
  • 网络Horizontal analysis;cross-sectional analysis;pooled cross-sectional studies
  1. 研究比较报表的变动百分比的方法叫横向分析法。

    The study of percentage changes in comparative statements n called horizontal analysis .

  2. 对网络教学交互整体进行了横向分析和纵向分析,其中在横向分析中,重点分析了网络教学交互的模式:个人独立交互模式;

    In horizontal analysis , the author emphatically analysed network instruction model : The personal independence interaction model ;

  3. 结构分析软件在桥梁设计中的横向分析

    The Transversal Analysis of Structure Analysis Software in Bridge Design

  4. 讨论了强非线性系统纵向和横向分析方法之间的关系,指出就刻划系统渐近行为而言,两种方法应给出基本一致的结果。

    The relations of two analytical methods of strongly nonlinear systems are investigated .

  5. 本文的分析分为横向分析和纵向分析。

    The analysis in this paper is classified into transverse analysis and longitudinal analysis .

  6. 本论文主体部分对三个不同阶段进行横向分析,因为孤独、欲望、死亡是他不同阶段共同的表达。

    The principal part of my essay will analyze Bi Feiyu s creation horizontally , because solitude , appetency and decrease h.

  7. 目前,学界对人事管理理念与模式的横向分析较多,但缺乏纵向的对比研究。

    At present , academic field takes more transverse analysis than comparative analysis on the values and mode of personnel management .

  8. 同时,横向分析个体改变对集体的影响及集体改变的进步意义。

    Meanwhile , this chapter also analyses the influences brought by individual changes to the group and the significance of group progress .

  9. 长期以来,对于生产力的学理研究,理论界习惯于沿用静态分析法和横向分析法。

    For a long time , theorists are used to study productive forces in the way of static state and longitudinal analysis .

  10. 伦理道德不是感性存在物,它总是渗透于社会活动之中。从横向分析,政治信用伦理主要体现为政治统治关系中的信用伦理、政治领导关系中的信用伦理和政治联盟关系中的信用伦理。

    Analyzed from horizontal , political credit ethics are reflected credit ethics in the relationships of political governance , political lead , and political alliance .

  11. 三是从历史发展的纵向和现实存在的横向分析,它具有历史性和发展性、丰富性和系统性。

    Third , from a vertical analysis of historical development and horizontal analysis of reality existence , it is historic , advancing , abundant and systematic .

  12. 对39支权证分别从时间纬度纵向分析,为加强检验稳健性,又从横向分析其影响效果。

    The paper analysis the 39 warrants respectively from the time of latitude , so as to enhance the stability test , and analysis of the impact effect from the horizontal .

  13. 其次,在研究思路部分,本章从行业的横向分析和经济环境的纵向分析两个角度展开对股权结构之于上市公司经营绩效的影响研究。

    Part of the research ideas , the angle of the research is divided into two aspects , Horizontal industry and longitudinal economic environment analysis , in order to study the influences respectively .

  14. 文章坚持横向分析、纵向分析、逻辑分析相结合,通过对社会主义市场经济的发展呼唤当代人格的完善进行深入思考,拟从人与社会互动的角度,探讨人格的现代化问题;

    The thesis explores the personality modernization according to that the people and the society effect to each other through deeply considering the development of the socialist market economy requiring the contemporary personality 's perfection .

  15. 当然,该方法也有自己的局限性&即我们无法统计文中对话分别违反合作四原则的次数,进而无法进行数据分析和横向分析。

    Of course , the paper has its own disadvantages ; that is , the times of violating the four maxims could not be counted , and further statistical analysis and horizontal analysis could not be reached .

  16. 横向分析方面重点研究了箱梁结构横向应力和横向位移对荷载、弯曲半径、预应力和温差变化的反应。

    Transverse analysis emphasizes on the analysis of lateral stress of the box girder structure and lateral displacement of the pier cap , the major variables are dead load , bend radius , prestressing force and temperature change .

  17. 然后分别从纵向和横向分析了系统运行机制,特别是在横向方面,把系统活动分成互为表里的两大模块:师生教学交互活动和学习支持服务体系。

    The operative mechanism of the system is analyzed from both longitudinal and horizontal aspects . Particularly from horizontal aspect does the author divide the systematic activities into two modules interaction among learners & web teachers and learning supportive service .

  18. 第三章、第四章分析建筑装置,包括它的历史背景、发生概念、客体特点、主体特征等要素;同时横向分析建筑装置与其它艺术类型的关系。

    In the third chapter , the fourth chapter analysis building devices , including its history background , occurrence concept , characteristics , main characteristics of the object elements ; At the same time horizontal analysis equipment and other building artistic types of relationship .

  19. 在电梯横向振动分析的基础上,用MR阻尼器作为减振器分别采用继电器控制,改进型继电器控制以及模糊变结构控制对电梯进行振动控制实验。

    Based on analysis of elevator vibration , elevator vibration control has done by relay method , modified relay policy and fuzzy variable structure strategy .

  20. 非对称混杂边界轴向运动Timoshenko梁横向振动分析

    Transverse vibration of an axially moving Timoshenko beam with unsymmetrical hybrid supports

  21. 两次PIXE国际横向比对分析结果

    The results of two international cross-checks of PIXE analysis

  22. LIA加速间隙内横向场分析及对发射度的影响

    Influence of transverse field component in a LIA on emittance growth of the electron beam

  23. 300MW汽轮机隔板焊缝横向裂纹分析与解决

    Weld Tranverse Crack Analysis and Solution of 300 MW Steam Turbine Separator Plate

  24. 30mm自动炮身管细长。炮身的双时变横向振动分析

    Dual time-varying transverse vibration analysis of a gun tube

  25. 纵向变形协调时纤维增强复合材料的横向模量分析

    Analysis about Transverse Modulus of Fibrous Composites form Longitudinal Deformation Compatibility

  26. 汽车发动机正时链带阻尼装置的横向振动分析

    Study on Transverse Vibration of Automotive Engine Timing Chain with Dampers

  27. 环板横向振动分析的三结点有限单元法

    Three-Node Finite Element Method for Axisymmetric Vibration Analysis of Annular Plates

  28. 双箱单室箱梁桥顶板横向弯矩分析

    An Analysis of Transverse Moment In Twin Box Girder Bridge Deck

  29. 传递矩阵建模法在轴横向振动分析中的应用

    The application of transfer matrix in spindles landscape orientation vibration analysis

  30. 半椭圆形薄壳渡槽横向内力分析

    The analysis of internal forces in semiellipse thin-shell aqueduct along crosswise