
  • 网络analog input;ADC;AIN
  1. 功能子模块包括模拟量输入模块AI、模拟量输出模块AO、开关量输入模块DI及开关量输出模块DO。

    Sub-modules consist of analog input module AI , analog output module AO , digital input module DI and digital output module DO .

  2. PLC的开关量输入模块作为开关量故障信号的输入装置,模拟量输入模块可用作模拟量故障信号的输入装置。主要分析国产发电机变压器组故障录波器应用现状。

    The binary input module is used for the input of digital fault signals while the analog input module for analog fault signals . The current application situation of China-made digital fault recorders for generator-transformer units is presented .

  3. PLC模拟量输入模块对电压和电流信号处理方式比较

    Comparision Between Voltage and Current Signal Dealing Methods in PLC Analog Input Modular

  4. PLC模拟量输入通道及其在数据采集处理中的应用

    PLC Analog Input Channel and its Application in the Data Collection and Process Field

  5. 系统配置了2个测量机组轴系两端扭振的扭振通道和8个模拟量输入通道,由下位智能采集卡和上位PC及监测分析软件组成。

    The system consists of slave intelligent acquisition card , host PC computer and analysis software .

  6. SLC500~(TM)PLC模拟量输入输出模块的配置及调试

    Configuration and Debugging of Analog Signal Input and Output Module of SLC500 ~ ( TM ) PLC

  7. 编写模拟量输入卡汇编语言控制程序,在SUPERICE16仿真器上编译调试;

    To program assemble language control software of the Analog Signal Input Card and debug on the SUPER ICE 16 simulator ;

  8. 本文还对汇流条控制器的模拟量输入通道、数字量输入通道、数字量输出通道进行了自检测设计,包括硬件BIT设计和软件实现方法。

    The built-in test ( BIT ) design of hardware and software is also introduced in this dissertation . The BIT design consists of analog inputs , digital inputs and digital outputs .

  9. FPGA中自动完成模拟量输入的采集与存储及模拟量的输出接口,控制卡设计了CAN总线接口。

    Analog input data acquisition and output interface are automatically gained by the FPGA . CAN-Bus interface designed in this Board . Several servo control digital interface module ;

  10. VMS可通过外接插入式板卡扩展更多的模拟量输入点。

    The VMS analog inputs can be configured to the most diverse physical input quantities via plug-in cards .

  11. 硬件主要有CPU主系统、模拟量输入电路设计、开关量输入输出回路的设计、人机对话接口设计、通信接口的设计以及电源设计;

    The hardware mainly includes the designs of the CPU main system , the simulated measurement input circuit , the switch measurement input-output circuit , man-machine interface , communication interface and power .

  12. 再接着对计量控制系统硬件进行选择,设计了控制系统主电路接线图,并对选择的PLC、变频器、压力传感器、模拟量输入/输出模块进行了接线。

    Then again on the measurement control system hardware selection , design the control system of circuit wiring diagram , and select the PLC , inverter , pressure sensors , analog input / output module of wiring .

  13. 对电机转速PID控制,以S7-200提供的PID控制功能指令,与模拟量输入/输出模块结合实现。

    The rotational speed PID of the electrical machinery was controlled by control order of PID offered with S7-200 , combined import / export the modules to realize the control of analog quantity .

  14. 数据采集系统人机界面设计己基本完成,并成功地与I-7000系列模拟量输入模块实现了联机通讯和数据传输。

    It succeeds in online communication and data transmission with 1-7000 series analog input modules .

  15. 论文是在研制MSCIS接口系统的CAN总线智能通信卡(CCOM)和模拟量输入卡(AI)基础上完成的。

    This paper is based on development of the intelligent Communication Card and the Analog Signal Input Card of MSCIS interface system .

  16. 为了验证扩展口、A/D转换和D/A功能,还自己制作一个包括8路模拟量输入、开关量输入、8路LED、4个数码管和D/A转换电路辅助电路板。

    For the purpose of testing the function of extended ports , digital-to-analog conversion and analog-to-digital conversion , an auxiliary experiment board is made , it includes analog signal outputs , switch signal outputs , LED circuit , eight-segment nixie tubes and a digital-to-analog conversion circuit .

  17. 介绍了菲尼克斯电气(PHOENIX)模拟量输入IBILAI8/SF-PAC模块的功能,通过实例分析,阐述了PHOENIX的模拟量输入模块在本次项目中的成功应用。

    This paper introduces the function of the PHOENIX analog input module ( IB IL_AI_8 / SF-PAC ), with the analysis of example , explained the application of PHOENIX analog input module in the project .

  18. 讨论了C8051F020单片机的特点,并详细讨论了模拟量输入输出电路的设计和以太网接口电路的设计。

    The features of C8051F020 MCU , analog input and output circuit design and Ethernet interface circuit design were discussed .

  19. 利用采集卡的数字量输出与模拟量输入功能,配以外围接口电路,有效地实现了对电路的控制和对所需数据的采集,同时能对十工位PTCR的伏安特性进行测量。

    Taking use of the card 's DO / AI function and through the peripheral interface circuit , circuit controlling and data acquisition can be achieved simply and effectively .

  20. 系统的硬件采样部分由数据采集模块(包括模拟量输入模块和数字量输入模块)构成,各模块间以RS-485总线形式进行连接。

    The hardware sampling unit of the monitor system is constituted by the data gathering module , including digital input module and analog input module , which are connected by the RS-485 main line form .

  21. 以低成本,高性能的设计思路实现了一种用于建筑工程材料测试的数据采集卡,系统基于PCI数据总线,8路模拟量输入,配置为不同放大系数。

    Considering low cost and high performance , we realized a kind of data collection card which is used for testing construc-tion material . The card based on PCI bus , has 8 analog input channels , which can be configurated different amplifying coefficients .

  22. 讨论了电力系统故障动态过程微机记录装置中的模拟量输入通道硬件的设计方案,并详细地分析了多CPU并行运行的硬件特点及利用先进的双向RAM技术进行CPU之间的数据交换。

    This paper discusses the hardware design of Analog_Collection Subsystem for recording the dynamic process of electric power fault , analyses in detail the hardware characteristic of multi-CPU parallel run and the data exchange between CPUs with the help of the advanced technology of bidirectional RAM .

  23. 硬件部分先作了整体论述,然后具体介绍了DSP测频电路、PWM输出电路、液晶显示电路、模拟量输入电路、开关量输入输出电路以及与PC接口电路。

    The chapter of hardware design first expounds the whole design . Several primary circuit are designed , including frequency measuring circuit , PWM signals output circuit , LCD display circuit , analog signals input circuit , on-off input and output circuit and the interface circuit between the DSP and PC.

  24. 文章阐述了田湾核电厂TXS系统模拟量输入冗余通道交叉比较标准偏差的数学模型,分析模拟量输入冗余通道的结构设计。

    The paper describes and analyzes the mathematical model and structural design of analog signal input redundant channel cross comparison of TXS system in Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant .

  25. PROFIBUS-DP从站采用模块化设计,分为五类模块:主模块、开关量输入从模块、开关量输出从模块、模拟量输入从模块以及模拟量输出从模块。

    Modular method is taken to design the PROFIBUS-DP slave , which is divided into 5 categories , the main module , the switch signal input sub modular , the switch signal output sub modular , the analog signal input sub modular and the analog signal output sub modular .

  26. 阐述了电动车组车厢功能级微机网络控制单元XDU的模拟量输入模块的设计思路、技术实现以及硬件配置。

    Described are the design thought , technical implement and hardware disposition of the analog input module for the microcomputer network control unit XDU of the car function grade on EMUs .

  27. MSCIS接口系统的研制工作主要包括两大部分:系统硬件板卡(包括通信卡、控制卡、模拟量输入卡、模拟量输出卡和数字量输入输出卡)的研制和通信计算机软件研制。

    The development of MSCIS mainly includes the following two parts : the cards and the software running on the communication computer . There are five types of cards , communication card , control card , analog output card , analog input card and digital input / output card .

  28. 核电数字化保护系统模拟量输入卡件的设计

    Design of Analog Input Module for Digital Reactor Protection System

  29. 模拟量输入计算机的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Analog Quantum Being Imported in Computer

  30. 多个模拟量输入组合在一起产生一个输出的过程。

    The process of combining multiple analogue inputs to produce a single output .