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  1. 地层数字制图中纵、横分界线控制搜索新算法

    A new algorithm for digital mapping of stratum based on control and searching method of vertical and horizontal dividing line

  2. 在锁骨中1/3上方,在斜方肌前缘2-3cm处,颈横动脉分为深支和浅支。

    Above the1 / 3of the clavicle , at the exterior edge of the trapezius muscle , the transverse cervical artery diverged out the deep branch and the superficial branch .

  3. 它主要是由横截剖分蜗轮弹簧斜块滚珠构成的。

    It is mainly made up of cross section worm gear_spring_slanting lumps_ball .

  4. 菌丝有横隔,分生孢子着生于菌丝体或分支末端;

    And its conidia grown on the end of the hypha or branch .

  5. 与顺垄相比,平作、横垄和横分都能减少地表径流深和径流总深。

    Compared with ridged up down , flat , ridged contour and ploughed in contour strips can reduce surface runoff depth and the total runoff deep .

  6. 将球团在横截面的运动分为表面活动层和塞流层两个区域,得到了球团在横截面内的速度分布。

    The movement of pellets in the cross-sectional of rotary kiln is divided into the active layers and the ' plug flow ' region , and the velocity distribution of pellets in the cross-sectional is obtained .

  7. 随机将82例枕后(横)位产妇分为两组,实验组46例用侧俯卧势床垫,对照组36例用传统普通床垫。

    82 cases of posterior occipital or transverse position were divided into two groups , 46 cases with new type lateral prostration bed pad into experiment group , other 36 cases in traditional common bed pad .

  8. 耕作方式对径流养分浓度的影响表现在,与顺垄相比,横垄和横分能增加氮素、磷素和钾素的地表径流浓度,但会降低壤中流氮素浓度。

    The impact of tillage methods on runoff nutrient concentrations performance showed that : Compared to the ridged contour and cross sub-surface , smooth ridge increased the content of nitrogen , TP and potassium in runoff , but reduced the concentration of nitrogen in soil runoff .