
  1. 生存伦理制约下的农民致富信息传播研究

    A Study on Information Communication of Peasants Enrichment Confined by Subsistence Ethics

  2. 科技致富信息库网站建设的实践与思考

    The Practice and Considerations about the Construction of " Sci-tech Based Enrichment Information Storage Website "

  3. 党员远程教育系统是由各省和直辖市组织部负责建设的,经由计算机网络传输的党员教育网络平台,它对加强党员教育、传播政策致富信息、学习落实科学发展观具有重要意义。

    Distance education system of party members is transmitted through the network , which organized by the provincial Ministry of Construction . It strengthen the education of Party members to implement the scientific concept of development .

  4. 本文从汽车图书馆快速有效的服务方式入手,结合当前农民急需致富信息的迫切愿望,论述了汽车图书馆为农民致富提供服务必须重点考虑的基础要素,并对服务方式和内容加以阐述。

    Proceeding from the rapid and effective service ways of an automobile library , and by combining with the desire of farmers to become rich , the paper discussed the basic elements that must be considered when automobile library serving the farmers , and expounded the service means and content .

  5. 利用此刻躺在你邮件中那些兜售致富的信息乍样?还是忘了它吧。

    How about taking advantage of some of those spam email get-rich offers likely sitting in your inbox right now ? Forget it .