
  • 网络simulated map;Analogue Map;analog map
  1. 4D产品正逐步替代传统的模拟地图,在国民经济的众多领域中得到广泛应用。

    The conventional analogous map is gradually substituted by 4D .

  2. 作为国家基础地理空间框架数据的主产品形式,4D产品正逐步替代传统的模拟地图,在国民经济的众多领域得到广泛应用。

    As the main form of National Spatial Data Infrastructure , 4D is widely used in many national economic fields in place of traditional maps .

  3. 数字化、自动化和智能化成为测绘生产的主要技术手段,测绘基础工作由原来的单一生产模拟地图转变为生产基础地理信息产品。

    Digital , automatic and intelligent means become the main means in surveying production , and the basic surveying work has transferred from producing single analogous map to producing basic geographic information products .

  4. 空间分布模拟地图能反映褐飞虱种群在田间的具体分布情况,广东西部地区每一世代褐飞虱的发生密度均高于东部地区。

    The simulation distribution maps of BPH , which was interpolated by Ordinary Kriging , showed that the density of BPH populations in west Guangdong province were higher than that in the east . The effect of sampling size on the spatial structure of BPH was not significant .

  5. 模拟与虚拟地图符号及地理虚拟空间的数学定义

    Mathematical Definitions for Imitative Map Symbol , Virtual Map Symbol and Geo-Cyberspace

  6. 设计了在图形图像编程基础上完成的模拟飞机与地图的显示同时可以避免屏幕闪烁;

    Designed the photograph of simulated flight based on the image programme , at the same time , avoided flicker of the screen ;

  7. 基于模拟退火算法的地图点状要素注记配置研究

    Point Feature Label Placement Research Based on Simulated-Annealing Algorithm

  8. 这使得长期模拟和完善的地图制作成为可能。

    Long-term simulations and sophisticated map-making are possible .