首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 我需要在停车收费器里投2英镑银币。

    I need £ 2 in silver for the parking meter .

  2. 他往投币孔里投了一枚硬币,然后拨了电话。

    He dropped a coin into the slot and dialed .

  3. 我向付费电话的投币孔里投了一枚25分硬币。

    I dropped a quarter into the slot of the pay phone .

  4. 邻家的房屋在我们的花园里投下阴影。

    The house next door casts a shadow over our garden .

  5. 他们中的一个人可能向他水里投毒了。

    One of them could have slipped it in his water .

  6. 假设你们住左圈里投了一镖。

    Suppose you throw a dart at the circle on the left .

  7. 我在街上的每个邮筒里投了一封信。

    I put one in every mailbox on the street .

  8. 我往教堂的募捐箱里投了一张五美元的钞票

    I put a five dollar bill in the church collection box ,

  9. 有人在水洞里投毒-投毒?

    Somebody 's poisoned the water hole . - Poisoned ?

  10. 往蓝网里投篮球,丹尼!

    Throw the basketball at the net , Danny !

  11. 朝人家房子里投砖块吗

    to start throwing bricks at people 's houses ?

  12. 请往钱箱里投两元钱。

    Drop two yuan in the box please .

  13. 帮我往那机器里投两个硬币。

    Just put some quarters in the machine .

  14. 麦斯在能源股里投下巨资。

    Max invested heavily in energy stocks .

  15. 在池塘里投一条鱼给海豹,当它从沿着我的路游过时我站着一动不动。

    Toss a fish to the seal in his pool , Stand so still while it swims my way .

  16. 他们同时上场会解脱了加索尔的压力,他也在季前赛里投起中距离的球了。

    Having them in the lineup together has taken pressure off of Gasol , and he 's been hitting mid-range jumpers throughout the preseason consistently .

  17. 一位军事官员说,如果你关掉我们的电网,我们也许会向你的一根烟囱里投下一枚导弹。

    If you shut down our power grid , maybe we will put a missile down one of your smokestacks , ' said a military official .

  18. 耶稣对银库坐着,看众人怎样投钱入库。有好些财主,往里投了若干的钱。

    And Jesus sat over against the treasury , and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury : and many that were rich cast in much .

  19. 此外,可口可乐公司也应该希望将奥运会(在公众心目中)重新定位成非政治性的事件,因为自从他们往里投钱了他们的利益就和它绑在一起。

    Then they also want to reposition the Olympic Games as non-political event because ever since they have thrown money into it their interests are bonded with it .

  20. 上周四,在特恩布尔正要去发表一个关于经济的重要演讲途中,他停下来和该乞丐握手,并向他的乞讨咖啡杯里投了一点钱。

    On his way to give a major economic speech last Thursday , Mr Turnbull stopped to shake the man 's hand and slip some money into his coffee cup .

  21. 要消除良好意愿与实际表现的差距,这是一种方法,比如我们同意只要我们骂人就要往罚款箱里投钱。

    This is a way of closing the gap between good intentions and actual performance , such as when we agree to put money in the swearbox when we curse .

  22. 街角路灯的光透过白桦树,洒在地上,一片暗绿,仿佛在冬天枯黄的花园里投下了一抹夏日的记忆。

    The light from the street lamp on the corner filtered down through the birch trees , casting a glow as green as a summer memory upon the winter-brown back yard .

  23. 罗马总是能让人联想到罗马圆形大剧场的角斗士或是在许愿池里投硬币,但是品尝美味的意大利披萨,意大利面和意式雪糕,才能真正算是来过意大利罗马。

    Nothing says " When in Rome " more than eating decadent pizza , pasta , and gelato as you connect with your inner gladiator at the Colosseum or throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain .

  24. 还会有个募捐箱:吊唁的客人往里投钱,一方面表示对死者家庭的尊重,另一方面也帮助他们负担丧礼的花销。

    There will also be a donation box , as money is always offered as a sign of respect to the family of the deceased : it will also help the family defray the costs of the funeral .

  25. 拉斯维加斯Tinoco's餐厅(现已关闭)外曾有一个集市风格的抓取机。顾客往里投1.20英镑,可以试运气抓活龙虾当晚餐。

    Tinoco 's Bistro in Las Vegas ( which is now closed ) once had a fairground-style grabber machine outside the restaurant where visitors could put in £ 1.20 and try their luck catching a live lobster for dinner .

  26. 为了纪念爱国诗人屈原,居民为了不让跳下汨罗江的屈原尸体被鱼虾吃掉,所以在江里投下许多用竹叶包裹的米食(粽子),并且竞相划船(赛龙船)希望找到屈原的尸体。

    In order to commemorate patriotic poet Qu Yuan who jumped into the Miluo river , and avoid his body to be eaten by fish and shrimp , so people cast many of bamboo rice ( rice dumplings ) in the river , and compete to row ( acetate ship ) hoping to find the body of Qu yuan .

  27. 你们的母亲应该每年春天带你们上城里来投投名师才对。

    Your mother should have taken you to town every spring for the benefit of masters .

  28. 它忽略了一个事实:在1980年至2000年这长达20年的时间里,投在黄金上的资金可谓死钱。

    Ignored is the 20-year period from 1980 to 2000 when money invested in gold was dead money .

  29. 他坐在床上,把球在房间里抛投着,球打到墙上的一张海报上。

    He sits on the bed and tosses the ball across the room , hitting a poster on the wall .

  30. 过去几年里,投行业似乎适用差速重力法则。

    For the past few years it has looked as though a law of differential gravity applied in investment banking .