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  1. 论兼听权

    On the right to listen to both sides

  2. 你必须兼听双方观点,尽量做到不偏不倚。

    You must listen to both points of view and try not to be partisan .

  3. 拿出你的倾听的能力来吧,这样你就能兼听并蓄、从善如流了。

    Show others how well you can listen and that you 're able to incorporate their best ideas into your own strategy .

  4. 近年全球范围的恐怖主义泛滥与兼听权的丧失息息相关。

    The global flooding of terrorism in recent years is closely bound up with the deprivation of the right to listen to both sides .

  5. 破坏者兼保护者:听吧,你且聆听!

    Destroyer and preserver ; hear , oh , hear !

  6. 很差劲的说谎者、听者等破坏者兼保护者:听吧,你且聆听!

    A bad liar , listener , etc Destroyer and Preserver ; hear , 0 hear !

  7. 作者兼采声学和听学的分析,因此是首次以仪器研究邹语的著作。

    The authors employ both acoustic and auditory analyses , as such it represents the first instrumental study of Tsou .