
jiān bèi
  • Both;combine;have both ... and;have both and;meet
兼备 [jiān bèi]
  • [meet;have bothand] 同时具备

  • 德才兼备

兼备[jiān bèi]
  1. 她一身兼备经商技巧与个人魅力。

    She unites keen business skills with a charming personality .

  2. 我们仍在寻觅兼备所有必要才能的人选。

    We are still looking for someone who combines all the necessary qualities .

  3. 在adhoc网络中,每个移动节点兼备路由器和主机两种功能。

    Each node in ad hoc has two part : router and host .

  4. 该合金材料兼备较好的抗H2S性能和一定的抗CO2腐蚀能力,同时具有良好的可焊性。

    The alloy materials have good weldability and corrosion resistance to H2S and CO2.2 .

  5. ScottAnderson在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学教哲学,他说网络公开课优劣面兼备。

    Scott Anderson teaches philosophy at the University of British Columbia in Canada .

  6. 金属基生物活性HA涂层材料兼备金属材料优良的力学性能和生物陶瓷材料的生物相容性,成为近年来发展最为迅速的一种生物材料。

    The bioactive hydroxyapatite coating on metal substrate has been developed rapidly for its excellent mechanical properties and fine biocompatibility .

  7. 受到UML元模型的约束,任何一个模型元素都可能成为一个提供者、消费者、或者两者兼备。

    Subject to the constraints of the UML metamodel , any model element might be a provider , a consumer , or both .

  8. 本章提出了一种新的曲面重构的方法,该方法兼备Bezier法和B样条法的优点,而且使用该方法得到的曲面是C2连续的。

    An effective algorithm combining the idea of B-spline method and Bezier method is proposed . These surfaces are C2 continuous between patches .

  9. 另外,中继服务器兼备媒体网关的功能,可以实现PSTN网络PCM码流与IP网络中RTP媒体流之间的转换;

    Thirdly , the server can also be used as the Media Gateway to implementation of the converting PCM into RTP packets .

  10. 奶昔(英文中又简称为shake),是一种香甜冰爽的奶制饮品,其原料通常为冰淇淋或牛奶,有时两者兼备。

    A milkshake , or simply a shake , is a sweet , cold dairy-based drink usually made with ice cream , milk or both .

  11. 移动adhoc网络是一种无中心、自组织的网络,每个节点都兼备主机和路由器功能。

    Ad Hoc Network ( MANET ) is a no centre , self-organize network , in which the node simultaneously contains the functions of both host computer and router .

  12. 这些技术的结合使系统得到优化,它兼备Java的平台无关性、稳定性和多线程,Agent的独立性和面向对象的封装性,以及实时技术的直接性等特点。

    The combination of these technologies resulted in a very effective system . Which contains unconnected platforms , steady , multithread Java technology , real time technology , and independent and object oriented agent technology .

  13. NKT细胞兼备固有性和适应性免疫细胞特性,被脂类或糖脂抗原激活后能迅速产生大量细胞因子,并上调表达细胞毒分子。

    NKT cells bridge the innate and adaptive immune systems .

  14. 建设软、硬件兼备的单片机实验室,需配置Proteus虚拟仿真软件系统。

    Establish the MCU laboratory having the software and hardware , a Proteus virtual simulation system is needed configure .

  15. 可重构计算技术兼备定制化芯片的高性能和通用CPU的灵活性而日益受到学术界和产业界的关注。

    Reconfigurable computing technologies compose of customized chips of high performance and the flexibility of general purpose CPU , and then it is increasingly attracting the attention of academia and industry .

  16. CSG坝是一种介于传统土石坝和重力坝之间的新坝型,它兼备两种坝型的优点,并且具有一些自身独特的优势。

    CSG dam is a kind of new dam type that between traditional earth-rockfill dam and concrete gravity dam .

  17. 自从2000年以来,宝马向MINI注入了大量工艺和生产技术,生产了一批格调与性能兼备的精品小车,使MINI品牌名声大噪。

    Since 2000 , BMW has infused a healthy dose of engineering and manufacturing in the brand , creating vehicles with the taut feel and performance that made Bimmers famous .

  18. 混合动力电动汽车(hybridelectricvehicle,简称HEV)是一种既能满足排放和燃油经济性要求,又能兼备纯电动汽车与燃油汽车优点的理想车型。

    The Hybrid Electric Vehicle ( HEV ) is a kind of perfect vehicle that not only can satisfy the request of exhaust and fuel economy , but also has the advantages of electric vehicle and fuel automobile .

  19. 讨论了基于IP网络的电力运动传输通道的监测方法,提出了一种点、线兼备的网络级监控模式,着重讨论了基于IP协议中源端选路功能的通道级的监控方法。

    An IP-based method for supervising the electric power telecontrol transmission channel is discussed and a network-level supervising mode with both points and lines is presented , especially the channel-level supervising method based on source routing of IP protocols .

  20. GaAs/GaAsSbHBT(MMHBT)由于兼备GaAs的相对低成本和InPHBT的高频等优点,有着广泛的应用前景。

    GaAs / GaAsSb metamorphic HBTs ( MM HBTs ) have great potential applications because they have both the relative low cost of GaAs-based and highfrequency of InP-based HBT .

  21. 由于P2P流媒体的保证,网络视频直播、点播以高清晰的画面,高音质音频和流畅的播放速度给传统互联网用户带来声色兼备的强大冲击,引起了人们的广泛关注。

    As peer-to-peer streaming media assurance , network video broadcast-on-demand to high-definition screen , high-quality audio and fluent player to the traditional speed Internet users , " urging both " powerful blows , has aroused extensive concern .

  22. 采用模糊控制、PID控制、模糊PID控制三种方法分别对汽车ABS进行仿真研究,结果表明:模糊PID控制方法兼备了前面两种方法的优点,可以达到更好的控制效果。

    By employing fuzzy control , PID control and fuzzy PID control methods , the simulated results of automotive ABS show that the fuzzy PID control combines the merits of the two previous methods , and can obtain better control result .

  23. 然而在某些条件的限制下,如实验环境、天气条件等,现有的几种同步方式如GPS、NTP、线同步等不能兼备低成本、高精度的应用优势。

    However , in certain conditions ( experimental environment , weather conditions , etc ) existent synchronization methods , such as GPS , NTP , Line synchronization , could not meet either low-cost or high-precision advantages .

  24. 它兼备商标、代言人、宣传销售等多方面的功能,近年来越来越成为企业CI系统中不可缺少的重要组成部分,并愈来愈多地运用于企业销售战略和宣传活动中来。

    Many functions , both the trademark , spokesperson , promotional sales in recent years has increasingly become an indispensable important component of the system of corporate CI , and more and more used in the corporate sales strategy and promotional activities .

  25. 通信导航兼备系统已成为未来通信导航系统发展方向,由美国发展起来的联合战术信息分发系统(JTIDS)是典型代表。

    The communication-navigation system has become a development trend of communication and navigation systems . The joint tactical information division system developed by America is a typical example .

  26. DrexelBurnhamLambert在1987年创造了CDO产品,由于其兼备资产证券化产品和信用衍生产品的特性而在全球迅猛发展,成为近年来发展最引人注目的金融创新产品。

    Drexel Burnham Lambert created the CDO product in 1987 , Because of its mixture both asset securitization and credit derivatives product features and rapid development in the world .

  27. 冗余磁盘阵列(RAID)是一种性能和可靠性兼备的存储系统,结合DB2的使用经验,提出一套基于RAID设备的数据库表空间优化配置方案,以提高数据存取效能。

    Redundant Array of Inexpensive / Independent Disks ( RAID ) is storage system with higher performance and reliability . The table space configure and performance optimization of DB2 Universal Database are bring forwards , based on RAID device , with the author 's own experience .

  28. TSCB人行桥是一座兼备创新设计、观赏性、实用性、模块化生产和快速架设的新型FRP材料人行桥,对同类型桥梁的设计和研究提供了较高的参考价值。

    TSCB pedestrian bridge is a new type FRP bridge with innovation , aesthetics , practicability , module production and rapid installation , provided a high reference value for the design and research of the same type pedestrian FRP bridge .

  29. 印度技术行业两个最令人兴奋的领域是电子商务和支付,而他们(One97)两者兼备,要求匿名的一名知情人士表示。

    The two most exciting sectors in Indian technology are ecommerce and payments , and they [ One97 ] have both , the person said , on condition of anonymity .

  30. 因此这种安全利益表现为沿海国的海上军事力量、海上执法力量和海洋管理力量在其EEZ的活动,同时兼备海防、海洋执法和海洋管理功能。

    Therefore , appeared as the activities of naval and air force , law of the sea enforcement and marine management strength in EEZ , these interests combine the functions of the sea defense , law of the sea enforcement and marine management as well .