
  • 网络Transverse relaxation time
  1. 正常生长软骨MR表现特征和横向弛豫时间测定实验研究

    MR imaging characteristics and transverse relaxation time measurements in growth cartilage : experimental study

  2. 利用FID信号直接测量血细胞中水质子的NMR横向弛豫时间

    Measurement of NMR transverse relaxation time of water protons in blood cells by using free induction decay signal

  3. NMR基于横向弛豫时间不同的选择性检测方法

    NMR selective detection based on different transverse relaxation times

  4. 结果表明:自由水和原油的核磁共振横向弛豫时间(T2)都随温度的升高而增大。

    The results show that , the T2 relaxation time for bulk water and oil samples increase with increasing temperature .

  5. 然后从微观机制对实验的结果进行分析,重点探究了pH值与横向弛豫时间T2之间的定性关系。

    Then the results of the experiments are analyzed from micro-mechanisms and the qualitative relationships between the pH values and transverse relaxation time T2 are mainly studied .

  6. 目的探讨轻度Alzheimer型痴呆(dementiaofAlzheimertype,DAT)海马结构、杏仁核、侧脑室颞角MRI体积、横向弛豫时间与临床智能精神检查的相关性。

    Objective To study the correlations of quantitative MRI of hippocampal formation ( HF ), amygadala ( AM ) with clinical mental examinations in mild dementia of Alzheimer type .

  7. 提出一种可同时直接测量高极化核自旋体系分子间n阶多量子相干横向弛豫时间T2,n和自扩散系数Dn的一维核磁共振方法。

    Simultaneous measurements of transverse relaxation time , T_ ( 2 , n ), and self-diffusion coefficient , D_n , of intermolecular multiple quantum coherences ( iMQCs ) were presented for a highly polarized single-component spin system .

  8. 利用HSQC技术对2种溶剂体系下奥美拉唑(Omeprazole)分子中特定碳原子的横向弛豫时间T2进行了测定。

    With HSQC technique , the transverse relaxation time T_ ( 2 ) was determined for certain carbon nuclear on the molecule of Omeprazole in two solvent systems .

  9. 利用核磁共振测井横向弛豫时间T2分布谱可直接反映岩石孔隙半径大小的特性对板桥潜山碳酸盐岩储层类型进行了划分,其结果在FMI成像图上表现出很好的一致性。

    Using NMR characteristic that transverse relaxation T_2 distribution can directly reflect the sizes of rock pores , Banqiao carbonate buried hill reservoirs are classified into different types , which show good consistency with FMI images .

  10. 实验结果表明,由于外加载荷改变了岩石的孔隙结构,岩石的核磁共振谱产生明显的变化,其中横向弛豫时间T2谱面积是反映岩石孔隙结构变化的一个重要参数。

    The experiment results show that the NMR spectrum of the rock changes obviously as the pore structure changed by applied uniaxial load ; otherwise the NMR spectrum area of transverse relaxation time T_ ( 2 ) is a basic parameter to reflect pore structure change of rock .

  11. 用非相干光光子回波技术测碘分子蒸汽的横向弛豫时间

    Measurement of the Transverse Relaxation Time of Material by Photon Echo Techniques

  12. 肺癌横向弛豫时间的实验研究

    Experimental Study of T2 Relaxation Times of Lung Cancer

  13. 用喇曼增强非简并四波混频测量喇曼模的横向弛豫时间

    The transverse relaxation time measurement for Raman mode by nondegenerate four wave mixing

  14. 无论是饱和油的贝瑞砂岩或是饱和油的碳酸盐岩,其核磁共振横向弛豫时间都随温度升高而增大。

    The T2 relaxation times for both oil-saturated sandstone and carbonate increase with temperature .

  15. 一种同时测量分子间多量子相干横向弛豫时间和自扩散系数的快速方法

    Simultaneous Measurements of Transverse Relaxation Time and Self-diffusion Coefficient of Intermolecular Multiple Quantum Coherences in NMR

  16. 得出的纵向和横向弛豫时间是外加交变场频率的函数,这反映了高频场对弛豫的影响是由于所用密度矩阵方程为非马尔科夫型的直接结果。

    The longitudinal and transverse relaxation times have been obtained as functions of the external alternating field .

  17. 配合实验操作技术改进,既准确地测量了横向弛豫时间,又展现了符合物理实验教学的计算机应用方法。

    The results demonstrate the reasonable teaching technique as well as the right way for computer application in physics experiment for measurement .

  18. 本文指出了在核磁共振实验中通常使用的通过测量信号宽度求横向弛豫时间的方法的局限性。

    In this paper , the limitation of the method which was usually used to determine the T3 by measuring the signal width is pointed out .

  19. 分子间多量子相干横向弛豫时间(和自扩散系数)测量的参数优化和数据处理方法

    The optimization of experimental parameter and processing method of experimental data for measurement of transverse relaxation time ( and self-diffusion coefficient ) of intermolecular multiple quantum coherences in NMR

  20. 利用核磁实验新方法研究了低电阻率油层岩心的NMR横向弛豫特性,证实可根据T2谱形和T2平均值来判别岩石含油或含水。2自由流体的横向弛豫时间T2随矿化度变化。

    The new NMR method is used to describe characteristics of lateral relaxation in the low resistivity cores , which has proved that oil and water can be identified according to the shapes of T_2 distribution spectrum and the average value of T_2 .