
  • 网络Rugby World Cup
  1. 下一届橄榄球世界杯赛将于三年后举行。.

    The next Rugby World Cup will take place in three years ' time .

  2. 三年前伦敦举办了一届令人难忘的奥运会,如今英格兰正在准备承办今年秋天的橄榄球世界杯(RugbyWorldCup)——2015年世界最大的体育赛事之一。

    Three years after London hosted a memorable games , England is preparing to stage this autumn 's Rugby World Cup , one of the biggest sporting events of 2015 .

  3. 我曾满怀信心地预测,新西兰会在去年10月的橄榄球世界杯上(RugbyWorldCup)击败法国。

    I had confidently forecast a New Zealand victory over France in last October 's Rugby World Cup .

  4. 但愿我今年能在橄榄球世界杯(RugbyWorldCup)上,在特威克纳姆(Twickenham)橄榄球场内表演。

    Hopefully I 'll be performing inside Twickenham rugby stadium later this year during the Rugby World Cup .

  5. 前南非总统纳尔逊·曼德拉曾独具匠心地设计了南非举国共同的体验,带领这个种族分裂的国家在1995年橄榄球世界杯(1995WorldCup)上同心协力地支持南非橄榄球队Springboks。

    Former South African President Nelson Mandela brilliantly manufactured a shared national experience when he brought a racially divided nation together to support its rugby team , the Springboks , in the 1995 World Cup .

  6. 南非夺冠橄榄球世界杯的激情,逐渐被日常生活的现实所磨灭。

    That South African World Cup Rugby glow gave way to everyday reality .

  7. 英式橄榄球世界杯是世界上最重大的国际间英式橄榄球联盟的比赛。

    The Rugby World Cup is the premier international rugby union competition in the world .

  8. 英格兰队在2011年橄榄球世界杯上表现欠佳,球员被指在场外缺乏纪律并纵饮狂欢。

    The England team had just completed a miserable 2011 World Cup campaign noted for off-field player indiscipline and revelry .

  9. 启程前往澳洲参加橄榄球世界杯赛之前,南非队队员都必须参加一个为时三天的训练营。

    Before leaving for the Rugby World Cup in Australia , the South African team were ordered to attend a three-day training camp .

  10. 新西兰正准备举办橄榄球世界杯,总理约翰·基称这是新西兰举办的最大的一场赛事。

    New Zealand is preparing to open the Rugby World Cup , described by Prime Minister John Key as the biggest event his country has staged .

  11. 去年10月,默多克和霍尔首次在公开场合出双入对。当时两人在伦敦观看一场橄榄球世界杯决赛,澳大利亚对阵新西兰。

    Mr Murdoch and Miss Hall were first spotted together in public in October at the Rugby World Cup final in London between Australia and New Zealand .

  12. 这对爱人是经由默多克的姐姐和侄女的介绍,自去年夏天开始交往的,并在10月份的伦敦橄榄球世界杯决赛上第一次公布恋情。

    The pair started dating late summer after being introduced by one of Murdoch 's sisters and his niece , and first made their relationship public in October at the rugby World Cup final in London .

  13. 这张照片是在周五新西兰总理约翰·基对英进行正式访问期间拍摄的,约翰·基来英国观看新西兰国家队在此次橄榄球世界杯总决赛的比赛。

    The photograph were taken on Friday during an official visit by the New Zealand Prime Minister , John Key , who was in the country to watch his national team play in the Rugby World Cup Final .