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  1. 在他凌乱的百老汇办公室里,他被堆成山的文件团团包围。

    He is walled in by a mountain of papers in his cluttered Broadway office .

  2. 粮食堆满仓,果子堆成山。

    Storehouses are bursting with grain , and fruit is piled high on the ground .

  3. 看着院子里堆成山的粮食,全家人都喜笑颜开。

    Looking at the grain piled high in the courtyard , the whole family were wreathed in smiles .

  4. 然而,还有第二种已知类型的火山,它不是因成山作用形成的。

    There is , however , a second les known type of volcano that doesn 't involve mountain building .

  5. 试验以促成山茶花在国庆(10月1日)开花为目的,采用了赤霉素(GA)及添加营养物质等处理。

    The experiments were made with a view to forcing bloom of camellia in " National Day " ( Oct. 1 ) .

  6. Carlos和我的账单快堆成山了,但我们没钱付。

    Carlos and I are up to our asses in bills and we can 't pay them .

  7. 我有个同为乐评人的朋友,有段时间家里CD堆成山,几乎占满了整间公寓。

    A friend of mine , also a critic , used to live among towers of CDs , to the point they threatened to take over his entire apartment .

  8. 印支期出现早期前陆盆地海相复理石沉积,由于早印支运动使T2砂泥岩揉褶成山,晚期前陆盆地夭折。

    The marine flysch deposition of early foreland basin appeared in Indosinian ; owing to early Indosinian movement the sand mudstones ( T 2 ) were folded into mountains , which made the late foreland basin be withered away ;

  9. 以山葡萄汁为主要原料,通过发酵制成山葡萄醋饮料,采用正交优化试验设计确定了醋酸发酵的适宜工艺条件,即发酵温度30℃,发酵时间4d,醋酸菌接种量3%;

    Acetic acid fermented beverage was prepared through mountain grape juice . The optimum fermentation condition was determined by orthogonal design , know as fermentation temperature 30 ℃, fermentation period time 4d , the volume of inoculums 3 % .

  10. 秦岭造山带地壳构造与楔入成山

    The crustal structure of the Qinling orogen and wedging mountain building

  11. 好吧,这堆成山的巧克力棒包装纸呢

    Okay . What about this mountain of butterfinger wrappers ?

  12. 东昆仑东段第四纪成山作用过程与地貌变迁

    Mountain Building Process and Geomorphic Migration of Eastern Kunlun Mountains during Quaternary

  13. 每天做一点就不会堆积成山了,你也就可以随时整理了。

    It 'll never pile up and you 'll always be caught up .

  14. 在西方国家,每天扔掉堆积成山的垃圾。

    In western countries , mountains of rubbish are thrown away each day .

  15. 成山角潮流基本特征

    Tidal current characteristics in the Chengshan Cape seas

  16. 成山的废品如何遍布了路面?

    How did these hills of rubbish find their way to cover its sides ?

  17. 比如说,英国极力在解决绿玻璃成堆成山的问题。

    Britain , for example , is struggling with a mountain of green glass .

  18. 楔入构造活动是秦岭造山带的成山模型。

    Activities So Wedging was the mechanism for mountain building in the Qinling orogen .

  19. 但对大多数明星来说,处理堆积成山的歌迷来信实在负担颇重。

    But dealing with piles of fan mail is a big burden for most celebrities .

  20. 我们数据堆积成山…

    We 've got mountains of data ...

  21. 中国东部黄山的成山过程及其构造意义

    The mountain-building process of the Huangshan Mountain , East China , and its tectonic implications

  22. 脏盘子堆成山了

    The dishes were just piling up .

  23. 也是出于同样的原因,债务堆积成山的发达国家对其富有的国民虎视眈眈。

    Advanced economies that have piled up debts are eyeing their rich for similar reasons .

  24. 那些材料真的能够堆积成山。

    That material forms a veritable mountain .

  25. 增加的建设及交通用地主要集中在月湖以西的成山镇附近和以东的沿海地区。

    Most of the buildings and highways are distributed nearby the Chengshan Town and the foreland .

  26. 都堆积成山了有什么线索没有什么新的进展

    They 're just pilin ' up.So what do we know ? Nothing new to report yet .

  27. 速度较慢的参与者也不再经受等待他的堆成山的物品的压力了。

    The slower participant was no longer being pressured by a tower of units waiting for them .

  28. 由于一个快速和慢速作业之间成山的积压物品,所以该数量是巨大的。

    This number was huge due to the towers of units between a fast and slow task .

  29. 徐炳成山仑李凤民,苜蓿与沙打旺苗期生长和水分利用对土壤水分变化的反应。

    Responses of Medicago sativa and Astragalus adsurgens seedlings growth and water use to soil moisture regime .

  30. 在欧洲,人们谈论的是堆成山的谷物和黄油、流成河的牛奶和葡萄酒。

    The talk in Europe was of grain and butter mountains , and lakes of milk and wine .