
  • 网络Carrot
兼施 [jiān shī]
  • [use both] 同时使用各种手段或方法

  1. 我们设法做到宽严并济,恩威兼施。

    We try to strike a balance between justice and mercy .

  2. 攻补兼施治疗小儿哮喘

    Infantile Asthma Treated by Both Benefiting and Attacking Principles

  3. 法庭设法恩威兼施。

    The courts try to temper justice with mercy .

  4. 软硬组织是相互关联的。罐头包装:硬软兼施

    There are relationship between hard and soft tissues . Can Package on the Way

  5. 你甚至可以指定是否要打印邮件,附加文件或两者兼施。

    You can even specify whether to print the message , attach files or both .

  6. 狄克的父亲在谈论他的低成绩时,威胁利诱兼施。

    Dick 's father used the carrot and stick when he talked about his low grades .

  7. 我们设法做到宽严并济,恩威兼施。林恩有长而直的红发。

    We try to strike a balance between justice and mercy . Lynn has long , straight , red hair .

  8. 治疗上擅于寒热并用,润燥同行,补泻兼施;

    Consideration is given to both cold and heat , moistening and drying , purgation and tonification for the treatment .

  9. 在治疗过程中形成了扶正祛邪、攻补兼施等用药特点,取得了较好的临床疗效。

    Gradually formed in the course of treatment rousing , supplementation and other drugs attack characteristics , and achieved better clinical efficacy .

  10. 教育应该是恩威并重,而不是冷漠散漫。我们设法做到宽严并济,恩威兼施。

    Education should be gentle and stern , not cold and lax . We try to strike a balance between justice and mercy .

  11. 沙德瑞克,将在下周被判刑,因为藐视法庭可能面临监禁、罚款或两项兼施。

    Shadrake , who will be sentenced next week , faces a possible jail term , a fine or both for contempt of court .

  12. 伴随西学东渐的浪潮,“教养兼施”的慈善理念开始出现,教养结合的慈善机构渐趋增多,中国的慈善事业开始由传统向近代转型。

    As a result , charitable institutions providing both support and education increased , which indicates that traditional Chinese charities started its transition to the modern style .

  13. 他客观分析黎区动荡的成因,实行剿抚兼施、分别良莠的方针,稳定了琼州局势;

    By objectively analyzing the origin of turbulence in Li nationality 's region , he took measures of suppressing riots and comforting innocent civilians separately and stabilized the situation successfully .

  14. 基于抗放兼施的方法,在2,3结论基础上,探讨了其综合应用于结构控制时对该问题的有利影响。

    Base on the method of " resist and release ", this paper investigate the beneficial effects to the problem when the two methods apply in an integrated manner to control the frame under the 2 , 3 results .

  15. 其中当归使用频数最高,提示行气活血是古代医家比较重视的治疗方法之一,也体现了古人攻补兼施,扶正驱邪的治疗思想。

    Angelica use of which the highest frequency , suggesting that blood flow of qi is the relative importance of ancient physicians one treatment , but also reflects the ancient attack supplementation , treatment of righting evil spirits thought .

  16. 古人对大肠癌的治疗重在扶正祛邪,因人而宜,在疾病的不同阶段治法各有侧重,或先补后攻,或先攻后补或攻补兼施。

    Ancient emphasis on the treatment of colorectal cancer uphold , the person should , preferably , in different stages of the disease have focused on governing law , or to make up after the attack , or first strike after the meeting or attack supplementation . 5 .