
While repairs are being carried out on this part of the motorway , a contraflow system is in operation .
A SN-Trending Left-Slip Thrusting Active Fault in the Western Segment of Hexi Corridor , Gansu , NW China and It 's Significance
Methods 80 cases ( 90 eyes ) of chronic dacryoadenitis or simple obstruction of nasolacrimal duct were treated by inverse planting silica gel tubes .
SN-trending left-slip thrusting active fault has been found at the western Yinwashan margin in north of Jiuxi basin , western segment of Hexi corridor .
( The buttons here are also known as the horizontal and vertical control bars . ) We created the vertical control bar by rotating the row button 90 degrees counterclockwise ( - 90 ), as shown in Listing 11 below .
The phenomenon of the counterclockwise loop of a moving vortex is clearly shown , and the changing asymmetry with time may serve as a precursor for this phenomenon .
And ( 3 ) Structural lens shape and kinematics signs indicate that the early fault movement was of sinistral shear with thrust , and the later , dextral shear with oblique down-slip .
The treatment principles , to strengthen spleen and soothe liver , regulate Qi and descend adverse flow of Qi might be related to promoting gastric emptying , strengthening the esophageal anti-reflux barrier and expurgation function , or accelerating the repair of esophageal mucous membrane .
Therefore , any single model of sinistral or dextral , thrusting , normal slip cannot explain its tectonic evolution comprehensively and rationally .