  11. PLC外接模拟量模块的1种新方法

    A New Method on PLC Circumscribed Analog Module

  12. 对模拟量值异常的建模,以XML配置文件的形式,描述异常告警的规则和输出结果。

    The analog exception model is described by XML configuration file with the alarm rules and output results information .

  13. CPC光电控制中CCD应用和模拟量检测技术分析

    Application of CCD and the analysis of analogue detection in CPC photoelectric control

  14. 介绍PLC对数字量信号和模拟量信号的采样和滤波处理方法。

    The sampling and filtering methods with PLC for digital and analog signals are described in the article .

  15. PLC采取两种不同的方式对模拟量进行采集,一种是传统的运用AD模块的形式;

    Two kinds of different ways were adopted to collect analog signals , one is traditional AD module style ;

  16. 应用PLC实现模糊PID以及常规PID算法进行模拟量闭环控制。

    Realizes fuzzy PID as well as the conventional PID algorithm using PLC carries on the simulation quantity closed-loop control .

  17. 在PLC中编程实现了数据采集、数字量输出控制和模拟量PID控制等功能,并在仔细分析现场情况的基础上,制订了异常处理对策。

    Many functions are realized in PLC such as data collection , digital output , analogy PID control and so on .

  18. 编写模拟量输入卡汇编语言控制程序,在SUPERICE16仿真器上编译调试;

    To program assemble language control software of the Analog Signal Input Card and debug on the SUPER ICE 16 simulator ;

  19. 利用组态王和单片机通信进行模拟量的测量,在PC上应用生动形象的画面进行显示;

    With the use of KingView communication with single-chip , this design measures the analog signal and finally displays vivid image in PC.

  20. 基于ISA总线的多路模拟量采集卡的设计

    Design of ISA Bus Based Multi-channel Analogy Signal Collecting Card

  21. 并运用PLC内置的PID功能以及相应的模拟量输出模块精确的控制了冷却液的温度。

    In addition , it uses the in-built PID function of PLC and corresponding analog input module to precisely control the coolant temperature .

  22. 详细讲解了基于此项设计的PLC的触点配置的设计方法、高计数器及模拟量扩展单元的使用。

    In this paper , the design method and the use of high counter and analog quantity expanding unit have been introduced in detail .

  23. 另一种方式是PLC与集成的温湿度变送器以串口通讯的方式来实现对模拟量数据的传输。

    Another way is that PLC connected with integrated warm humidity transmitter directly , transmitted the analog signal data by way of serial communication .

  24. 模块设置新颖,跟随PLC发展方向,例如模拟量控制和工业通信网络的设计。

    Original module setup , it follows the trend of PLC , for example , the design of analog signals control and industrial communications network .

  25. DSP输出SPWM波和可控硅整流信号,同时采集系统输入输出环节中的模拟量以监控系统运行状态。

    DSP generates SPWM signal and SCR rectification signal , samples analog parameter of input and output to monitor system state .

  26. 文中特别介绍了Lookout与S7PLC的通讯和手动向PLC输入模拟量的方法。

    The methods of communication between Lookout and S7 PLC , analog numerical value inputting by hand are especially introduced .

  27. 本文所完成的网络测控平台是网络测控实验室中的一个重要的组成部分,主要用于待测模拟量进行A/D转换并把数据通过Internet传输到虚拟仪器客户端。

    The platform is a part of network measurement and control lab , it is used to convert analog data to digital data and transfer these data to virtual instrument client in the Internet .

  28. PLC控制系统主要完成开关量和部分模拟量的输入输出,实现系统运行的时序控制状态巡检和过载保护;

    The PLC control system mainly accomplishes the on-off input and output , it accomplishes timing control , checks the status and carries the over-voltage and over-current protection ;

  29. 本文介绍了如何用PLC实现速度链及其与传统模拟量控制的速度链相比较的优越性。

    The paper introduces how to utilize PLC to implement the speed chain and compare the advantages between the speed chain of PLC and that of traditional simulative controller .

  30. 本文还对汇流条控制器的模拟量输入通道、数字量输入通道、数字量输出通道进行了自检测设计,包括硬件BIT设计和软件实现方法。

    The built-in test ( BIT ) design of hardware and software is also introduced in this dissertation . The BIT design consists of analog inputs , digital inputs and digital outputs .