
  1. 协调地方利益打破地区封锁&探索林业致富路之二

    Coordinate the local benefits , break the regional blockade

  2. 谁把农民工的致富路变成了丧命路?&农民工职业病调查

    Investigation of peasant workers ? occupational disease

  3. 丝绒床上没有致富之路。

    The way to bliss lies not on bed of down .

  4. 我们不把教育仅仅看作致富之路。

    We do not see education as merely the road to riches .

  5. 有组织的社会提供了两条致富之路。

    An organised society offers two ways of becoming rich .

  6. 这是一条致富之路!

    It is a way to get rich !

  7. 发展养蚕业拓宽宁夏黄河农业致富之路

    Develop sericulture for Yellow River agriculture

  8. 随着这种再投资过程的不断延续,我最终走上了致富之路。

    As this reinvestment process continues , I am well on my way to being rich .

  9. 加快小城镇建设:贫困县脱贫致富之路&以隆回县为例

    Accelerating town construction is the way of breaking away from poverty for poor county & a practice study in Longhui County

  10. 日光温室是我国北方重要的农业设施,为广大农户提供了一条致富之路。

    Sunlight greenhouse is an important agricultural facility in northern China , whichprovides a way to riches for the majority of farmers .

  11. 问题的关键在于,钱生钱需要本钱,要如何保证每个人都能有些钱来走上致富之路呢?

    The point is that it takes money to make money , so how about making sure that everyone starts out with some ?

  12. 有些会计时刻准备着拿税来喂饱那些阔人们,你为什么情愿让他们为你出谋划策提供致富之路呢?

    Why would you ask your accountant who prepares tax returns for people who walk in off the street to advise you how to make a fortune ?

  13. 从市场交易员做起可能并不是一条那么明显的致富之路,但是榜单上至少有一个人做到了。

    Starting out as a market trader isn 't an obvious route to wealth , yet at least one person on the list started out this way .

  14. 倾情渔民转产培训引导踏上致富之路&河北海事局惠农工程为建设社会主义新农村创新路

    Training guiding the transferred fishing population to a well off life & Hebei MSA 's Agricultural Benefiting Project has opened a new way for building new socialist countryside

  15. 投资者们原本盘算着靠股市上赚来的钱坐享安逸的退休生活,却发现他们又重新回到漫漫致富之路的起跑点上。

    Investors who had dreamed of retiring to live on their fortunes now found themselves back once more at the very beginning of the long road to riches .

  16. 它所体现的农业和谐发展是资源节约型经济发展,是农业可持续发展的有效路径,是农民生态致富之路,对改善生态环境、提高农民生活质量、促进农业发展具有重要作用。

    It reflects that sustainable development of agriculture is economy of resources economizing , an efficient way of sustainable development , and an eco-way of enhancing the farmers ' income .

  17. 这个秘密铺平了致富之路,路的尽头有对你付出时间和勤奋关注你自己的事业的回报。

    The secret that puts the rich way ahead of the pack . The reward at the end of the road for diligently taking the time to mind your own business .

  18. 改革开放之初,经济复苏,行政限制解除,各种乡间手艺复又活跃起来,农民纷纷借助手艺谋求致富之路。

    The beginning of Reform and Opening , economic recovery , administrative restrictions were lifted , a variety of rural craftsmanship were reviving again . The farmers were seeking the road to riches by the craftsmanship .

  19. 随着我国对农村地区的大力发展和人们致富之路越来越广,微型货车作为生产资料已进入了越来越多的家庭。

    With the development of modern industry of China , there are more ways of becoming rich in rural areas . The minivan has entered into more and more families to help them build a fortune .

  20. 在此背景下茶叶产业成为带动中国山区经济发展的一个支柱性产业,它涵盖生产、加工、流通、销售、科研等一系列环节,能够带动众多农民走向致富之路。

    And under this background , tea industry has become a major pillar industry in driving economic development of mountain areas in China , which includes a series of link of producing , processing , circulating , selling and scientific research .

  21. 投资基金是一条钱生钱的财致富之路,虽然这条道路并不平坦,但从基金投资的长线角度看,投资基金致富是劳动致富的有益补充。

    Investment fund is a " Money for money " road to financial wealth , although this road is not flat , from the long-term fund investment perspective , getting rich through fund investment is a useful complement to the labor-rich .

  22. 我的成功之路,也是大多数美国商人的致富之路,它由无休止的辛勤工作、社交活动、明智的投资、头痛和心痛一起铺设而成。我曾认为成功理所当然会给我带来幸福。

    My path to success , and to what I had considered its natural result - happiness-was the ordinary road over which most American businessmen travel , namely , endless hours of hard work , social contacts , wise investments , headaches and heartaches .

  23. 优越的自然条件,先进的养殖技术,以海洋为依托,以科技为手段,他们靠着自己的勤劳和智慧,走出了一条致富的新路。

    Taking advantage of the favorable natural conditions and advanced breeding techniques , and relying on their diligence and wisdom , the fishermen here have found a road leading to prosperity .