
  • 网络modular approach;modular method
  1. 本文首先分析RFID中间件的原理和作用,利用模块化方法将该中间件划分为设备监控管理模块、标签信息处理模块、数据管理模块、通信服务器模块和应用接口模块。

    At first , this paper analyzes the principle and function of RFID middleware , using modular method divide the middleware into Equipment Monitoring Management module Label Information Processing module , Data Management module , Communication Server module and Application Interface module .

  2. 系统控制程序采用结构化、模块化方法设计,由系统初始化模块、A/D转换模块、输入变量计算模块、FFT算法模块、UART显示模块、PWM模块、控制量输出模块组成。

    System control program used the structural and modular method to design , consisting of system initialization module , A / D transformation module , input variables calculation module , FFT algorithm module , UART display module , PWM module and control output module .

  3. 这种多层的体系结构向开发者提供了一种基于组件的设计和开发Web应用的模块化方法。

    Web applications developed by this architecture are built on component-based design and modular implementation .

  4. 最后根据这个模型,采用模块化方法,提出自动生成PLC的IL程序的方法。

    Finally , re present the algorithm for automatic generation of the IL program of PLC .

  5. 此种由ManualTester开始的模块化方法减少了人工和自动测试的维护成本。

    This modular approach , beginning with Manual Tester , reduces maintenance costs for both manual and automated testing .

  6. 这种模块化方法使Geronimo成为高度可伸缩的服务器。

    This modular approach makes Geronimo a highly scalable application server .

  7. 在设计思想上,DS的设计注重标准化、模块化方法,从概念和结构上提供了很好的独立性、通用性和可扩充性。

    The design thought of DS emphasizes standard and modular methods , which offer independence , universal and extensibility .

  8. 正如下面将要讨论到的,面向方面的处理方法(AOA)提供了一种捕获过程扩展的模块化方法。

    As discussed below , AOA provides a modular way of capturing process extensions .

  9. 本文以面向订单制造的生产模式和传统工时定额方法研究为基础,结合成组技术思想、模块化方法构建了面向订单制造的工时定额方法-成组模块法,即GMM法。

    GMM is developed under the fundamental research of order-orientated production mode and traditional time quota methods , and integrate the ideology of group technology and module method .

  10. 以Windows操作系统为平台,采用模块化方法应用VISUALBASIC6.0开发了开放式数控系统软件,包括人机交互、安全保障、运动和力/位置混合控制、标定校准、文件管理等各功能模块。

    The open CNC system software is developed on base of Windows , adopting modularization in Visual Basic 6.0 . The system consists of human-machine-interfaces , security assurance , motion force / position hybrid control , calibration , file management and some other function module .

  11. 采用模块化方法设计并实现一种支持热归档的异地容灾系统(RDTS)。

    This paper presents a Remote Disaster Tolerant System ( RDTS ) supporting hot archiving under the method of modularization .

  12. 然后构建短信营销系统架构,并使用模块化方法设计系统,分别从网络架构、系统架构、业务逻辑进行设计,其中重点设计并实现了MAS层应用和短信营销系统应用层的接口功能。

    And then build the structure of SMS marketing system , design systems respectively from the network structure , system structure and business logic by modular method , which focuses on the interface functions of the applications of MAS and the SMS marketing system .

  13. 循环模拟程序的设计采用组合式模块化方法。

    The design of cycle simulation program adopts integrated module method .

  14. 系统软件采用汇编语言,以模块化方法设计。

    System software using assembly language and designing in a modular way .

  15. 基本上模块化方法是最好的选择。

    This modular approach is almost always the right choice .

  16. 采用模块化方法设计了仪器硬件结构。

    We use the modular design method to design the instrument hardware structure .

  17. 运用模块化方法建立口腔修复有限元模型

    With the Modular Method to Build the Finite Element Model of Oral Cavity Rehabilitation

  18. 用模块化方法设计空气冷却器的探讨

    Discussion the modular design on air cooler

  19. 功率因数修正的模块化方法

    The Modular Approach to Power Factor Correction

  20. 模块化方法在HIT/DLR机器人技术中的应用

    Modular Concept for HIT / DLR Robotics

  21. 通过使用一种模块化方法,开发人员可以跨多个应用程序重用组件和代码。

    By using a modular approach , developers can reuse components and code across multiple applications .

  22. 以工程领域中的模块化方法为核心建立了牙颌组织的有限元模型库。

    Starting from the engineering modular method to build the finite element model base of dentognathic tissue .

  23. 在理论上,运用模块化方法展开服务创新,已经成为服务创新领域的一个重要研究方向。

    In theory , the use of a modular approach to start service innovation has become an important research direction .

  24. 整个装置采用模块化方法设计,可根据需要灵活配置各模件数量。

    The whole equipment is designed by modularization , and each module can be flexibly configured according to different requirements .

  25. 研究了工装的模块化方法,以及工装模块的横系列化和纵系列化方法,建立了基于特征模块的模块化工装快速配置方法。

    Modularization and serialization of fixture are studied . Rapid configuration method of modularization fixture based on feature module is elaborated .

  26. 本文采用模块化方法,根据模块独立性原则和物理划分原则将整个仿真系统中虚拟化的考察对象进行了细分,并逐一建模。

    All the objects are modulated by the principle of independence and physical integrality , and then modeled one by one .

  27. 针对施工期结构的时变性特征,提出了一种分析施工结构的简化分析法&模块化方法,大大提高了分析效率。

    Because of the time_changing performance of structure during construction , a kind of simplify analysis method - modular method is summarized .

  28. 首先采用项目管理的工作分解结构以及产品模块化方法对虚拟企业的任务分解方法进行了探讨,对任务分解过程进行了阐述;

    An approach of work breakdown structure ( WBS ) and product modularization is introduced to deal with the problem of task decomposition .

  29. 在绿色产品设计开发过程中采用模块化方法,易于增加产品材料的相容性、可维护性、可拆卸性及可回收性等。

    The application of modularity method in a products design stages makes material more accessible to compatibility , maintenance , disassembly and recycling .

  30. 在硬件体系结构上,采用模块化方法搭建和扩展硬件系统。

    The hardware and software structure of system were designed.2.In the hardware architecture , the modular method was used to build and expand the hardware system .