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xíng jūn
  • march;(of troops)march
行军 [xíng jūn]
  • [(of troops)march] 军队徒步或乘车沿指定路线进行的有组织的移动。古代泛指用兵

  • 行军用兵之道。--汉. 贾谊《过秦论》

行军[xíng jūn]
  1. 部队开始了他们开往沿海地区的长途行军。

    The army began their long march to the coast .

  2. 敌人正在行军途中。

    The enemy are on the march .

  3. 那女孩躺在行军床上,因服用安定剂完全处于恍惚的状态。

    The girl lay on an army cot , all doped up with Valium .

  4. 冰不够厚,承载不了行军队伍的重量。

    The ice was not thick enough to bear the weight of marching men .

  5. 长途行军几百公里,没有一个人掉队。

    In a long march of several hundred kilometres , no one dropped out .

  6. 该团在行军中。

    The regiment is on the march .

  7. 行军队伍在破晓时出发了。

    The marchers jumped off at the crack of dawn .

  8. 在军训期间,他们进行了几次夜间行军。

    They made several night marches during Army training .

  9. 但在冋一幅画中,她把行军蚁和切叶蚁错误地混在了一起。

    But in the same drawing , she incorrectly lumped together army and leaf-cutter ants .

  10. 沙漠干热徒手应激行军对机体GSH和SOD的影响

    Effects of Soldiers Unloaded Marching in Dry Hot Desert on Glutathione and Superoxide Dismutase

  11. 结论沙漠应激行军者GSH含量和SOD活性的变化可能与应激行军有关。

    Conclusion It suggested that changes of GSH content and SOD activity in marchers in desert environment might associate with stress marching .

  12. 为探讨沙漠干热徒手应激行军时人体内一氧化氮合酶(NOS)作用机理,对74名沙漠干热环境中以不同速度和时间行军战士血浆NOS变化规律进行了研究。

    To explore the mechanism of nitric oxide synthase ( NOS ) induced by marching tin dry hot desert , nitric oxide synthase ( NOS ) likein plasmas was detected .

  13. 同时,HowardRussell,这位美国密歇根州大学的昆虫专家,说一旦它们接近行军点时,它们就很难停下来。

    And Howard Russell , an insect expert at Michigan State University , says once they get to the marching point , they are difficult to stop .

  14. 为探讨沙漠干热徒手行军时人体脂质过氧化和抗氧化作用及其机制,观察了74名沙漠干热环境中以不同速度和时间行军战士血浆GSH和SOD的变化。

    To explore the mechanism of lipid peroxidation and anti lipid peroxidation induced by marching in dry hot desert , glutathione ( GSH ) and superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) in plasma were detected .

  15. 负重行军、5km武装越野是部队日常训练中极其重要训练科目。

    The weight-bearing March , 5km armed cross-country is extremely important in the daily training troops trained subjects .

  16. 目的探讨沙漠热环境负重行军者血淋巴细胞HSP70的变化规律。

    Objective To explore the regulation of heat shock protein 70 ( HSP70 ) in human lymphocyte in case of marching without load in dry-heat desert .

  17. 方法对在沙漠干热环境中分别以35km/h和50km/h徒手行军1,2,3h试验组60名战士和对照组14名战士血浆NO和NOS、心律增值、肛温增值和积热指数等进行分析。

    Methods When unarmed soldiers marching in dry heat desert at different speeds for different periods , NO , NOS , heart rate , rectal temperature and body heat storage index ( BHSI ) of 60 soldiers and 14 controls were observed .

  18. 本文研究了8名青年男士兵在35℃(DB)和29℃(WB)的高温环境下负重行军的体温和出汗量的变化特点。

    The characteristics of changes in rectum temperature and sweating rate were studied for 8 young male soldiers on a simulated march with back load on an ergometer in hot environment of35 ℃ ( DB ) and 29 ℃( WB ) .

  19. 方法对74名15kg负重在沙漠干热环境以不同速度和时间行军战士和对照人群血浆的变化进行了研究。

    Methods The changes of GSH and SOD in plasma of 74 soldiers , including 60 soldiers marching with 15 kg loading at different speed for different time and 14 controls were determined .

  20. B1106吧哈美国-行军上低音乐器,降B键,.500“内腔,10”喇叭,镀镍活塞,透明亮漆,带箱子。

    B1106 Bach USA-Marching Baritone , key of Bb , . 500 " bore , 10 " bell , nickel-plated pistons , clear lacquer , with case .

  21. 他要你行军到波哥斯去救她们。

    He hopes you will march on Burgos to rescue her .

  22. 在行军途中他们遇到了许多困难。

    They met with a lot of difficulties on the march .

  23. 在长途行军中没有一个人掉队。

    Not a single man fell out in the long march .

  24. 靴子擦干净后,士兵们开始行军。

    The boots cleaned , the soldiers began to march on .

  25. 在那场行军的最后,我已精疲力尽了。

    At the end of the march , I pooped out .

  26. 部队往深山长途行军。

    The troops were on a long march into the mountains .

  27. 每天我们要行军一百里左右。

    Every day we marched a hundred li or so .

  28. 这个数字大约是主力部队的最低行军长度。

    This figure was perhaps the average march of the main forces .

  29. 部队很早就出发去进行10英里行军。

    The troop set forth on their ten-mile hike early .

  30. 在太阳下长途的行军,使士兵们渐失精力。

    The long march in the sun enervated the soldiers .