
  • 网络Simulation Game;Simulation;The Imitation Game;SIM
  1. 该校曾经推出一门关于欧洲的课程:《制度、经济和社会层面的欧洲事务》,还曾把一项由电脑制造商ibm赞助的商业模拟游戏纳入课程。

    INSEAD introduced a course on Europe , the institutional , economic and social aspects of European affairs . It also included a business simulation game , sponsored by IBM , the computer maker .

  2. 该方法较大地提高了3D角色实时动态碰撞检测效率,可应用于第一人称射击游戏、3D角色模拟游戏、机器人寻径以及虚拟战术环境中。

    This method can be applied to the FPS ( First Person Shooting ) game , 3D Character simulation game , path-finding in Robotics as well as virtual tactics to improve efficiency of 3D articulated character collision detection .

  3. 曲线在实时3D引擎中的作用主要是帮助描绘空间物体的运动轨迹和一些飞行模拟游戏中的飞行路径。

    The main function of curve in the real-time 3D engine is to assist in portraying the movement orbit at spatial object and flight route in same flight simulated games .

  4. 如果你是棒球迷,你在OSX平台是这对你是一个游戏。10日化身“出了公园棒球”-棒球管理模拟游戏。

    If you are fan of baseball and you 're on OSX platform this is a game for you.10th incarnation of " Out Of The Park Baseball " - baseball management simulation game .

  5. 论模拟游戏在英语口语教学中的应用

    On the Application of Simulation Games to Oral English Class for English Majors

  6. 并且基于此框架的开发的足球模拟游戏,也成功验证了它的有效性。

    And , a soccer game based on this a architecture has proven its effectiveness .

  7. 英国的一项研究,在调查了700个儿童后发现,玩模拟游戏可以开发孩子的战略思考能力和制定计划的能力。

    A British study of700 children found that simulation games developed children 's strategic thinking and planning skills .

  8. 尽管它实现了非常酷的风行模拟游戏,但它最广为流传的是其会计和财务管理软件。

    Although they make a really cool flight simulator game , they are mostly known for their accounting and financial management software .

  9. 然而,两人都承认,模拟游戏约定通常的结果是让家长安心。

    Both concede , however , that a typical outcome of a mock play date is putting mothers and fathers at ease .

  10. 一个拳击模拟游戏。游戏中你将创造一个属于你自己的拳击教练,训练你拳击手的不同技能然后参加比赛。

    Universal Boxing Manager is a complete boxing simulation : create your own custom manager , train your boxer 's skills and arrange fights .

  11. 日本已经建立了一整套产业,从恋爱模拟游戏到度假屋来帮助那些逃避恋爱关系的男性打发寂寞。

    There 's an entire industry in Japan that helps men who eschew romantic lives cope with loneliness through relationship-simulating video games and even holiday retreats .

  12. 追求事业,赚钱,教育,一边享受乐趣?或者全部在这次有趣的生活模拟游戏里搞乱你的生活。

    Pursue a career , earn money , educate yourself while having fun ? or totally mess up your life in this entertaining life simulation game .

  13. 不像是现在大多数的同类太空模拟游戏,本作中你在接近行行或者其他物体的过程中一直都可以对飞船的航行进行控制。

    Unlike most other recent space-sims , you aren 't pulled away from flight control when you get close to a planet or other object in space .

  14. 《轨道飞行》是迄今为止公开发行过的最真实的太空模拟游戏之一,它游戏里的战斗采用了精确而耐用的牛顿物理模型。

    Orbiter one of the most realistic space simulators ever released to the public , utilizing a very accurate and robust Newtonian physics model for in-game flight .

  15. 此外,建模和模拟游戏在战术训练中将发挥更大的作用。北约期待着学术界提出如果改善这些技术的意见。

    In addition , modelling and simulation games are playing an increasingly important role in tactical training , and the NATO looks to input from academia on how to improve them .

  16. 当时,游戏研发费用暴涨了200%,但销售收入却基本没有增加,那些制作图像逼真的飞行模拟游戏和即时战略游戏的公司苦苦挣扎。

    Back then , development costs tripled , but revenue remained about the same , and outfits making graphically intensive flight simulation and real-time strategy games , for instance , struggled .

  17. 根据矢野经济研究所的数据,基于这种爱情模拟游戏的产业领域2011年的销售额增加了30.4%,即146亿日元(合1.773亿美元)。

    The sector based on such love simulation games grew by 30.4 % with 14.6 billion yen ( $ 177.3 million ) in sales in 2011 , according to Yano Research Institute .

  18. 比如,一名飞行教官可以测试飞行模拟游戏,一名会计师可以测试税务软件,一名教师可以测试一个新的教育软件。

    For example , a flight instructor could test a flight simulator game , an accountant could test tax preparation software , or a teacher could test a new child education program .

  19. 随便看看那些无聊的视频选材,你就会发现,从长篇演讲到官方文件,从毫无意义的模拟游戏到枯燥的象棋对弈,从静态风景到宗教仪式,无一不是视频的来源,应有尽有。

    While browsing the selection of boring video material , you 'll find everything from from long lectures and documentaries , senseless game simulations and chess matches to static landscapes and religious rituals .

  20. 买一个你的孩子还没见过的新游戏,最好是一款你知道在现实生活中如何去做的仿真模拟游戏,就像是踢足球或开车。

    Buy a new game that your child hasn 't seen before , and one that is a simulation of something you know how to do in real life , like playing football or driving a car .

  21. 大地形的快速实时绘制对于虚拟现实、GIS、飞行模拟、游戏制作等方面的应用都有着重要意义。

    Real-time rendering of huge 3D terrains plays an important role in Virtual Reality , GIS , flight simulation , game manufacture , and many other fields .

  22. 在虚拟场景中,尤其是室外虚拟场景,如飞行模拟、游戏和军事演习等系统中3D云是一个非常重要的组成部分,使场景的真实度和交互性大大提高。

    In virtual scene , especially in outdoor virtual scene such as flight simulation 、 game and war game system , 3D cloud is a very important part because it improves the third dimension of the virtual reality .

  23. 有这些信息,程序总可以为模拟的游戏生成“完美”的视频模式。

    With thies information the programs are able to always generate'perfect'video modes for the emulated game .

  24. 在生日聚会上,我的小外甥一直都在玩我电脑上的一款模拟战争游戏。

    During the celebration my young nephew spent the entire time on my computer playing a simulated war game .

  25. 建筑物三维虚拟模型广泛应用于房产展示、场景模拟、游戏娱乐等众多领域中。

    Three-dimensional virtual models of buildings are widely applied in many areas , such as housing show , scene simulation and game entertainment .

  26. 《中国式家长》是一款全新的普通话版模拟养成游戏,由于它反映了现实生活,受到了玩家的欢迎和好评。

    Chinese Parents , a new life simulation game in Mandarin , is gaining popularity and praise among players for its mirroring of real life .

  27. 它提供了许许多多的不同玩游戏的方法以及修改游戏的手段,对于太空模拟类游戏的爱好者来说,这款游戏提供了一个富有特色的模板。

    Offering a wide range of ways to play and modify the game , it provides a unique feature packed template for space-sim fans to engage in .

  28. 我是喜欢这样的劳作,即让我找回故乡的情节,又能在如此模拟的游戏中找到乐趣。

    I like the crafts , that is , the plot let me get back home , but also in such a simulation to find the game fun .

  29. 小游戏简介:挺真实的模拟飞行游戏,各位梦想成为飞机师的朋友先进来体验一下吧!

    Get-away drama brief introduction : the pretty true emulation flies game , each dream likes to be the friend of the airplane teacher a forerunner to experience personally once !

  30. 这是一个模拟的金矿游戏。

    This is a simulative gold mining game .