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zòng héng
  • vertically and horizontally;freely;in length and breadth;move about freely;overrun;with great ease;lengthwise and sidewise;unbridled;unscrupulous;rival political theories
纵横 [zòng héng]
  • (1) [in length and breadth;lengthwise and sidewise;vertically and horizontally]∶竖和横互相交错

  • 众壑纵横。--《徐霞客游记.游黄山记》

  • 犹有曲挺纵横者。

  • 刀戟纵横。--《广东军务记》

  • (2) [with great ease;freely]∶奔放自如

  • 笔意纵横

  • (3) [move about freely;overrun]∶奔驰无阻

  • 纵横四海

  • (4) [unbridled;unscrupulous]∶放肆;无所顾忌

  • (5) [rival political theories]∶指合纵连横

纵横[zòng héng]
  1. 电力系统是一个非常复杂的广域系统,网络互联,错综复杂,纵横几千里。

    Electrical power system is a very complicated wide-area system with interconnected reticular networks , and often several kilometers extensions in length and breadth .

  2. 介绍一种较典型的带有纵横隔肋的箱类制品&汽水周转箱注塑模具的结构设计。

    The structural design of the injection molds for the typical case box soda-water turnover box with strengthened ribs in length and breadth is described and analysed .

  3. 这份纵横字谜除横3竖10以外我都填完了。

    I 've finished the crossword apart from 3 across and 10 down .

  4. 你擅长填纵横字谜吗?

    Are you good at doing crosswords ?

  5. 她填纵横字谜很在行。

    She 's a whizz at crosswords .

  6. 她的母亲叹了口气,擦去了纵横填字游戏里另一个填错的地方。

    Her mother sighed and rubbed out another mistake in the crossword puzzle .

  7. 汽车在车辙纵横的街上一路轰鸣。

    The car growls along rutted streets .

  8. 田野上沟渠纵横。

    The fields are crisscrossed by irrigation canals and ditches .

  9. 阡陌纵横。

    The paths crisscrossed in the fields .

  10. 她是我们中间的填纵横字谜的游戏迷。

    She is our resident crossword fanatic .

  11. 爱因斯坦有一个才气纵横的头脑。

    Einstein had a brilliant brain .

  12. 他把所有的时间都用在做纵横填字游戏和其他无聊的活动上。

    He spends all his time on crosswords and other trifles .

  13. 头顶上的夏日夜空纵横着急疾而过的焰火

    Overhead hung a summer sky furrowed with the rash of rockets .

  14. 做纵横字谜游戏能锻炼脑筋。

    Doing crosswords gives the mind some exercise .

  15. 当别人告诉他这房子是他祖先居住的房子,他就泪下纵横。

    When other people told him that the house was the one that his ancestors had lived in , his tears went down .

  16. 基于GIS的城市地下管网纵横断面分析的设计与实现

    Underground Pipeline Design by GIS for Urban Areas

  17. 利用B样条曲线将等高线光栅图矢量化,根据B样条曲线插值公式得到等高线与纵横网格线的交点;

    Transforming raster contour into vector one with B-spline , and getting intersect points of contour and grid line with interpolation method .

  18. AutoCAD环境下的铁路线路平纵横集成交互设计

    Integrated Interactive Design of Plan with Profile and Cross-section of Railway Line in AutoCAD Environment

  19. 当粒子的尺度参数不太大时,甚至在极端纵横比的条件下,P收敛方案优于M收敛方案。

    When the particle size parameter is not too large , even in the extreme of the aspect ratio , the P-procedure provides better convergence accuracy than the M-procedure .

  20. 曲面拟合及重构,为了解决重构曲面连续性、光滑性问题,首先采用B样条曲线对曲面进行拟合,其实质就是在纵横两个方向分别进行B样条曲线拟合;

    Surface fitting and reconstruction , for resolving the problem of consecution and smoothing of reconstruction surface , surface fitting is to fit horizontal and vertical curve by B-spline curve ;

  21. 同时在频率域内探讨了纵横波的主频、带宽、品质因素Q随不同含气饱和度的变化。

    At the same time , the changes of main frequency , frequency band and quality factor with the variations of gas saturation are analyzed .

  22. AVO纵横波反演

    The AVO inversion for P-wave and S-wave

  23. 浅谈GPS-RTK高新技术在纵横断测量中的应用

    Application on GPS-RTK Technology in Section Survey in Length and Breadth

  24. 本文结合MEMS的层次性特点,提出了增强关联图的组装模型,并在组装关系纵横分类基础上,提出增强关联图的简化算法,最终采用拆卸法完成组装顺序的规划。

    This paper combines the characteristics of MEMS , put forward an enhanced liaison diagram as assembly model , and solve sequence planning with disassembly method .

  25. 偏移方法的横向分辩率特性纵横波独立成像的VSP弹性资料逆时深度偏移

    Lateral resolutions of conventional time migration methods VSP elastic inverse time migration of longitudinal and transverse wave separate imagery

  26. 声学造影指导经皮药物注射治疗兔VX2肿瘤的作用在纵横比较中把握地方特色;

    Contrast-enhanced ultrasound for guidance of local tumor ablation local characteristics ;

  27. 降低载气压力可以提高HGM的纵横比;

    Decreasing furnace atmosphere pressure will increase HGM aspect ratio .

  28. 在GD油田复杂油藏描述中应用叠前纵横波弹性阻抗反演,精确地进行了油藏岩性的划分。

    For the complicated reservoir description of the GD oilfield , P-wave and S-wave elastic impedance inversion was carried out using pre-stack seismic data to accurately identify the lithology of the reservoir .

  29. 同时,由PS测井所得到的土层及强、中、弱风化层的纵横波速还可对面波和折射波勘探中风化层位的划分起标定作用。

    Meanwhile , the velocities of P-wave and S-wave gained by PS-wave logging from soil and severe , middling and mild weathering strata may take very important role in weathering demarcation for Rayleigh wave and refraction wave explorations .

  30. LY-1型微机控制纵横制用户交换机

    A Microcomputer Controlled Crossbar PBX LY-1