
  • 网络High-temperature cracking gas;high temperature pyrolysis gas
  1. 高温裂解气的生成造成甲烷碳同位素变重的假象。

    Cracked gas in high-temperature causes methane carbon isotope to heavy .

  2. 煤、泥岩、碳质泥岩的生、排烃过程均可分为3个不同的阶段,即:生、排气态烃阶段,生、排液态烃和重烃气阶段,生、排高温裂解气阶段;

    The processes of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion from coal , argillaceous rocks and carbargillite can be respectively divided into three stages , including generation and expulsion of gaseous hydrocarbon , liquid hydrocarbon and heavier hydrocarbons , high temperature cracking gas ;