
zònɡ xiànɡ chí yù shí jiān
  • longitudinal relaxation time
  1. 正常成人肺脏MRI纵向弛豫时间的测量

    MRI Measurement for Normal Adult Lung on Longitudinal Relaxation Time

  2. 目的对正常成人肺脏MRI纵向弛豫时间进行测量研究。

    Objective To study longitudinal relaxation time of lung in MRI for normal adult .

  3. 同时报导了我们对孔雀绿(Malachitegreen)水溶液的纵向弛豫时间T1的实验测量结果。

    The experiment result of the longitudinal relaxation time T_1 associated with the S_0-S_1 ele - ctronic transition of Malachite Green solution is also reported .

  4. 采用PRFT法估测了四种甲基化腐植酸中各类碳的纵向弛豫时间T1值的范围。

    The spin lattice relaxation time values ( T_1 ) of different types of carbons in the methylated humic acids from four soruces are estimated with PRFT method .

  5. 受精后卵子中水质子的纵向弛豫时间明显比受精前增加,而且在一定的时间范围内,随卵子与精子混合时间延长,T1值有随之增大的趋势。

    The T1 values measured after egg fertilization are significantly larger than that measured before fertilization and within a certain period , such tendency increases with prolonging fertilization duration .

  6. 得出的纵向和横向弛豫时间是外加交变场频率的函数,这反映了高频场对弛豫的影响是由于所用密度矩阵方程为非马尔科夫型的直接结果。

    The longitudinal and transverse relaxation times have been obtained as functions of the external alternating field .