
mú bǎn zhī chēnɡ
  • Template support;form hanger
  1. 运用PDCA理论优化超低及超重梁模板支撑

    Optimize the support of over-low and over-weighted beam formwork by using PDCA theory

  2. 针对模板支撑架体系的主要失效模式,运用MonteCarlo数值模拟方法和插值法,计算了模板支撑架的体系可靠度。

    In view of the significant failure modes of FSTS formwork-support system , reliability index was obtained by Monte Carlo simulation and interpolation technique .

  3. 34m高空混凝土箱梁混合式模板支撑体系的施工工艺研究

    Research on Construction Technology of " Combined Formwork Supporting System " for Concrete Box Girder 34m in Height

  4. 扣件式钢管模板支撑系统倒塌事故原因分析

    Analysis of cause on collapse of fastening steel pipe support system

  5. 高空大跨度斜拉悬挑结构模板支撑技术

    Formwork support technology for large spanned overhanging structure high above ground

  6. 扣件式钢管模板支撑架计算模型回顾与思考

    Review and meditation on calculation model of fastener-type steel pipe scaffolding

  7. 本文研究了现行的模板支撑架的各种计算方法。

    This paper studies the current template support frame calculation method .

  8. 现浇混凝土楼板早拆模板支撑体系的应用

    The Application of Cast-in-situ Concrete Floorslab Early Dismantling Formwork Supports System

  9. 高支模、大跨度模板支撑体系的设计与施工扣件式钢管模板支撑架结构力学性能研究

    Design and Construction of High-Formwork and Large Span Formwork Supports System

  10. 超高超重结构的模板支撑系统设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Extra High and Heavy Formwork Supporting System

  11. 混凝土浇筑路径与模板支撑体系内力响应

    Relation Between Concrete Placing Route and Formwork Supporting System Response

  12. 插销式新型模板支撑架性能分析及要点控制

    Performance analysis and keys controls of latch-type steel pipe formwork support system

  13. 扣件式超高模板支撑体系安全风险分析及控制措施

    Safety analysis and control measures of ultra-high fastener-style tubular steel formwork support

  14. 单侧模板支撑体系在地铁明挖车站施工中的应用

    Application of one-side formwork supporting system in construction of open-cut subway station

  15. 高层建筑多层模板支撑体系安全性控制方法

    Safety control of high rise building multi-storey formwork supports system

  16. 混凝土结构扣件式模板支撑体系数值分析

    Numerical simulation of fastening board support system of concrete structure

  17. 多层模板支撑体系的时空分析

    Temporal and Spatial Analysis of Multi-Storey Formwork Supports System

  18. 11000M~3卵形消化池的模板支撑体系

    The system of formwork support for 11000M oval-shape digester

  19. 圆堞型悬挑结构模板支撑体系的设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Disk Overhanging Formwork Support System

  20. 筒仓锥形屋面模板支撑的设计与安装

    Design and erection of bracing for form system of conical roof of silo

  21. 某转换层大梁模板支撑架体设计与施工技术

    The design and construction technique of some transfer story girder formwork support frame

  22. 密肋楼板模板支撑的施工技术

    Construction technology of follow board support for rib floor

  23. 构造因素对高大模板支撑体系稳定承载力影响的研究

    Study on effect of constitution factors for supporting system for tall and large formwork

  24. 模板支撑系统的安全控制

    The Safety Management of Formwork - Supporting System

  25. 扣件式钢管模板支撑架立杆承载力的影响因素分析

    Analysis of the factors influencing buckling load of steel tubular formwork support with couplers

  26. 大空间模板支撑体系优化设计

    The Optimum Design of Large-Space Form Bracing System

  27. 工学院学生食堂中庭模板支撑系统计算

    Calculation on the atrium template supporting system in the student restaurant of technical college

  28. 现浇箱梁扣件式钢管模板支撑体系的设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Fastener-style Steel Pipe Falsework for Cast in Situ Box Girder

  29. 模板支撑的施工设计

    Form construction and brace design of high buildings

  30. 基于统计的模板支撑设计参数

    Statistical Parameters of the Formwork Support s