
  • 网络longitudinal reinforcement;Longitudinal bar;longitudinal steel bar
  1. 试验中的主要参数有:纵向钢筋的数量、横向配筋率、剪跨比、管壁的厚度及混凝土强度。

    The parameters in the aeries include : amount of longitudinal reinforcement , amount of transverse reinforcement , shear span-to-depth ratio , thickness of tube wall and strength of concrete .

  2. 钢筋混凝土构件纵向钢筋最小配筋率的功能与取值《混凝土结构设计规范》(GB500102002)修订背景介绍

    Function and Evaluation of Minimum Longitudinal Reinforcement Ratio of RC Members

  3. 本文首先通过8根足尺RC梁的加载试验,分别研究不同的一次受力幅度及不同的梁侧面纵向钢筋加固高度对加固梁极限承载力、钢筋应变、混凝土应变等的影响。

    The infection , come from different first-loading extent and different height of reinforcement at the side of RC beam , to ultimate bearing capacity of reinforced beams , steel strain and concrete strain has been studied .

  4. 荷载应力分析中,将CRCP中纵向钢筋作连续化处理,建立了正交各向异性薄膜单元,对考虑裂缝条件下的CRCP荷载应力进行了三维有限元分析。

    In the vehicle-load stress analysis , the orthogonal anisotropic membrane model is established by treating the longitudinal bars as continuum , and three dimensional finite element analyses is carried out with the consideration transverse crack .

  5. 基于非线性有限元技术,通过显式有限元动力分析软件LS-DYNA,建立了爆炸荷载作用下钢筋混凝土柱动力响应及损伤破坏的数值模拟方法,方法中考虑了纵向钢筋与混凝土之间的粘结滑移。

    Based on the nonlinear dynamic analysis software LS-DYNA , a method for simulating the dynamic response and damage of RC columns under blast loading is established , in which the bond slip between longitudinal steel bar and concrete is also considered .

  6. 纵向钢筋对钢筋混凝土梁振动特性的影响

    Effect of Reinforcement on the Dynamic Characteristics of Reinforced Concrete Beam

  7. 预应力混凝土梁因纵向钢筋引起的挠度

    The deflection of prestressed concrete beam due to steel

  8. 剪力墙连梁纵向钢筋构造配筋率探讨

    Study on Minimal Ratio of Longitudinal Tensile Reinforcement of Coupling Beam in Shearwall Structure

  9. 本文公式采用塑性分析方法,以纵向钢筋屈服破坏为节点破坏的准则。

    Which adopt plastic analysis method , and take for reinforcement damage as failure criterion .

  10. 纵向钢筋配筋量对单筋矩形截面梁截面抗弯承载力的影响

    Effects of Reinforcing Bar Amount on Bending-resistance Bearing Capacity of Single - side Reinforced Rectangular Beam

  11. 文中论述了箍筋对裂缝的影响是由于它对纵向钢筋的钉锚作用引起的。

    A " nail - anchorage action " will be exerted by stirrups to the longitudinal steel bars .

  12. 主要讨论了钢筋混凝土板-钢板中箍筋、纵向钢筋和钢板对弹体贯穿过程的影响。

    Actions of hoop steel-bar , portrait steel-bar , and steel plate on perforation block in RCBSP are discussed .

  13. 对于柱端剪切破坏应采用限制大梁底部纵向钢筋的方法予以避免。

    The steel ratio at the bottom of a large beam should be restricted to avoid possible column failure in shear .

  14. 许多实验数据显示,纵向钢筋对钢筋混凝土轴心受压柱的延性有很大影响,保证纵向钢筋在受力过程中不提前失稳是问题的关键。

    Evidences from many tests show that longitudinal steels have a great influence on ductility of reinforced concrete columns under concentric load .

  15. 介绍了此次《混凝土结构设计规范》修订中纵向钢筋最小配筋率有关条文的修订背景。

    Background to provisions in Code for design of concrete structures with regard to minimum longitudinal reinforcement ratio in RC members is presented .

  16. 提出了考虑纵向钢筋作用后梁自由振动分析的模态摄动法,通过实际算例,说明不同含钢率梁的自振特性的变化情况。

    Considering the effect of reinforcement , the method , which may be called the method of modal perturbation , is put forward .

  17. 其中着重说明了构件中受拉和受压纵向钢筋最小配筋率在非抗震结构及抗震结构中所起的作用及其取值思路;对确定最小配筋率的探讨

    The function and evaluation of minimum longitudinal reinforcement ratio both under compression and tension are analysed . Research of determination of lowest rate of reinforcement steel

  18. 建议取纵向钢筋恰好屈服点作为统一设计的参考点,并据此设计配筋。

    And suggests to take the just yield point of longitudinal reinforcement as reference point for integrated design , on which the design of reinforcement is based .

  19. 从理论角度查明了剪跨比,纵向钢筋配筋百分率,混凝土标号,腹筋量等因素对钢筋混凝土梁斜截面强度的影响。

    The formulation reveals that the strength of diagonal section of reinforced beams is a function of the shear span ratio , the percentage of longitudinal reinforcement , concrete strength etc.

  20. 计算结果表明,混凝土强度、碳纤维布的抗拉强度以及加固构件的纵向钢筋的配筋率是影响加固效果的主要原因。

    The result indicates that the concrete strengthen , the strength of extension of CFRP and the ratio of longitudinal rod of component reinforced are the main factors affected the reinforced result ;

  21. 试件的主要研究参数为梁纵向钢筋配筋率、梁塑性铰区配箍率以及节点核芯区体积配箍率。

    The main parameters in tests are the percentages of longitudinal steel in beam , the percentages of stirrups in beam plastic zone and the volumetric percentages of stirrups in joint core .

  22. 讨论了墙体高跨比、框架梁与柱的线刚度比及框架梁纵向钢筋配筋率对框支墙梁受力性能与承载力的影响。

    The influence of height - span ratio of walls , beam - column rigid ratio of frame and percentage of longitudinal bars of beam on the behaviour and strength are discussed .

  23. 本文为钢筋混凝土环形截面偏心受压构件的计算,内容有纵向钢筋的确定、已配筋截面承载力的计算。

    This paper presents calculation methods for reinforced concrete eccentric compression member with ring section , its contents are determination of longitudinal steel for new design member and calculation of carrying capacity for already reinforced members .

  24. 主要问题有:主筋偏位、框架柱接头设计不当、框架纵向钢筋变径频繁、井式梁按主次梁绑扎、梁吊筋绑扎混乱、以膨胀螺栓代替同直径Ⅱ级钢筋等。

    The major problems include main steel off position , improper design of frame joint , too frequent diameter change of vertical steel , disordered hanging steel of beams and grade II steel being replaced with expansion bolt .

  25. 在低轴压比下,试件刚度和延性受混凝土强度、截面尺寸以及边缘构件纵向钢筋及箍筋设计控制;分布钢筋对试件的承载力贡献不明显。

    With the low axial compressive force ratio , the stiffness and the ductility of the walls are controlled by the strength of the concrete , the section size and the longitudinal reinforcement and stirrups of the edge element .

  26. 导并计算了混凝土柱截面在界限破坏条件下的轴压比,讨论了箍筋约束、周边纵向钢筋、芯筋和其他因素对柱轴压比限值的有利影响。

    According to the bound failure condition of the rectangular cross section , the limit value of axial compres-sive ratio for concrete frame columns is analyzed concerning with the factor of longitudinal reinforcement , composite stirrups and core reinforcement etc.

  27. 同时,钢纤维类型也是影响承台极限承载力的一个重要因素。(3)通过试验分析了三桩承台底部纵向钢筋的应力变化以及承台侧面混凝土的应变特征。

    Also the type of steel fiber is an important influence factor of bearing capacity of three-pile caps . ( 3 ) Based on the experiments , the stress of longitudinal reinforcement and the strain of concrete were analyzed .

  28. 试验结果表明,达到最大承载力时,梁截面比较宽的试件,墙正面的部分受拉纵向钢筋屈服,墙背面的纵向钢筋未屈服;

    Test results showed that for the specimens with large beam section width , a portion of tensile reinforcement in the front of the wall yielded , while reinforcement in the back of the wall did not yield at the peak load .

  29. 本文首先建立了纤维布加固钢筋混凝土梁四点弯曲的有限元模型,考虑了混凝土、钢筋的材料非线性以及纵向钢筋、箍筋和纤维布与混凝土之间的联结关系。

    First , the paper sets up finite element models of 4-point bending RC beam strengthened with FRP sheet . Not only material nonlinear of concrete and steel bar but bond style of longitudinal steel , stirrup and FRP are taken into account .

  30. 借用封口梁的典型例子,论述梁的纵向钢筋所处位置对梁的计算高度及箍筋尺寸的确定问题,以期达到提高设计质量目的

    Taking the jointing girder as a typical example , this paper discusses the calculated height of the girder and the dimension of hoop reinforcement , depending on the location of longitudinal reinforcing bar of the girder , with the purpose of improving the design