
yīng táo mù
  • cherry
  1. 她需要在她房里添一个樱桃木的柜子。

    She needs a cherry cabinet in her room .

  2. 同时您还可挑选一款暖色橡木或樱桃木炉台相称于这款豪华壁炉。

    You can also find a warm color oak or cherry wood furnace table to match this luxurious fireplace .

  3. 樱桃木主要用来制作家具,这种硬木呈现出非常光亮的棕色。

    The wood of the cherry-tree is much used for making furniture . It is a hard wood , of a very pretty , brownish colour .

  4. 樱桃木地板的表面化学处理

    Chemical Treatment for Prunus Wood Floor Surface

  5. 我走进了厨房,年月久远的瓷砖地面,樱桃木材质的各色橱柜。

    I entered the kitchen , with its old tile floor and its cherrywood cabinets .

  6. 桌子上方的墙上挂着一面长镜子,它的边框是樱桃木的。

    On the wall just over the table hung a long mirror , which was lined in cherry wood .

  7. 后面的一张樱桃木圆桌旁,围着一群当地的政客在谈着什么事。

    A group of Cook County politicians were conferring about a round cherry-wood table in the rear portion of the room .

  8. 宽广大气的布局,加上樱桃木色的厨柜材料、实木雕刻及手工描金点缀,卓尔不群,一派沉稳贵重的王者之气。

    Broad and elegant arrangement plus cherry wooden material , solid wood engraving and golden manual painting show an outstanding nature and royal demeanor .

  9. 主要用于家具。经常用来替代硬枫木或者一些贵重的硬木。纹理与樱桃木相近。

    Wood used mainly for furniture , usually substituted for hard maple or for more expensive hardwoods and stained to look like others such as cherry .

  10. 樱桃木色的橱柜显得更加温暖与华丽。摆放着搅拌碗、瓦罐、砂锅、几排调料和瓶瓶罐罐的架子看起来也更加舒心了。

    The cherry-stained kitchen cabinets look warmer , richer ; the shelves of mixing bowls , crocks and casseroles , the rows of spices and jars and bottles , are homier .

  11. 巨大的天窗让自然光得以投入,墙壁则是淡樱桃木的颜色。图书馆里新增了四个中庭,雕塑由屋顶上悬吊而下。

    Big holes have been knocked in the roof to bring in the light , walls have been clad in light cherry wood , and there are four new atria adorned with hanging sculptures .

  12. 他接着说:“乔治,这周围没有刚砍的柴火,可你的头发和衣服上全是木屑,这些木屑看上去像是樱桃木的。这,你如何解释?”

    this.He continued : " George , there " s no fresh - cut firewood around , but your hair an d clothing are full of wood chips , and the chips look like cherry wood to me.How do you explain t hat ? "