
  • 网络hypersonic vehicle
  1. 本文以NASA的Langley研究中心公布的通用高超声速飞行器纵向模型为研究对象,主要从提高飞行器在巡航段内对跟踪指令响应的快速性和准确性出发,进行相关控制方法的研究。

    Based on the generic hypersonic vehicle longitudinal model developed by NASA Langley research center , this paper makes the relevant control research for improving flight performance when the flight vehicle in the cruise section .

  2. 提出了一种基于自适应观测器的故障诊断与容错控制策略,应用到近空间高超声速飞行器(NSHV)上处理执行器故障。

    A fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control scheme using adaptive observer is generalized to near space hypersonic vehicle ( NSHV ) to deal with actuator fault .

  3. 气动加热问题是高超声速飞行器TPS(ThermalProtectionSystem,热防护系统)设计的关键,数值模拟是研究气动加热问题的重要手段,对气动热数值模拟进行研究具有重要的意义。

    Aerodynamic heating problems are the key to the design of hypersonic vehicle TPS ( Thermal Protection System ) .

  4. 高超声速飞行器的模糊CMAC神经网络控制器设计

    Fuzzy CMAC Control Design for Hypersonic Vehicle

  5. 高超声速飞行器BTT非线性控制器设计与仿真

    Design and simulation of BTT nonlinear controller for hypersonic vehicle

  6. 本文发展了MATLAB语言环境下的现代优化算法,包括遗传算法、模拟退火算法和基于分支联赛选择的多目标遗传算法,并用来求解高超声速飞行器气动外形参数优化问题。

    The MATLAB based modern optimization algorithms , including genetic algorithm , simulated annealing algorithm and Pareto genetic algorithm , are developed and applied to aerodynamic configuration optimization for hypersonic vehicles .

  7. 基于多环QFT的高超声速飞行器鲁棒控制

    Robust Control for a Hypersonic Vehicle Based on Multi-loop QFT

  8. 采用后向面判别法和深度缓冲器算法分析面元之间的遮挡关系,计算了整个高超声速飞行器的RCS。

    To compute RCS of whole HCV , the shadowing relationship of facet analyzed by the method of backward surface identification and depth-buffer is considered .

  9. 高超声速飞行器基于Back-stepping的离散控制器设计

    Discrete-time controller design for hypersonic vehicle via back-stepping

  10. 针对线性化模型,设计了LQR控制器,并结合内模原理和最优控制理论设计高超声速飞行器最优鲁棒伺服系统。

    And then the LQR controller is designed . Besides , the optimal robust servo system is designed by combining the internal model principle with the optimal control theory .

  11. 基于INA-QFT的高超声速飞行器鲁棒控制器设计

    Design of Robust Controller for Hypersonic Vehicles Based on INA-QFT

  12. 二维带动力吸气式高超声速飞行器绕流的PNS-NS混合求解

    PNS-NS combined method for solving two-dimensional powered airbreathing hypersonic vehicle 's flowfield

  13. 高超声速飞行器最优PIF-LQR控制器设计

    Optimal PIF-LQR Control Design for a Generic Hypersonic Vehicle

  14. RBCC发动机性能分析模型在高超声速飞行器方案选择、总体设计以及RBCC发动机设计与性能分析等方面具有极其重要的作用。

    RBCC engine performance analysis model plays an important part in scheme selection and model design for Hypersonic Flight Vehicle , RBCC engine design and performance analysis .

  15. 对某型高超声速飞行器的结构设计方案进行了研究,提出了参数化模型,在AML集成设计框架中成功地完成了飞行器几何模型的参数化建模与驱动;

    The work of this paper include : 1 . The structure scheme of a certain type of hypersonic vehicle is studied , a parameterization model of the vehicle is set up , parameterization geometry model and drive of the vehicle is carried out .

  16. 针对存在强烈不确定和干扰的近空间高超声速飞行器(NHV),提出了一种新的非线性自适应控制方法。

    A novel nonlinear adaptive control method is presented for a near-space hypersonic vehicle ( NHV ) in the presence of strong uncertainties and disturbances .

  17. 利用风洞实验技术和数值模拟技术对一种类X-43A高超声速飞行器冷流状态下的全流道流态特征及其气动特性进行研究。

    This paper mainly uses technology of experiment and method of CFD to make an exploration of aerodynamic performance and whole flow characteristics of hypersonic vehicle which is similar to X-43A .

  18. 高超声速飞行器飞行特性和控制的若干问题

    Several Problems of Flight Characteristics and Flight Control for Hypersonic Vehicles

  19. 以超燃冲压发动机为动力的吸气式高超声速飞行器,已成为现阶段的研究热点。

    Scramjet-powered air-breathing hypersonic vehicle has become a research focus nowadays .

  20. 高超声速飞行器一体化防热与热控设计方法

    Integrated thermal protection and control system design methodology for hypersonic vehicles

  21. 高超声速飞行器单壁膨胀喷管的自动优化设计

    Automated design optimization of single expansion ramp nozzle for hypersonic vehicle

  22. 源项法模拟高超声速飞行器内外一体化流场

    Simplified numerical simulation method for integrated flow field of hypersonic vehicle

  23. 高超声速飞行器热载荷计算及影响因素分析

    Calculation of thermal load and impact factor analysis for hypersonic vehicle

  24. 高超声速飞行器/发动机流动控制研究

    Study on Flow Controls for Hypersonic Flying Vehicle Fuselage / Propulsion

  25. 带约束的高超声速飞行器最优弹道的数值算法

    Numerical Solution of Optimal Trajectory for Hypersonic Vehicle with Constraints

  26. 高超声速飞行器周期巡航与总体参数关系研究

    Study on Relationship between Periodic Cruise and Configuration Parameters of Hypersonic Vehicle

  27. 机身/推进系统一体化高超声速飞行器冷却性能分析

    Cooling Analysis of an Airframe / Propulsion Integrated Hypersonic Vehicle

  28. 高超声速飞行器后体喷管三维构型设计

    Design of three dimensional afterbody / nozzle configuration of airbreathing hypersonic vehicle

  29. 着重对高超声速飞行器总体性能参数展开优化分析。

    Mostly optimizing and analyzing the performance parameter of hypersonic vehicle system .

  30. 机身头部构型对高超声速飞行器气动-推进性能的影响

    Influence of head configuration on aerodynamic-propulsive performance of hypersonic vehicles