
  • 网络pilot protection
  1. 目前,我国高压输电线路基本上都配备双套主保护,一般采用纵联保护原理。

    High voltage transmission lines in China are equipped with double sets of main protection , generally pilot protection principle .

  2. 纵联保护在原理上比较完备,理论上具有绝对的选择性,故障判断和隔离所需的时间较短,在实际应用中动作的准确率也较高,可较好满足高压系统对继电保护的要求。

    Pilot protection is perfect in principle and has absolute selectivity in theory , needs less time for fault detection and isolation and has higher rate of correct action , it can meet the protective requirements of high-voltage system well .

  3. 基于无线CDMA通信的馈线纵联保护研究

    Feeder 's Pilot Protection Based on Wireless CDMA Communication

  4. 500kV线路光纤纵联保护应用的相关问题分析

    Application of optical fiber pilot protection in 500 kV transmission line

  5. 500kV线路纵联保护数字通道的探讨

    Discussion of digital channel for 500 kV power line longitudinal protection

  6. 一起500kV线路纵联保护误动原因分析及预防措施

    Maloperation analysis and its precautions of pilot protection in 500 kV lines

  7. 110kV输电线路高频纵联保护的实现

    Realization of High Frequency Protection in 110 kV Transmission Line

  8. 提出了一种配电网馈电线路的多断路器间纵联保护方案,在该方案中保护设备之间的通信采用了以公用移动CDMA系统为基础的通信模型。

    A pilot protection scheme for feeders among multi circuit breakers in distribution network is proposed , in which the communication among protection devices adopts the communication model based on public mobile code division multiple access ( CDMA ) system .

  9. CLX-1型电流相位比较式纵联保护装置

    The development of clx-1 phase comparison pilot relay

  10. 提出了利用通信调度复用载波机传送纵联保护高频信号,实现110kV输电线路的高频保护的方法。

    It presents a realization method for high frequency protection in 110 kV transmission line by using dispatch and communication FDM or TDM carrier .

  11. 介绍超高压线路纵联保护在实际系统运行中常出现的问题,结合RCS-931纵联保护装置问题的解决方法进行了分析和讨论。

    The frequent problems in operation of the longitudinal protection for EHV lines are presented , and relevant solutions are analyzed based on the RCS-931 longitudinal protection device .

  12. 基于光纤以太网的纵联保护通信方案

    Research on Pilot Protection Communications Based on the Fiber Optic Ethernet

  13. 微机纵联保护高频通道的干扰及防范措施

    Onthe Interferences and Countermeasures of High Frequency Channel for Microcomputer Pilot Protection

  14. 双端带并联电抗器的输电线路纵联保护

    Novel Pilot Protection for Transmission Line with Shunt Reactor at Double Terminal

  15. 故障分量电流相位比较式纵联保护的研究

    Study of the current phase comparison pilot relaying based on fault components

  16. 基于模量的线路模型识别纵联保护新原理

    Model recognition longitudinal protection based on modules for transmission lines

  17. 基于暂态量的方向纵联保护双端配合问题研究

    Two-End Cooperation of Directional Comparison Pilot Protection Based on Transient diagonal teamwork

  18. 输电线路积分型行波方向纵联保护研究

    Study on Integral Based Travelling Wave Directional Unit Protection for Transmission Line

  19. 母线保护动作应启动光纤纵联保护的远跳

    The light-conducting fibres longitudinal differential protection should remote breaking when bus protector acting

  20. 输电线路分相复合阻抗纵联保护新原理

    Novel Transmission Line Pilot Protection Principle Based on Composite Impedance of Individual Phase

  21. 基于故障分量综合阻抗的T接线路纵联保护新原理

    Principle of T-type transmission line pilot protection based on fault component comprehensive impedance

  22. 利用调度通信网络实现纵联保护的高频信号传送

    High frequency protection signal transmission of LONGITUDINAL-LINK protection by dispatching and communication network

  23. 随着电力通信的发展,线路纵联保护广泛应用了光纤通道。

    With the development of power communication , Longitudinal protection adopt optic channel .

  24. 辅助导线纵联保护装置我的助手将操纵录音机。

    Pilot-wire protectio My assistant will operate the tape-recorder .

  25. 非全相运行输电线路负序方向纵联保护方法

    A Novel Algorithm for Negative Sequence Pilot Protection Applicable to Open-phase Transmission Lines

  26. T接线路纵联保护中方向元件配合的讨论

    Investigation for the coordination of the directional relays in pilot protection on teed lines

  27. 电力线载波纵联保护通道可靠性安全性分析

    Analysis of Reliability and Security of Remote Transmission Protection Channel Over Power Line Carriers

  28. 由于采用了闭锁式的光纤通道,提高了闭锁式纵联保护的可靠性。

    It improves the credibility of pilot protection .

  29. 超高压线路纵联保护配置方案

    Configuration scheme of super-high voltage line pilot protection

  30. 超高压超范围方向纵联保护在线升级研究

    On-line Promote of Functional Logical Block for Directional Pilot Protection of Supervoltage and Off-limits