
zhì mìnɡ wǔ qì
  • deadly weapons
  1. 核弹是致命武器之一。

    The nuclear bomb is one type of deadly weapons .

  2. 是的,我们必须防止致命武器的扩散。

    Yes , we must prevent the spread of deadly weapons .

  3. 他被判用致命武器袭击他人的罪名不成立。

    He was acquitted on charges of assault with a deadly weapon .

  4. 他们把他带到警察局,把他用致命武器袭击他人的罪行记录在案。

    They took him to the station and booked him for assault with a deadly weapon .

  5. 1998年,李连杰和梅尔·吉普森联袂演出了自己在好莱坞的处女作《致命武器IV》。尽管在美国有他理想的角色,李连杰并没有将中国置于脑后。

    In1998 , he made his Hollywood debut alongside Mel Gibson in Part Four of the Lethal Weapon franchise , He 's now got his choice roles in America , but Jet Li hasn 't left China behind .

  6. 政府和伦敦警察厅(metropolitanpolice)应制定周密的应对规则,应当考虑催泪瓦斯和高压水枪等非致命武器,但不应使用塑胶子弹,后者在北爱尔兰曾留下令人不快的记忆。

    It is for the government and the metropolitan police to determine the precise rules of engagement . Non-lethal tools such as tear-gas and water-cannon should be considered rather than plastic bullets , which have an unhappy history in Northern Ireland .

  7. 说唱歌手Jay-Z是当代杰出艺术家,和他的妻子碧昂斯共同建立了价值亿万的网站,但在此之前,他因持致命武器袭击他人被判二级重罪。

    Before rapper Jay-Z became one of the most prominent artists of the current generation and built a billion-dollar net worth with his wife Beyonce , he pleaded guilty to second-degree felony assault with a deadly weapon .

  8. 虽然我们都知道高跟鞋可能是致命武器——去年,德克萨斯州的安娜·特鲁希略(AnaTrujillo)用5.5英寸(约合14厘米)的细高跟鞋刺死男友,被判终身监禁——但如果它是穿在脚上,你并不总能把它轻松取下。

    While it is known that shoes can be lethal weapons - last year , Ana Trujillo of Texas was sentenced to life in prison for stabbing her boyfriend to death with a 5-inch stiletto heel - they are not always easily accessible when they are on your feet .

  9. 小归小,但也算是致命武器。

    They might be small , but they 're lethal weapons .

  10. 警方指控他拥有致命武器。

    The police charged him with possession of a deadly weapon .

  11. 以武装力量为基础的埃及政府授权警方可以使用杀伤性致命武器。

    Egypt 's military-backed government authorizes police to use deadly force .

  12. 本文阐述了一些物理学原理在非致命武器中的应用。

    The applications of physics principles in disabled weapons are introduced .

  13. 我们在自卫的时候也不能使用致命武器。

    We are not to use lethal force even in self-defense .

  14. 我从那个致命武器问题上学到不少。

    I already fell for that lethal weapon psycho bit once .

  15. 非致命武器的绿色人机工程分析

    Green Man-machine Engineering Analysis of the Non - lethal Weapon

  16. 他因为致命武器袭击罪,在那待了五年。

    He was there five years for assault with a deadly weapon .

  17. 机密携带致命武器是守法的。

    It is against the law to carry a concealed deadly weapon .

  18. 非致命武器对医疗后送的影响及其对策

    Impact and Countermeasure of Nonfatal Weapon on Medical Evacuation

  19. 这就是当选第44届美国总统的奥巴马在大选中获胜的致命武器:爱。

    The44th President-elect Barack Obama 's only absolute weapon is nothing but love .

  20. 国家预算的重点应当是人力建设,而不是致命武器。

    National budgets should focus on building human capacity , not deadly weapons .

  21. 一个未经清洗的蔬菜可以成为致命武器。

    An unwashed vegetable can become a deadly weapon .

  22. 他表示沙林毒气是现存的最致命武器。

    He says sarin gas is among the most lethal weapons in existence .

  23. 新概念武器&非致命武器

    New Concept Weapons ── Non - lethal Weapons

  24. 南希·道尔顿因使用致命武器袭击他人而被捕过

    Nancy Dalton 's got a prior arrest for assault with a deadly weapon .

  25. 我就拖延了你的致命武器去杀人以及那些受害者的死亡

    Is I 'm delaying your deadly trade and the deaths of your victims .

  26. 化学与非致命武器

    Chemistry and Non - lethal Weapons

  27. 国家地理频道在《武士刀传奇》中,深入剖析这种致命武器的所有真相。

    In Samurai Sword , National Geographic Channel slices through all the facts about this deadly weapon .

  28. 对于蝶泳、仰泳和自由泳运动员来说,高超的水下蝶腿能力和超强的肺活量是两个致命武器。

    A well-developed kick and great lung capacity can be an awesome weapon in fly , back and free .

  29. 可是也有人质疑,在和平的国度让一些无辜的百姓因为致命武器的存在而提心吊胆真的合理吗?

    Or why should they be allowed to bear those weapons of death among a land of peaceful citizens ?

  30. 他们每人还会再训100名士兵,他还教会了他们使用一种新式致命武器&刺刀。

    Each will train 100 more . He also teaches them a new and deadly weapon * the bayonet .