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  1. PZT铁电陶瓷的氢致半导体化

    Hydrogen - induced semiconductor transformation of PZT Ferroelectric Ceramics

  2. 研究了锆钛酸铅铁电陶瓷(PZT-5H)的氢致半导体化现象。

    Semiconductor transformation of PZT-5H ferroelectric ceramics induced by hydrogen has been investigated .

  3. 拉曼型光致离化系统中的暗态效应

    Dark State Effect in a Raman Type Photoionization System

  4. 激光场对双通道光致离化系统光电子能谱的影响

    Influence of Laser on the Photoelectron Energy Spectra in a Two-channel Photoionization System

  5. 对该材料更进一步的应用提供了支持,也为研究球状蛋白质热致凝胶化提供了简化模型。

    It contributes to the application of the materials and study of heat-induced globular protein gelation .

  6. 奥氏体稳定化为热稳定化、化学稳定化、相致稳定化和宏观热应力稳定化诸机制的综合作用。

    Austenitic stabilization is the synthetic effect of thermal , chemical , phase induced and macro-thermal stress stabilized mechanisms .

  7. 然而,钛粉的高活性致致密化过程较为困难,影响了最终的力学性能。

    However , it is difficult to fully density titanium powder , and the mechanical properties of PM Ti are poor .

  8. 利用边缘无形体可溶性抗原,以化学交联的方式致敏羧化胶乳制成胶乳抗原,成功地建立了一种检测牛边缘无形体血清抗体的胶乳凝集试验(LAT)诊断方法。

    Using the soluble antigen of Anaplasma marginale to sensitizing the latex by chemical cross-link , a latex agglutination test ( LAT ) was developed for detecting serum antibody to A. marginale .

  9. 使用6株抗新疆出血热病毒单克隆抗体(单抗)致敏醛化绵羊红血球,以反向被动血凝试验(RPHA)检测病毒抗原;以反向血凝抑制试验(RPHI)检测人和各种动物血清抗体。

    The monoclonal antibodies secreted by 6 strains of hybridoma against Xinjiang hemorrhagic fever virus , were used to sensitize the sheep erythrocytes for virus antigen detection with RPHA and antibody detection with RPHI test .

  10. 本文利用溶致液晶固定化的方法在有机介质中催化酯合成,固定化后该酶酯合成的反应速度比其游离态高30倍以上。

    A new method of lyotropic liquid crystallization with for the immobilization of lipase from RAF was used to catalyze ester synthesis in organic media .

  11. 本试验以日本血吸虫水溶性虫卵抗原致敏醛化红血球,建成了检测日本血吸虫抗体的间接血凝试验。

    Sheep red blood cell ( SRBC ) having been coated with soluble egg antigen ( SEA ), the IHA for detection of the antibody against Schistosoma japonicum was established .

  12. 本文第二部分3.2,通过考虑某些交换子群的中心化子&致于正规化子,得到了p-幂零群和p-闭群的若干充分条件。

    In the second section , namely 3.2 , we consider some abelian subgroups whose centralizers are equal to its normalizers , so we obtain some sufficient conditions of p-nilpotent groups and p-closed groups .

  13. 依据本研究结果,我们建议:(1)要及时发现、转变潜在犯罪人已经形成的不良心理因素使其得以有效的释放而不致于外化为犯罪行为。

    According to the research , we suggest that : ( 1 ) we should discover and transform harmful psychological factors in time , which is belong to latest criminals , and release it effectively in order to avoiding occurrence of criminal behavior .

  14. 知母皂苷B对大鼠海马注射β-AP(25~35)致tau蛋白磷酸化的影响

    Effects of Saponin B from Anemarrhena asphodeloides Bunge on tau hyperphosphorylation induced by beta - amyloid peptide ( 25 - 35 ) in rats

  15. 植物酸致损伤机理与化控减灾研究进展

    Injury Mechanism of Acid Rain on Vegetation and Its Chemicals Control

  16. 管壁细胞外基质增多,致管壁胶原化和纤维化。

    Extracellular matrix increased in the wall , resulting in collagenic and fiberous changes .

  17. D-半乳糖致蛋白质糖基化动物模型的建立

    Animal model of glycation induced by D-galactose

  18. 电致变色薄膜锂化技术的研究

    Study on Lithiation of Electrochromic Films

  19. 在这一过程中,立法者应致力于达致公司的效率化筹资、股东的平等对待和债权人的利益保障三重目标。

    During this process , the legislator should commit themselves to obtaining the triple targets of " efficiency financing , equal treatment of shareholders and protection of creditor 's interests " .

  20. 当电缆遭到燃烧时,能够吸收大量的热量,并形成碳化层,隔绝气层、保护绝缘层免受燃烧,使火灾的损失不致于进一步扩大化。

    When the cable was burning , a lot of heat can be absorbed , and form a carbon layer to isolate the gas and protect the insulation layer from burning , so that the loss will be cut .

  21. 高强钢氢致裂纹及氢致脆化的研究

    Study on Hydrogen-Induced Cracking and embrittlement of high strength steel